\section{\module{fcntl} --- The \function{fcntl()} and \function{ioctl()} system calls} \declaremodule{builtin}{fcntl} \platform{Unix} \modulesynopsis{The \function{fcntl()} and \function{ioctl()} system calls.} \sectionauthor{Jaap Vermeulen}{} \indexii{UNIX@\UNIX{}}{file control} \indexii{UNIX@\UNIX{}}{I/O control} This module performs file control and I/O control on file descriptors. It is an interface to the \cfunction{fcntl()} and \cfunction{ioctl()} \UNIX{} routines. File descriptors can be obtained with the \method{fileno()} method of a file or socket object. The module defines the following functions: \begin{funcdesc}{fcntl}{fd, op\optional{, arg}} Perform the requested operation on file descriptor \var{fd}. The operation is defined by \var{op} and is operating system dependent. Typically these codes can be retrieved from the library module \module{FCNTL}\refstmodindex{FCNTL}. The argument \var{arg} is optional, and defaults to the integer value \code{0}. When present, it can either be an integer value, or a string. With the argument missing or an integer value, the return value of this function is the integer return value of the C \cfunction{fcntl()} call. When the argument is a string it represents a binary structure, e.g.\ created by \function{struct.pack()}. The binary data is copied to a buffer whose address is passed to the C \cfunction{fcntl()} call. The return value after a successful call is the contents of the buffer, converted to a string object. The length of the returned string will be the same as the length of the \var{arg} argument. This is limited to 1024 bytes. If the information returned in the buffer by the operating system is larger than 1024 bytes, this is most likely to result in a segmentation violation or a more subtle data corruption. If the \cfunction{fcntl()} fails, an \exception{IOError} is raised. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{ioctl}{fd, op, arg} This function is identical to the \function{fcntl()} function, except that the operations are typically defined in the library module \module{IOCTL}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{flock}{fd, op} Perform the lock operation \var{op} on file descriptor \var{fd}. See the \UNIX{} manual \manpage{flock}{3} for details. (On some systems, this function is emulated using \cfunction{fcntl()}.) \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{lockf}{fd, operation, \optional{len, \optional{start, \optional{whence}}}} This is essentially a wrapper around the \function{fcntl()} locking calls. \var{fd} is the file descriptor of the file to lock or unlock, and \var{operation} is one of the following values: \begin{itemize} \item \constant{LOCK_UN} -- unlock \item \constant{LOCK_SH} -- acquire a shared lock \item \constant{LOCK_EX} -- acquire an exclusive lock \end{itemize} When \var{operation} is \constant{LOCK_SH} or \constant{LOCK_EX}, it can also be bit-wise OR'd with \constant{LOCK_NB} to avoid blocking on lock acquisition. If \constant{LOCK_NB} is used and the lock cannot be acquired, an \exception{IOError} will be raised and the exception will have an \var{errno} attribute set to \constant{EACCES} or \constant{EAGAIN} (depending on the operating system; for portability, check for both values). \var{length} is the number of bytes to lock, \var{start} is the byte offset at which the lock starts, relative to \var{whence}, and \var{whence} is as with \function{fileobj.seek()}, specifically: \begin{itemize} \item \constant{0} -- relative to the start of the file (\constant{SEEK_SET}) \item \constant{1} -- relative to the current buffer position (\constant{SEEK_CUR}) \item \constant{2} -- relative to the end of the file (\constant{SEEK_END}) \end{itemize} The default for \var{start} is 0, which means to start at the beginning of the file. The default for \var{length} is 0 which means to lock to the end of the file. The default for \var{whence} is also 0. \end{funcdesc} If the library modules \module{FCNTL}\refstmodindex{FCNTL} or \module{IOCTL}\refstmodindex{IOCTL} are missing, you can find the opcodes in the C include files \code{} and \code{}. You can create the modules yourself with the \program{h2py} script, found in the \file{Tools/scripts/} directory. Examples (all on a SVR4 compliant system): \begin{verbatim} import struct, fcntl, FCNTL file = open(...) rv = fcntl(file.fileno(), FCNTL.O_NDELAY, 1) lockdata = struct.pack('hhllhh', FCNTL.F_WRLCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) rv = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), FCNTL.F_SETLKW, lockdata) \end{verbatim} Note that in the first example the return value variable \code{rv} will hold an integer value; in the second example it will hold a string value. The structure lay-out for the \var{lockdata} variable is system dependent --- therefore using the \function{flock()} call may be better.