__all__ = ['create_subprocess_exec', 'create_subprocess_shell'] import collections import subprocess from . import events from . import futures from . import protocols from . import streams from . import tasks from .coroutines import coroutine from .log import logger PIPE = subprocess.PIPE STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT DEVNULL = subprocess.DEVNULL class SubprocessStreamProtocol(streams.FlowControlMixin, protocols.SubprocessProtocol): """Like StreamReaderProtocol, but for a subprocess.""" def __init__(self, limit, loop): super().__init__(loop=loop) self._limit = limit self.stdin = self.stdout = self.stderr = None self.waiter = futures.Future(loop=loop) self._waiters = collections.deque() self._transport = None def __repr__(self): info = [self.__class__.__name__] if self.stdin is not None: info.append('stdin=%r' % self.stdin) if self.stdout is not None: info.append('stdout=%r' % self.stdout) if self.stderr is not None: info.append('stderr=%r' % self.stderr) return '<%s>' % ' '.join(info) def connection_made(self, transport): self._transport = transport if transport.get_pipe_transport(1): self.stdout = streams.StreamReader(limit=self._limit, loop=self._loop) if transport.get_pipe_transport(2): self.stderr = streams.StreamReader(limit=self._limit, loop=self._loop) stdin = transport.get_pipe_transport(0) if stdin is not None: self.stdin = streams.StreamWriter(stdin, protocol=self, reader=None, loop=self._loop) self.waiter.set_result(None) def pipe_data_received(self, fd, data): if fd == 1: reader = self.stdout elif fd == 2: reader = self.stderr else: reader = None if reader is not None: reader.feed_data(data) def pipe_connection_lost(self, fd, exc): if fd == 0: pipe = self.stdin if pipe is not None: pipe.close() self.connection_lost(exc) return if fd == 1: reader = self.stdout elif fd == 2: reader = self.stderr else: reader = None if reader != None: if exc is None: reader.feed_eof() else: reader.set_exception(exc) def process_exited(self): # wake up futures waiting for wait() returncode = self._transport.get_returncode() while self._waiters: waiter = self._waiters.popleft() waiter.set_result(returncode) class Process: def __init__(self, transport, protocol, loop): self._transport = transport self._protocol = protocol self._loop = loop self.stdin = protocol.stdin self.stdout = protocol.stdout self.stderr = protocol.stderr self.pid = transport.get_pid() def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pid) @property def returncode(self): return self._transport.get_returncode() @coroutine def wait(self): """Wait until the process exit and return the process return code.""" returncode = self._transport.get_returncode() if returncode is not None: return returncode waiter = futures.Future(loop=self._loop) self._protocol._waiters.append(waiter) yield from waiter return waiter.result() def _check_alive(self): if self._transport.get_returncode() is not None: raise ProcessLookupError() def send_signal(self, signal): self._check_alive() self._transport.send_signal(signal) def terminate(self): self._check_alive() self._transport.terminate() def kill(self): self._check_alive() self._transport.kill() @coroutine def _feed_stdin(self, input): debug = self._loop.get_debug() self.stdin.write(input) if debug: logger.debug('%r communicate: feed stdin (%s bytes)', self, len(input)) try: yield from self.stdin.drain() except (BrokenPipeError, ConnectionResetError) as exc: # communicate() ignores BrokenPipeError and ConnectionResetError if debug: logger.debug('%r communicate: stdin got %r', self, exc) if debug: logger.debug('%r communicate: close stdin', self) self.stdin.close() @coroutine def _noop(self): return None @coroutine def _read_stream(self, fd): transport = self._transport.get_pipe_transport(fd) if fd == 2: stream = self.stderr else: assert fd == 1 stream = self.stdout if self._loop.get_debug(): name = 'stdout' if fd == 1 else 'stderr' logger.debug('%r communicate: read %s', self, name) output = yield from stream.read() if self._loop.get_debug(): name = 'stdout' if fd == 1 else 'stderr' logger.debug('%r communicate: close %s', self, name) transport.close() return output @coroutine def communicate(self, input=None): if input: stdin = self._feed_stdin(input) else: stdin = self._noop() if self.stdout is not None: stdout = self._read_stream(1) else: stdout = self._noop() if self.stderr is not None: stderr = self._read_stream(2) else: stderr = self._noop() stdin, stdout, stderr = yield from tasks.gather(stdin, stdout, stderr, loop=self._loop) yield from self.wait() return (stdout, stderr) @coroutine def create_subprocess_shell(cmd, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None, limit=streams._DEFAULT_LIMIT, **kwds): if loop is None: loop = events.get_event_loop() protocol_factory = lambda: SubprocessStreamProtocol(limit=limit, loop=loop) transport, protocol = yield from loop.subprocess_shell( protocol_factory, cmd, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwds) yield from protocol.waiter return Process(transport, protocol, loop) @coroutine def create_subprocess_exec(program, *args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, loop=None, limit=streams._DEFAULT_LIMIT, **kwds): if loop is None: loop = events.get_event_loop() protocol_factory = lambda: SubprocessStreamProtocol(limit=limit, loop=loop) transport, protocol = yield from loop.subprocess_exec( protocol_factory, program, *args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwds) yield from protocol.waiter return Process(transport, protocol, loop)