#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # multibytecodec_support.py # Common Unittest Routines for CJK codecs # import codecs import os import re import sys import unittest from http.client import HTTPException from test import support from io import BytesIO class TestBase: encoding = '' # codec name codec = None # codec tuple (with 4 elements) tstring = None # must set. 2 strings to test StreamReader codectests = None # must set. codec test tuple roundtriptest = 1 # set if roundtrip is possible with unicode has_iso10646 = 0 # set if this encoding contains whole iso10646 map xmlcharnametest = None # string to test xmlcharrefreplace unmappedunicode = '\udeee' # a unicode codepoint that is not mapped. def setUp(self): if self.codec is None: self.codec = codecs.lookup(self.encoding) self.encode = self.codec.encode self.decode = self.codec.decode self.reader = self.codec.streamreader self.writer = self.codec.streamwriter self.incrementalencoder = self.codec.incrementalencoder self.incrementaldecoder = self.codec.incrementaldecoder def test_chunkcoding(self): tstring_lines = [] for b in self.tstring: lines = b.split(b"\n") last = lines.pop() assert last == b"" lines = [line + b"\n" for line in lines] tstring_lines.append(lines) for native, utf8 in zip(*tstring_lines): u = self.decode(native)[0] self.assertEqual(u, utf8.decode('utf-8')) if self.roundtriptest: self.assertEqual(native, self.encode(u)[0]) def test_errorhandle(self): for source, scheme, expected in self.codectests: if isinstance(source, bytes): func = self.decode else: func = self.encode if expected: result = func(source, scheme)[0] if func is self.decode: self.assertTrue(type(result) is str, type(result)) self.assertEqual(result, expected, '%a.decode(%r, %r)=%a != %a' % (source, self.encoding, scheme, result, expected)) else: self.assertTrue(type(result) is bytes, type(result)) self.assertEqual(result, expected, '%a.encode(%r, %r)=%a != %a' % (source, self.encoding, scheme, result, expected)) else: self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, func, source, scheme) def test_xmlcharrefreplace(self): if self.has_iso10646: return s = "\u0b13\u0b23\u0b60 nd eggs" self.assertEqual( self.encode(s, "xmlcharrefreplace")[0], b"ଓଣୠ nd eggs" ) def test_customreplace_encode(self): if self.has_iso10646: return from html.entities import codepoint2name def xmlcharnamereplace(exc): if not isinstance(exc, UnicodeEncodeError): raise TypeError("don't know how to handle %r" % exc) l = [] for c in exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]: if ord(c) in codepoint2name: l.append("&%s;" % codepoint2name[ord(c)]) else: l.append("&#%d;" % ord(c)) return ("".join(l), exc.end) codecs.register_error("test.xmlcharnamereplace", xmlcharnamereplace) if self.xmlcharnametest: sin, sout = self.xmlcharnametest else: sin = "\xab\u211c\xbb = \u2329\u1234\u232a" sout = b"«ℜ» = ⟨ሴ⟩" self.assertEqual(self.encode(sin, "test.xmlcharnamereplace")[0], sout) def test_callback_returns_bytes(self): def myreplace(exc): return (b"1234", exc.end) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) enc = self.encode("abc" + self.unmappedunicode + "def", "test.cjktest")[0] self.assertEqual(enc, b"abc1234def") def test_callback_wrong_objects(self): def myreplace(exc): return (ret, exc.end) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) for ret in ([1, 2, 3], [], None, object()): self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.encode, self.unmappedunicode, 'test.cjktest') def test_callback_long_index(self): def myreplace(exc): return ('x', int(exc.end)) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) self.assertEqual(self.encode('abcd' + self.unmappedunicode + 'efgh', 'test.cjktest'), (b'abcdxefgh', 9)) def myreplace(exc): return ('x', sys.maxsize + 1) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.encode, self.unmappedunicode, 'test.cjktest') def test_callback_None_index(self): def myreplace(exc): return ('x', None) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.encode, self.unmappedunicode, 'test.cjktest') def test_callback_backward_index(self): def myreplace(exc): if myreplace.limit > 0: myreplace.limit -= 1 return ('REPLACED', 0) else: return ('TERMINAL', exc.end) myreplace.limit = 3 codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) self.assertEqual(self.encode('abcd' + self.unmappedunicode + 'efgh', 'test.cjktest'), (b'abcdREPLACEDabcdREPLACEDabcdREPLACEDabcdTERMINALefgh', 9)) def test_callback_forward_index(self): def myreplace(exc): return ('REPLACED', exc.end + 2) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) self.assertEqual(self.encode('abcd' + self.unmappedunicode + 'efgh', 'test.cjktest'), (b'abcdREPLACEDgh', 9)) def test_callback_index_outofbound(self): def myreplace(exc): return ('TERM', 100) codecs.register_error("test.cjktest", myreplace) self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.encode, self.unmappedunicode, 'test.cjktest') def test_incrementalencoder(self): UTF8Reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') for sizehint in [None] + list(range(1, 33)) + \ [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]: istream = UTF8Reader(BytesIO(self.tstring[1])) ostream = BytesIO() encoder = self.incrementalencoder() while 1: if sizehint is not None: data = istream.read(sizehint) else: data = istream.read() if not data: break e = encoder.encode(data) ostream.write(e) self.assertEqual(ostream.getvalue(), self.tstring[0]) def test_incrementaldecoder(self): UTF8Writer = codecs.getwriter('utf-8') for sizehint in [None, -1] + list(range(1, 33)) + \ [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]: istream = BytesIO(self.tstring[0]) ostream = UTF8Writer(BytesIO()) decoder = self.incrementaldecoder() while 1: data = istream.read(sizehint) if not data: break else: u = decoder.decode(data) ostream.write(u) self.assertEqual(ostream.getvalue(), self.tstring[1]) def test_incrementalencoder_error_callback(self): inv = self.unmappedunicode e = self.incrementalencoder() self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, e.encode, inv, True) e.errors = 'ignore' self.assertEqual(e.encode(inv, True), b'') e.reset() def tempreplace(exc): return ('called', exc.end) codecs.register_error('test.incremental_error_callback', tempreplace) e.errors = 'test.incremental_error_callback' self.assertEqual(e.encode(inv, True), b'called') # again e.errors = 'ignore' self.assertEqual(e.encode(inv, True), b'') def test_streamreader(self): UTF8Writer = codecs.getwriter('utf-8') for name in ["read", "readline", "readlines"]: for sizehint in [None, -1] + list(range(1, 33)) + \ [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]: istream = self.reader(BytesIO(self.tstring[0])) ostream = UTF8Writer(BytesIO()) func = getattr(istream, name) while 1: data = func(sizehint) if not data: break if name == "readlines": ostream.writelines(data) else: ostream.write(data) self.assertEqual(ostream.getvalue(), self.tstring[1]) def test_streamwriter(self): readfuncs = ('read', 'readline', 'readlines') UTF8Reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') for name in readfuncs: for sizehint in [None] + list(range(1, 33)) + \ [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]: istream = UTF8Reader(BytesIO(self.tstring[1])) ostream = self.writer(BytesIO()) func = getattr(istream, name) while 1: if sizehint is not None: data = func(sizehint) else: data = func() if not data: break if name == "readlines": ostream.writelines(data) else: ostream.write(data) self.assertEqual(ostream.getvalue(), self.tstring[0]) class TestBase_Mapping(unittest.TestCase): pass_enctest = [] pass_dectest = [] supmaps = [] codectests = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kw) try: self.open_mapping_file().close() # test it to report the error early except (IOError, HTTPException): self.skipTest("Could not retrieve "+self.mapfileurl) def open_mapping_file(self): return support.open_urlresource(self.mapfileurl) def test_mapping_file(self): if self.mapfileurl.endswith('.xml'): self._test_mapping_file_ucm() else: self._test_mapping_file_plain() def _test_mapping_file_plain(self): unichrs = lambda s: ''.join(map(chr, map(eval, s.split('+')))) urt_wa = {} with self.open_mapping_file() as f: for line in f: if not line: break data = line.split('#')[0].strip().split() if len(data) != 2: continue csetval = eval(data[0]) if csetval <= 0x7F: csetch = bytes([csetval & 0xff]) elif csetval >= 0x1000000: csetch = bytes([(csetval >> 24), ((csetval >> 16) & 0xff), ((csetval >> 8) & 0xff), (csetval & 0xff)]) elif csetval >= 0x10000: csetch = bytes([(csetval >> 16), ((csetval >> 8) & 0xff), (csetval & 0xff)]) elif csetval >= 0x100: csetch = bytes([(csetval >> 8), (csetval & 0xff)]) else: continue unich = unichrs(data[1]) if ord(unich) == 0xfffd or unich in urt_wa: continue urt_wa[unich] = csetch self._testpoint(csetch, unich) def _test_mapping_file_ucm(self): with self.open_mapping_file() as f: ucmdata = f.read() uc = re.findall('', ucmdata) for uni, coded in uc: unich = chr(int(uni, 16)) codech = bytes(int(c, 16) for c in coded.split()) self._testpoint(codech, unich) def test_mapping_supplemental(self): for mapping in self.supmaps: self._testpoint(*mapping) def _testpoint(self, csetch, unich): if (csetch, unich) not in self.pass_enctest: self.assertEqual(unich.encode(self.encoding), csetch) if (csetch, unich) not in self.pass_dectest: self.assertEqual(str(csetch, self.encoding), unich) def test_errorhandle(self): for source, scheme, expected in self.codectests: if isinstance(source, bytes): func = source.decode else: func = source.encode if expected: if isinstance(source, bytes): result = func(self.encoding, scheme) self.assertTrue(type(result) is str, type(result)) self.assertEqual(result, expected, '%a.decode(%r, %r)=%a != %a' % (source, self.encoding, scheme, result, expected)) else: result = func(self.encoding, scheme) self.assertTrue(type(result) is bytes, type(result)) self.assertEqual(result, expected, '%a.encode(%r, %r)=%a != %a' % (source, self.encoding, scheme, result, expected)) else: self.assertRaises(UnicodeError, func, self.encoding, scheme) def load_teststring(name): dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cjkencodings') with open(os.path.join(dir, name + '.txt'), 'rb') as f: encoded = f.read() with open(os.path.join(dir, name + '-utf8.txt'), 'rb') as f: utf8 = f.read() return encoded, utf8