##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## ## ## idle - configuration data handler, based on and replacing IdleConfig.py ## elguavas ## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## """ Provides access to configuration information """ import os import sys from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError class IdleConfParser(ConfigParser): """ A ConfigParser specialised for idle configuration file handling """ def __init__(self, cfgFile, cfgDefaults=None): """ cfgFile - string, fully specified configuration file name """ self.file=cfgFile ConfigParser.__init__(self,defaults=cfgDefaults) def Get(self, section, option, default=None, type=None): """ Get an option value for given section/option or return default. If type is specified, return as type. """ if type=='bool': getVal=self.getboolean elif type=='int': getVal=self.getint else: getVal=self.get if self.has_option(section,option): #return getVal(section, option, raw, vars) return getVal(section, option) else: return default def GetOptionList(self,section): """ Get an option list for given section """ if self.has_section: return self.options(section) else: #return a default value return [] def GetHighlight(self, theme, element): fore = self.Get(theme, element + "-foreground") back = self.Get(theme, element + "-background") style = self.Ge(theme, element + "-fontStyle", default='') return {"fg": fore, "bg": back, "fStyle": style} def Load(self): """ Load the configuration file from disk """ self.read(self.file) class IdleUserConfParser(IdleConfParser): """ IdleConfigParser specialised for user configuration handling """ def Save(self): """ write loaded user configuration file back to disk """ # this is a user config, it can be written to disk self.write() class IdleConf: """ holds config parsers for all idle config files: default config files (idle install dir)/config-main.def (idle install dir)/config-extensions.def (idle install dir)/config-highlight.def (idle install dir)/config-keys.def user config files (user home dir)/.idlerc/idle-main.cfg (user home dir)/.idlerc/idle-extensions.cfg (user home dir)/.idlerc/idle-highlight.cfg (user home dir)/.idlerc/idle-keys.cfg """ def __init__(self): self.defaultCfg={} self.userCfg={} self.cfg={} self.CreateConfigHandlers() self.LoadCfgFiles() #self.LoadCfg() def CreateConfigHandlers(self): """ set up a dictionary config parsers for default and user configurations respectively """ #build idle install path if __name__ != '__main__': # we were imported idledir=os.path.dirname(__file__) else: # we were exec'ed (for testing only) idledir=os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]) #print idledir try: #build user home path userdir = os.environ['HOME'] #real home directory except KeyError: userdir = os.getcwd() #hack for os'es without real homedirs userdir=os.path.join(userdir,'.idlerc') #print userdir if not os.path.exists(userdir): os.mkdir(userdir) configTypes=('main','extensions','highlight','keys') defCfgFiles={} usrCfgFiles={} for cfgType in configTypes: #build config file names defCfgFiles[cfgType]=os.path.join(idledir,'config-'+cfgType+'.def') usrCfgFiles[cfgType]=os.path.join(userdir,'idle-'+cfgType+'.cfg') for cfgType in configTypes: #create config parsers self.defaultCfg[cfgType]=IdleConfParser(defCfgFiles[cfgType]) self.userCfg[cfgType]=IdleUserConfParser(usrCfgFiles[cfgType]) def GetOption(self, configType, section, option, default=None, type=None): """ Get an option value for given config type and given general configuration section/option or return a default. If type is specified, return as type. Firstly the user configuration is checked, with a fallback to the default configuration, and a final 'catch all' fallback to a useable passed-in default if the option isn't present in either the user or the default configuration. configType must be one of ('main','extensions','highlight','keys') """ if self.userCfg[configType].has_option(section,option): return self.userCfg[configType].Get(section, option, type=type) elif self.defaultCfg[configType].has_option(section,option): return self.defaultCfg[configType].Get(section, option, type=type) else: return default def GetSectionList(self, configSet, configType): """ Get a list of sections from either the user or default config for the given config type. configSet must be either 'user' or 'default' configType must be one of ('extensions','highlight','keys') """ if not (configType in ('extensions','highlight','keys')): raise 'Invalid configType specified' if configSet == 'user': cfgParser=self.userCfg[configType] elif configSet == 'default': cfgParser=self.defaultCfg[configType] else: raise 'Invalid configSet specified' return cfgParser.sections() def GetTheme(self, name=None): """ Gets the requested theme or returns a final fallback theme in case one can't be obtained from either the user or default config files. """ pass def GetKeys(self, name=None): """ Gets the requested keybindings or returns a final fallback keybinding set in case one can't be obtained from either the user or default config files. """ pass def LoadCfgFiles(self): """ load all configuration files. """ for key in self.defaultCfg.keys(): self.defaultCfg[key].Load() self.userCfg[key].Load() #same keys def SaveUserCfgFiles(self): """ write all loaded user configuration files back to disk """ for key in self.userCfg.keys(): self.userCfg[key].Save() idleConf=IdleConf() ### module test if __name__ == '__main__': def dumpCfg(cfg): print '\n',cfg,'\n' for key in cfg.keys(): sections=cfg[key].sections() print key print sections for section in sections: options=cfg[key].options(section) print section print options for option in options: print option, '=', cfg[key].Get(section,option) dumpCfg(idleConf.defaultCfg) dumpCfg(idleConf.userCfg) print idleConf.userCfg['main'].Get('Theme','name') #print idleConf.userCfg['highlight'].GetDefHighlight('Foo','normal')