#! /usr/bin/env python """GUI interface to webchecker. This works as a Grail applet too! E.g. Checkpoints are not (yet??? ever???) supported. User interface: Enter a root to check in the text entry box. To enter more than one root, enter them one at a time and press for each one. Command buttons Start, Stop and "Check one" govern the checking process in the obvious way. Start and "Check one" also enter the root from the text entry box if one is present. There's also a check box (enabled by default) to decide whether actually to follow external links (since this can slow the checking down considerably). Finally there's a Quit button. A series of checkbuttons determines whether the corresponding output panel is shown. List panels are also automatically shown or hidden when their status changes between empty to non-empty. There are six panels: Log -- raw output from the checker (-v, -q affect this) To check -- links discovered but not yet checked Checked -- links that have been checked Bad links -- links that failed upon checking Errors -- pages containing at least one bad link Details -- details about one URL; double click on a URL in any of the above list panels (not in Log) will show details for that URL Use your window manager's Close command to quit. Command line options: -m bytes -- skip HTML pages larger than this size (default %(MAXPAGE)d) -q -- quiet operation (also suppresses external links report) -v -- verbose operation; repeating -v will increase verbosity Command line arguments: rooturl -- URL to start checking (default %(DEFROOT)s) XXX The command line options (-m, -q, -v) should be GUI accessible. XXX The roots should be visible as a list (?). XXX The multipanel user interface is clumsy. """ # ' Emacs bait import sys import getopt import string from Tkinter import * import tktools import webchecker import random # Override some for a weaker platform if sys.platform == 'mac': webchecker.DEFROOT = "http://grail.cnri.reston.va.us/" webchecker.MAXPAGE = 50000 webchecker.verbose = 4 def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'm:qv') except getopt.error, msg: sys.stdout = sys.stderr print msg print __doc__%vars(webchecker) sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o == '-m': webchecker.maxpage = string.atoi(a) if o == '-q': webchecker.verbose = 0 if o == '-v': webchecker.verbose = webchecker.verbose + 1 root = Tk(className='Webchecker') root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", root.quit) c = CheckerWindow(root) if args: for arg in args[:-1]: c.addroot(arg) c.suggestroot(args[-1]) root.mainloop() class CheckerWindow(webchecker.Checker): def __init__(self, parent, root=webchecker.DEFROOT): self.__parent = parent self.__topcontrols = Frame(parent) self.__topcontrols.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) self.__label = Label(self.__topcontrols, text="Root URL:") self.__label.pack(side=LEFT) self.__rootentry = Entry(self.__topcontrols, width=60) self.__rootentry.pack(side=LEFT) self.__rootentry.bind('', self.enterroot) self.__rootentry.focus_set() self.__controls = Frame(parent) self.__controls.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) self.__running = 0 self.__start = Button(self.__controls, text="Run", command=self.start) self.__start.pack(side=LEFT) self.__stop = Button(self.__controls, text="Stop", command=self.stop, state=DISABLED) self.__stop.pack(side=LEFT) self.__step = Button(self.__controls, text="Check one", command=self.step) self.__step.pack(side=LEFT) self.__cv = BooleanVar() self.__cv.set(1) self.__checkext = Checkbutton(self.__controls, variable=self.__cv, text="Check nonlocal links") self.__checkext.pack(side=LEFT) self.__reset = Button(self.__controls, text="Start over", command=self.reset) self.__reset.pack(side=LEFT) if __name__ == '__main__': # No Quit button under Grail! self.__quit = Button(self.__controls, text="Quit", command=self.__parent.quit) self.__quit.pack(side=RIGHT) self.__status = Label(parent, text="Status: initial", anchor=W) self.__status.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) self.__checking = Label(parent, text="Idle", anchor=W) self.__checking.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) self.__mp = mp = MultiPanel(parent) sys.stdout = self.__log = LogPanel(mp, "Log") self.__todo = ListPanel(mp, "To check", self.showinfo) self.__done = ListPanel(mp, "Checked", self.showinfo) self.__bad = ListPanel(mp, "Bad links", self.showinfo) self.__errors = ListPanel(mp, "Pages w/ bad links", self.showinfo) self.__details = LogPanel(mp, "Details") webchecker.Checker.__init__(self) del self.checkext # See __getattr__ below if root: root = string.strip(str(root)) if root: self.suggestroot(root) self.newstatus() def __getattr__(self, name): if name != 'checkext': raise AttributeError, name return self.__cv.get() def reset(self): webchecker.Checker.reset(self) for p in self.__todo, self.__done, self.__bad, self.__errors: p.clear() def suggestroot(self, root): self.__rootentry.delete(0, END) self.__rootentry.insert(END, root) self.__rootentry.select_range(0, END) def enterroot(self, event=None): root = self.__rootentry.get() root = string.strip(root) if root: self.__checking.config(text="Adding root "+root) self.__checking.update_idletasks() self.addroot(root) self.__checking.config(text="Idle") try: i = self.__todo.items.index(root) except (ValueError, IndexError): pass else: self.__todo.list.select_clear(0, END) self.__todo.list.select_set(i) self.__todo.list.yview(i) self.__rootentry.delete(0, END) def start(self): self.__start.config(state=DISABLED, relief=SUNKEN) self.__stop.config(state=NORMAL) self.__step.config(state=DISABLED) self.enterroot() self.__running = 1 self.go() def stop(self): self.__stop.config(state=DISABLED, relief=SUNKEN) self.__running = 0 def step(self): self.__start.config(state=DISABLED) self.__step.config(state=DISABLED, relief=SUNKEN) self.enterroot() self.__running = 0 self.dosomething() def go(self): if self.__running: self.__parent.after_idle(self.dosomething) else: self.__checking.config(text="Idle") self.__start.config(state=NORMAL, relief=RAISED) self.__stop.config(state=DISABLED, relief=RAISED) self.__step.config(state=NORMAL, relief=RAISED) __busy = 0 def dosomething(self): if self.__busy: return self.__busy = 1 if self.todo: l = self.__todo.selectedindices() if l: i = l[0] else: i = 0 self.__todo.list.select_set(i) self.__todo.list.yview(i) url = self.__todo.items[i] self.__checking.config(text="Checking "+url) self.__parent.update() self.dopage(url) else: self.stop() self.__busy = 0 self.go() def showinfo(self, url): d = self.__details d.clear() d.put("URL: %s\n" % url) if self.bad.has_key(url): d.put("Error: %s\n" % str(self.bad[url])) if url in self.roots: d.put("Note: This is a root URL\n") if self.done.has_key(url): d.put("Status: checked\n") o = self.done[url] elif self.todo.has_key(url): d.put("Status: to check\n") o = self.todo[url] else: d.put("Status: unknown (!)\n") o = [] if self.errors.has_key(url): d.put("Bad links from this page:\n") for triple in self.errors[url]: link, rawlink, msg = triple d.put(" HREF %s" % link) if link != rawlink: d.put(" (%s)" %rawlink) d.put("\n") d.put(" error %s\n" % str(msg)) self.__mp.showpanel("Details") for source, rawlink in o: d.put("Origin: %s" % source) if rawlink != url: d.put(" (%s)" % rawlink) d.put("\n") def setbad(self, url, msg): webchecker.Checker.setbad(self, url, msg) self.__bad.insert(url) self.newstatus() def setgood(self, url): webchecker.Checker.setgood(self, url) self.__bad.remove(url) self.newstatus() def newlink(self, url, origin): webchecker.Checker.newlink(self, url, origin) if self.done.has_key(url): self.__done.insert(url) elif self.todo.has_key(url): self.__todo.insert(url) self.newstatus() def markdone(self, url): webchecker.Checker.markdone(self, url) self.__done.insert(url) self.__todo.remove(url) self.newstatus() def seterror(self, url, triple): webchecker.Checker.seterror(self, url, triple) self.__errors.insert(url) self.newstatus() def newstatus(self): self.__status.config(text="Status: "+self.status()) self.__parent.update() class ListPanel: def __init__(self, mp, name, showinfo=None): self.mp = mp self.name = name self.showinfo = showinfo self.panel = mp.addpanel(name) self.list, self.frame = tktools.make_list_box( self.panel, width=60, height=5) self.list.config(exportselection=0) if showinfo: self.list.bind('', self.doubleclick) self.items = [] def clear(self): self.items = [] self.list.delete(0, END) self.mp.hidepanel(self.name) def doubleclick(self, event): l = self.selectedindices() if l: self.showinfo(self.list.get(l[0])) def selectedindices(self): l = self.list.curselection() if not l: return [] return map(string.atoi, l) def insert(self, url): if url not in self.items: if not self.items: self.mp.showpanel(self.name) # (I tried sorting alphabetically, but the display is too jumpy) i = len(self.items) self.list.insert(i, url) self.list.yview(i) self.items.insert(i, url) def remove(self, url): try: i = self.items.index(url) except (ValueError, IndexError): pass else: was_selected = i in self.selectedindices() self.list.delete(i) del self.items[i] if not self.items: self.mp.hidepanel(self.name) elif was_selected: if i >= len(self.items): i = len(self.items) - 1 self.list.select_set(i) class LogPanel: def __init__(self, mp, name): self.mp = mp self.name = name self.panel = mp.addpanel(name) self.text, self.frame = tktools.make_text_box(self.panel, height=10) self.text.config(wrap=NONE) def clear(self): self.text.delete("1.0", END) self.text.yview("1.0") def put(self, s): self.text.insert(END, s) if '\n' in s: self.text.yview(END) def write(self, s): self.text.insert(END, s) if '\n' in s: self.text.yview(END) self.panel.update() class MultiPanel: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.frame = Frame(self.parent) self.frame.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.topframe = Frame(self.frame, borderwidth=2, relief=RAISED) self.topframe.pack(fill=X) self.botframe = Frame(self.frame) self.botframe.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) self.panelnames = [] self.panels = {} def addpanel(self, name, on=0): v = StringVar() if on: v.set(name) else: v.set("") check = Checkbutton(self.topframe, text=name, offvalue="", onvalue=name, variable=v, command=self.checkpanel) check.pack(side=LEFT) panel = Frame(self.botframe) label = Label(panel, text=name, borderwidth=2, relief=RAISED, anchor=W) label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) t = v, check, panel self.panelnames.append(name) self.panels[name] = t if on: panel.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) return panel def showpanel(self, name): v, check, panel = self.panels[name] v.set(name) panel.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) def hidepanel(self, name): v, check, panel = self.panels[name] v.set("") panel.pack_forget() def checkpanel(self): for name in self.panelnames: v, check, panel = self.panels[name] panel.pack_forget() for name in self.panelnames: v, check, panel = self.panels[name] if v.get(): panel.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) if __name__ == '__main__': main()