:mod:`ipaddr` --- IP address manipulation library ================================================= .. module:: ipaddr :synopsis: IPv4 and IPv6 network address manipulation classes. .. moduleauthor:: Google, Inc. .. sectionauthor:: Gregory P. Smith .. versionadded:: 2.7 .. index:: single: IP address, IPv4, IPv6, netmask This module implements classes for working with IP host and network addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6. .. _ipaddr_examples: Examples -------- Netmask. >>> ipaddr.IP('') IPv4('') >>> ipaddr.IP('1080::200C:417B/96') IPv6('1080::200c:417b/96') Hostmask. >>> ipaddr.IPv4('') IPv4('') Prefix length. >>> addr = ipaddr.IPv4('') >>> addr.prefixlen 24 Individual addresses. >>> ipaddr.IP('') IPv4('') Many standard Python operations are also supported. Comparison. >>> ipaddr.IPv4('') == ipaddr.IPv4('') False >>> ipaddr.IPv4('') < ipaddr.IPv4('') True Inclusion. >>> ipaddr.IPv4('') in ipaddr.IPv4("") True Sorting. >>> a = ipaddr.IPv4('') >>> b = ipaddr.IPv4('') >>> c = ipaddr.IPv4('') >>> d = ipaddr.IPv4('') >>> sorted([a, b, c, d]) [IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4('')] Conversion to string and integer forms. >>> spam = ipaddr.IPv4('')) >>> str(spam) '' >>> spam.ip_ext '' >>> int(spam) 3232236030 >>> eggs = ipaddr.IPv6('ffff::1/120') >>> int(eggs) 340277174624079928635746076935438991361 Additionally, there are quite a few network-specific features available to ipaddr. >>> ipaddr.IPv4('').supernet() IPv4('') >>> ipaddr.IPv4('').subnet() [IPv4(''), IPv4('')] # This returns networks with a prefix length of /10 >>> ipaddr.IPv4('').subnet(prefixlen_diff=2) [IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4('')] # Remove an address from a superblock. >>> ipaddr.IP('').address_exclude(ipaddr.IP('')) [IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4(''), IPv4('')] .. _ipaddr_funcs_and_classes: Functions And Classes --------------------- .. function:: IP(ipaddr) Take an IP string or int and return an object of the correct type. Returns an :class:`IPv4` or :class:`IPv6` object. The *ipaddr* parameter must be a string or integer representing the IP address. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied. Integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4. Raises :exc:`ValueError` if the *ipaddr* passed is not either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. .. function:: collapse_address_list(addresses) Collapse a sequence of :class:`IPv4` or :class:`IPv6` objects into the most concise representation. Returns a list of :class:`IPv4` or :class:`IPv6` objects. Example usage:: >>> collapse_address_list([IPv4(''), IPv4('')]) [IPv4('')] .. class:: BaseIP() A generic IP address object. This base class defines the API and contains common code. Most authors should either use the :func:`IP` function or create :class:`IPv4` or :class:`IPv6` objects directly rather than using this base class. IP address objects support the following python operators: ``=``, ``!=``, ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, ``>=``, and ``in``. An IP address object may be used as a sequence index or as a hash key and can be converted back to an integer representation using :func:`int`. It may also be used as a sequence that yields the string representation of every IP address within the object's subnet. The following properties are available on all IP address objects: .. attribute:: broadcast Integer representation of the broadcast address. Read only. .. attribute:: broadcast_ext Dotted decimal or colon string version of the broadcast address. Read only. .. attribute:: hostmask Integer representation of the hostmask. Read only. .. attribute:: hostmask_ext Dotted decimal or colon string version of the hostmask. Read only. .. attribute:: ip Integer representation of the IP address. Read only. .. attribute:: ip_ext Dotted decimal or colon string version of the IP address. Read only. .. attribute:: ip_ext_full Canonical string version of the IP address. Read only. .. attribute:: is_loopback True if the address is a loopback address as defined in IPv4 :rfc:`3330` or IPv6 :rfc:`2373` section 2.5.3. .. attribute:: is_link_local True if the address is a link-local address as defined in IPv4 :rfc:`3927` or IPv6 :rfc:`4291`. .. attribute:: is_multicast True if the address is reserved for multicast use. See IPv4 :rfc:`3171` or IPv6 :rfc:`2373` section 2.7 for details. .. attribute:: is_private True if the address is reserved for private networks as defined in IPv4 :rfc:`1918` or IPv6 :rfc:`4193`. .. attribute:: netmask Integer representation of the netmask. Read only. .. attribute:: netmask_ext Dotted decimal or colon string version of the netmask. Read only. .. attribute:: network Integer representation of the network. Read only. .. attribute:: network_ext Dotted decimal or colon string version of the network. Read only. .. attribute:: numhosts Number of hosts in the current subnet. Read only. .. attribute:: packed The packed network byte order representation of this network address. Read only. .. attribute:: prefixlen A property to get and set the prefix length. Readable and writeable. .. attribute:: version Integer IP version number. Read only. The following methods are available on all IP address objects: .. method:: address_exclude(other) Remove an address from within a larger block. Returns a sorted list of IP address objects representing networks. Examples:: >>> addr1 = IP('') >>> addr2 = IP('') >>> addr1.address_exclude(addr2) [IP(''), IP('')] >>> addr1 = IP('::1/32') >>> addr2 = IP('::1/128') >>> addr1.address_exclude(addr2) [IP('::0/128'), IP('::2/127'), IP('::4/126'), IP('::8/125'), IP('0:0:8000::/33')] Raises :exc:`ValueError` if *other* is not completely contained by *self*. .. method:: compare_networks(other) Compare this IP object's network to another IP network. Returns -1, 0 or 1. This compares the integer representation of the network addresses. The host bits are not considered by this method. If you want to compare host bits, you can use ``host_a.ip < host_b.ip``. If the IP versions of self and other are the same, returns: -1 if self < other eg: IPv4('') < IPv4('') IPv6('1080::200C:417A') < IPv6('1080::200B:417B') 0 if self == other eg: IPv4('') == IPv4('') IPv6('1080::200C:417A/96') == IPv6('1080::200C:417B/96') 1 if self > other eg: IPv4('') > IPv4('') IPv6('1080::1:200C:417A/112') > IPv6('1080::0:200C:417A/112') If the IP versions of self and other are different, returns: -1 if self.version < other.version eg: IPv4('') < IPv6('::1/128') 1 if self.version > other.version eg: IPv6('::1/128') > IPv4('') .. method:: subnet(prefixlen_diff=1) Returns a list of subnets which when joined make up the current subnet. The optional *prefixlen_diff* argument specifies how many bits the prefix length should be increased by. Given a /24 network and ``prefixlen_diff=3``, for example, 8 subnets of size /27 will be returned. If called on a host IP address rather than a network, a list containing the host itself will be returned. Raises :exc:`PrefixlenDiffInvalidError` if the *prefixlen_diff* is out of range. .. method:: supernet(prefixlen_diff=1) Returns a single IP object representing the supernet containing the current network. The optional *prefixlen_diff* argument specifies how many bits the prefix length should be decreased by. Given a /24 network and ``prefixlen_diff=3``, for example, a supernet with a 21 bit netmask is returned. Raises :exc:`PrefixlenDiffInvalidError` if the prefixlen_diff is out of range. .. class:: IPv4() This class represents and manipulates 32-bit IPv4 addresses. Attributes:: # These examples for IPv4('') .ip: 16909060 .ip_ext: '' .ip_ext_full: '' .network: 16909056 .network_ext: '' .hostmask: 31 (0x1F) .hostmask_ext: '' .broadcast: 16909087 (0x102031F) .broadcast_ext: '' .netmask: 4294967040 (0xFFFFFFE0) .netmask_ext: '' .prefixlen: 27 .. class:: IPv6() This class respresents and manipulates 128-bit IPv6 addresses. Attributes:: # These examples are for IPv6('2001:658:22A:CAFE:200::1/64') .ip: 42540616829182469433547762482097946625 .ip_ext: '2001:658:22a:cafe:200::1' .ip_ext_full: '2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200:0000:0000:0001' .network: 42540616829182469433403647294022090752 .network_ext: '2001:658:22a:cafe::' .hostmask: 18446744073709551615 .hostmask_ext: '::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff' .broadcast: 42540616829182469451850391367731642367 .broadcast_ext: '2001:658:22a:cafe:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff' .netmask: 340282366920938463444927863358058659840 .netmask_ext: 64 .prefixlen: 64 .. attribute:: is_site_local True if the address was reserved as site-local in :rfc:`3513` section 2.5.6. .. note:: The IPv6 site-local address space has been deprecated by :rfc:`3879`. Use :data:`is_private` to test if this address is in the space of unique local addresses as defined by :rfc:`4193`. .. attribute:: is_unspecified True if this is the unspecified address as defined in :rfc:`2373` section 2.5.2. .. _ipaddr_exceptions: Exceptions ---------- The following exceptions are defined by this module: .. exception:: Error Base class for all exceptions defined in this module. .. exception:: IPTypeError Tried to perform a v4 action on v6 object or vice versa. .. exception:: IPAddressExclusionError An Error we should never see occurred in address exclusion. .. exception:: IPv4IpValidationError Raised when an IPv4 address is invalid. .. exception:: IPv4NetmaskValidationError Raised when a netmask is invalid. .. exception:: IPv6IpValidationError Raised when an IPv6 address is invalid. .. exception:: IPv6NetmaskValidationError Raised when an IPv6 netmask is invalid. .. exception:: PrefixlenDiffInvalidError Raised when :meth:`BaseIP.subnet` or :meth:`BaseIP.supernet` is called with a bad ``prefixlen_diff``. .. seealso:: http://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/ The original source of this module and a place to download it as a package for use on earlier versions of Python.