""" robotparser.py Copyright (C) 2000 Bastian Kleineidam You can choose between two licenses when using this package: 1) GNU GPLv2 2) PYTHON 2.0 OPEN SOURCE LICENSE The robots.txt Exclusion Protocol is implemented as specified in http://info.webcrawler.com/mak/projects/robots/norobots-rfc.html """ import re,string,urlparse,urllib __all__ = ["RobotFileParser"] debug = 0 def _debug(msg): if debug: print msg class RobotFileParser: def __init__(self, url=''): self.entries = [] self.disallow_all = 0 self.allow_all = 0 self.set_url(url) self.last_checked = 0 def mtime(self): return self.last_checked def modified(self): import time self.last_checked = time.time() def set_url(self, url): self.url = url self.host, self.path = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1:3] def read(self): import httplib tries = 0 while tries<5: connection = httplib.HTTP(self.host) connection.putrequest("GET", self.path) connection.putheader("Host", self.host) connection.endheaders() status, text, mime = connection.getreply() if status in [301,302] and mime: tries = tries + 1 newurl = mime.get("Location", mime.get("Uri", "")) newurl = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, newurl) self.set_url(newurl) else: break if status==401 or status==403: self.disallow_all = 1 elif status>=400: self.allow_all = 1 else: # status < 400 self.parse(connection.getfile().readlines()) def parse(self, lines): """parse the input lines from a robot.txt file. We allow that a user-agent: line is not preceded by one or more blank lines.""" state = 0 linenumber = 0 entry = Entry() for line in lines: line = string.strip(line) linenumber = linenumber + 1 if not line: if state==1: _debug("line %d: warning: you should insert" " allow: or disallow: directives below any" " user-agent: line" % linenumber) entry = Entry() state = 0 elif state==2: self.entries.append(entry) entry = Entry() state = 0 # remove optional comment and strip line i = string.find(line, '#') if i>=0: line = line[:i] line = string.strip(line) if not line: continue line = string.split(line, ':', 1) if len(line) == 2: line[0] = string.lower(string.strip(line[0])) line[1] = string.strip(line[1]) if line[0] == "user-agent": if state==2: _debug("line %d: warning: you should insert a blank" " line before any user-agent" " directive" % linenumber) self.entries.append(entry) entry = Entry() entry.useragents.append(line[1]) state = 1 elif line[0] == "disallow": if state==0: _debug("line %d: error: you must insert a user-agent:" " directive before this line" % linenumber) else: entry.rulelines.append(RuleLine(line[1], 0)) state = 2 elif line[0] == "allow": if state==0: _debug("line %d: error: you must insert a user-agent:" " directive before this line" % linenumber) else: entry.rulelines.append(RuleLine(line[1], 1)) else: _debug("line %d: warning: unknown key %s" % (linenumber, line[0])) else: _debug("line %d: error: malformed line %s"%(linenumber, line)) if state==2: self.entries.append(entry) _debug("Parsed rules:\n%s" % str(self)) def can_fetch(self, useragent, url): """using the parsed robots.txt decide if useragent can fetch url""" _debug("Checking robot.txt allowance for\n%s\n%s" % (useragent, url)) if self.disallow_all: return 0 if self.allow_all: return 1 # search for given user agent matches # the first match counts useragent = string.lower(useragent) url = urllib.quote(urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]) for entry in self.entries: if entry.applies_to(useragent): return entry.allowance(url) # agent not found ==> access granted return 1 def __str__(self): ret = "" for entry in self.entries: ret = ret + str(entry) + "\n" return ret class RuleLine: """A rule line is a single "Allow:" (allowance==1) or "Disallow:" (allowance==0) followed by a path.""" def __init__(self, path, allowance): self.path = urllib.quote(path) self.allowance = allowance def applies_to(self, filename): return self.path=="*" or re.match(self.path, filename) def __str__(self): return (self.allowance and "Allow" or "Disallow")+": "+self.path class Entry: """An entry has one or more user-agents and zero or more rulelines""" def __init__(self): self.useragents = [] self.rulelines = [] def __str__(self): ret = "" for agent in self.useragents: ret = ret + "User-agent: "+agent+"\n" for line in self.rulelines: ret = ret + str(line) + "\n" return ret def applies_to(self, useragent): "check if this entry applies to the specified agent" for agent in self.useragents: if agent=="*": return 1 if re.match(agent, useragent): return 1 return 0 def allowance(self, filename): """Preconditions: - our agent applies to this entry - filename is URL decoded""" for line in self.rulelines: if line.applies_to(filename): return line.allowance return 1 def _test(): global debug import sys rp = RobotFileParser() debug = 1 if len(sys.argv) <= 1: rp.set_url('http://www.musi-cal.com/robots.txt') rp.read() else: rp.parse(open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()) print rp.can_fetch('*', 'http://www.musi-cal.com/') print rp.can_fetch('Musi-Cal-Robot/1.0', 'http://www.musi-cal.com/cgi-bin/event-search' '?city=San+Francisco') if __name__ == '__main__': _test()