"""TextViewer class. The TextViewer allows you to see how the selected color would affect various characteristics of a Tk text widget. This is an output viewer only. In the top part of the window is a standard text widget with some sample text in it. You are free to edit this text in any way you want (TBD: allow you to change font characteristics). If you want changes in other viewers to update text characteristics, turn on Track color changes. To select which characteristic tracks the change, select one of the radio buttons in the window below. Text foreground and background affect the text in the window above. The Selection is what you see when you click the middle button and drag it through some text. The Insertion is the insertion cursor in the text window (which only has a background). """ from Tkinter import * import ColorDB class TextViewer: def __init__(self, switchboard, master=None): self.__sb = switchboard optiondb = switchboard.optiondb() root = self.__root = Toplevel(master, class_='Pynche') root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.withdraw) root.title('Pynche Text Window') root.iconname('Pynche Text Window') root.bind('', self.__quit) root.bind('', self.__quit) root.bind('', self.withdraw) root.bind('', self.withdraw) # # create the text widget # self.__text = Text(root, relief=SUNKEN, background=optiondb.get('TEXTBG', 'black'), foreground=optiondb.get('TEXTFG', 'white'), width=35, height=15) sfg = optiondb.get('TEXT_SFG') if sfg: self.__text.configure(selectforeground=sfg) sbg = optiondb.get('TEXT_SBG') if sbg: self.__text.configure(selectbackground=sbg) ibg = optiondb.get('TEXT_IBG') if ibg: self.__text.configure(insertbackground=ibg) self.__text.pack() self.__text.insert(0.0, optiondb.get('TEXT', '''\ Insert some stuff here and play with the buttons below to see how the colors interact in textual displays. See how the selection can also be affected by tickling the buttons and choosing a color.''')) insert = optiondb.get('TEXTINS') if insert: self.__text.mark_set(INSERT, insert) try: start, end = optiondb.get('TEXTSEL', (6.0, END)) self.__text.tag_add(SEL, start, end) except ValueError: # selection wasn't set pass self.__text.focus_set() # # variables self.__trackp = BooleanVar() self.__trackp.set(optiondb.get('TRACKP', 0)) self.__which = IntVar() self.__which.set(optiondb.get('WHICH', 0)) # # track toggle self.__t = Checkbutton(root, text='Track color changes', variable=self.__trackp, relief=GROOVE, command=self.__toggletrack) self.__t.pack(fill=X, expand=YES) frame = self.__frame = Frame(root) frame.pack() # # labels self.__labels = [] row = 2 for text in ('Text:', 'Selection:', 'Insertion:'): l = Label(frame, text=text) l.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=E) self.__labels.append(l) row = row + 1 col = 1 for text in ('Foreground', 'Background'): l = Label(frame, text=text) l.grid(row=1, column=col) self.__labels.append(l) col = col + 1 # # radios self.__radios = [] val = 0 for col in (1, 2): for row in (2, 3, 4): # there is no insertforeground option if row==4 and col==1: continue r = Radiobutton(frame, variable=self.__which, value=(row-2)*2 + col-1) r.grid(row=row, column=col) self.__radios.append(r) self.__toggletrack() def __quit(self, event=None): self.__root.quit() def withdraw(self, event=None): self.__root.withdraw() def deiconify(self, event=None): self.__root.deiconify() def __forceupdate(self, event=None): self.__sb.update_views_current() def __toggletrack(self, event=None): if self.__trackp.get(): state = NORMAL fg = self.__radios[0]['foreground'] else: state = DISABLED fg = self.__radios[0]['disabledforeground'] for r in self.__radios: r.configure(state=state) for l in self.__labels: l.configure(foreground=fg) def update_yourself(self, red, green, blue): if self.__trackp.get(): colorname = ColorDB.triplet_to_rrggbb((red, green, blue)) which = self.__which.get() if which == 0: self.__text.configure(foreground=colorname) elif which == 1: self.__text.configure(background=colorname) elif which == 2: self.__text.configure(selectforeground=colorname) elif which == 3: self.__text.configure(selectbackground=colorname) elif which == 5: self.__text.configure(insertbackground=colorname) def save_options(self, optiondb): optiondb['TRACKP'] = self.__trackp.get() optiondb['WHICH'] = self.__which.get() optiondb['TEXT'] = self.__text.get(0.0, 'end - 1c') optiondb['TEXTSEL'] = self.__text.tag_ranges(SEL)[0:2] optiondb['TEXTINS'] = self.__text.index(INSERT) optiondb['TEXTFG'] = self.__text['foreground'] optiondb['TEXTBG'] = self.__text['background'] optiondb['TEXT_SFG'] = self.__text['selectforeground'] optiondb['TEXT_SBG'] = self.__text['selectbackground'] optiondb['TEXT_IBG'] = self.__text['insertbackground']