"""Simple W demo -- shows how to make a window, and bind a function to a "key" event.""" import W # key callback function def tester(char, event): text = "%r\r%d\r%s\r%s" % (char, ord(char), hex(ord(chart)), oct(ord(char))) window.keys.set(text) # close callback def close(): window.close() # new window window = W.Dialog((180, 100), "Type a character") # make a frame (a simple rectangle) window.frame = W.Frame((5, 5, -5, -33)) # some labels, static text window.captions = W.TextBox((10, 9, 43, -36), "char:\rdecimal:\rhex:\roctal:") # another static text box window.keys = W.TextBox((60, 9, 40, -36)) # a button window.button = W.Button((-69, -24, 60, 16), "Done", close) # bind the callbacks window.bind("", tester) window.bind("cmdw", window.button.push) # open the window window.open()