\section{\module{mailbox} --- Read various mailbox formats} \declaremodule{standard}{mailbox} \modulesynopsis{Read various mailbox formats.} This module defines a number of classes that allow easy and uniform access to mail messages in a (\UNIX{}) mailbox. \begin{classdesc}{UnixMailbox}{fp\optional{, factory}} Access to a classic \UNIX{}-style mailbox, where all messages are contained in a single file and separate by ``From '' (a.k.a ``From_'') lines. The file object \var{fp} points to the mailbox file. Optional \var{factory} is a callable that should create new message objects. It is called with one argument, \var{fp} by the \method{next()} method. The default is the \class{rfc822.Message} class (see the \refmodule{rfc822} module). For maximum portability, messages in a \UNIX{}-style mailbox are separated by any line that begins exactly with the letters \emph{F}, \emph{r}, \emph{o}, \emph{m}, \emph{[space]} if preceded by exactly two newlines. Because of the wide-range of variations in practice, nothing else on the From_ line should be considered. However, the current implementation doesn't check for the leading two newlines. This is usually fine for most applications. The \class{UnixMailbox} class implements a more strict version of From_ line checking, using a regular expression that usually correctly matched From_ delimiters. It considers delimiter line to be separated by ``From name time'' lines. For maximum portability, use the \class{PortableUnixMailbox} class instead. This class is completely identical to \class{UnixMailbox} except that individual messages are separated by only ``From '' lines. For more information see \url{http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/2.0/relnotes/demo/content-length.html}. \end{classdesc} \begin{classdesc}{MmdfMailbox}{fp\optional{, factory}} Access an MMDF-style mailbox, where all messages are contained in a single file and separated by lines consisting of 4 control-A characters. The file object \var{fp} points to the mailbox file. Optional \var{factory} is as with the \class{UnixMailbox} class. \end{classdesc} \begin{classdesc}{MHMailbox}{dirname\optional{, factory}} Access an MH mailbox, a directory with each message in a separate file with a numeric name. The name of the mailbox directory is passed in \var{dirname}. \var{factory} is as with the \class{UnixMailbox} class. \end{classdesc} \begin{classdesc}{Maildir}{dirname\optional{, factory}} Access a Qmail mail directory. All new and current mail for the mailbox specified by \var{dirname} is made available. \var{factory} is as with the \class{UnixMailbox} class. \end{classdesc} \begin{classdesc}{BabylMailbox}{fp\optional{, factory}} Access a Babyl mailbox, which is similar to an MMDF mailbox. Mail messages start with a line containing only \code{'*** EOOH ***'} and end with a line containing only \code{'\e{}037\e{}014'}. \var{factory} is as with the \class{UnixMailbox} class. \end{classdesc} \subsection{Mailbox Objects \label{mailbox-objects}} All implementations of Mailbox objects have one externally visible method: \begin{methoddesc}[mailbox]{next}{} Return the next message in the mailbox, created with the optional \var{factory} argument passed into the mailbox object's constructor. By defaul this is an \class{rfc822.Message} object (see the \refmodule{rfc822} module). Depending on the mailbox implementation the \var{fp} attribute of this object may be a true file object or a class instance simulating a file object, taking care of things like message boundaries if multiple mail messages are contained in a single file, etc. If no more messages are available, this method returns \code{None}. \end{methoddesc}