\section{\module{bsddb} --- Interface to Berkeley DB library} \declaremodule{extension}{bsddb} \platform{Unix, Windows} \modulesynopsis{Interface to Berkeley DB database library} \sectionauthor{Skip Montanaro}{skip@mojam.com} The \module{bsddb} module provides an interface to the Berkeley DB library. Users can create hash, btree or record based library files using the appropriate open call. Bsddb objects behave generally like dictionaries. Keys and values must be strings, however, so to use other objects as keys or to store other kinds of objects the user must serialize them somehow, typically using marshal.dumps or pickle.dumps. There are two incompatible versions of the underlying library. Version 1.85 is widely available, but has some known bugs. Version 2 is not quite as widely used, but does offer some improvements. The \module{bsddb} module uses the 1.85 interface. Starting with Python 2.0, the \program{configure} script can usually determine the version of the library which is available and build it correctly. If you have difficulty getting \program{configure} to do the right thing, run it with the \longprogramopt{help} option to get information about additional options that can help. On Windows, you will need to define the \code{HAVE_DB_185_H} macro if you are building Python from source and using version 2 of the DB library. The \module{bsddb} module defines the following functions that create objects that access the appropriate type of Berkeley DB file. The first two arguments of each function are the same. For ease of portability, only the first two arguments should be used in most instances. \begin{funcdesc}{hashopen}{filename\optional{, flag\optional{, mode\optional{, bsize\optional{, ffactor\optional{, nelem\optional{, cachesize\optional{, hash\optional{, lorder}}}}}}}}} Open the hash format file named \var{filename}. The optional \var{flag} identifies the mode used to open the file. It may be \character{r} (read only), \character{w} (read-write), \character{c} (read-write - create if necessary) or \character{n} (read-write - truncate to zero length). The other arguments are rarely used and are just passed to the low-level \cfunction{dbopen()} function. Consult the Berkeley DB documentation for their use and interpretation. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{btopen}{filename\optional{, flag\optional{, mode\optional{, btflags\optional{, cachesize\optional{, maxkeypage\optional{, minkeypage\optional{, psize\optional{, lorder}}}}}}}}} Open the btree format file named \var{filename}. The optional \var{flag} identifies the mode used to open the file. It may be \character{r} (read only), \character{w} (read-write), \character{c} (read-write - create if necessary) or \character{n} (read-write - truncate to zero length). The other arguments are rarely used and are just passed to the low-level dbopen function. Consult the Berkeley DB documentation for their use and interpretation. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{rnopen}{filename\optional{, flag\optional{, mode\optional{, rnflags\optional{, cachesize\optional{, psize\optional{, lorder\optional{, reclen\optional{, bval\optional{, bfname}}}}}}}}}} Open a DB record format file named \var{filename}. The optional \var{flag} identifies the mode used to open the file. It may be \character{r} (read only), \character{w} (read-write), \character{c} (read-write - create if necessary) or \character{n} (read-write - truncate to zero length). The other arguments are rarely used and are just passed to the low-level dbopen function. Consult the Berkeley DB documentation for their use and interpretation. \end{funcdesc} \begin{seealso} \seemodule{dbhash}{DBM-style interface to the \module{bsddb}} \end{seealso} \subsection{Hash, BTree and Record Objects \label{bsddb-objects}} Once instantiated, hash, btree and record objects support the following methods: \begin{methoddesc}{close}{} Close the underlying file. The object can no longer be accessed. Since there is no open \method{open} method for these objects, to open the file again a new \module{bsddb} module open function must be called. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{keys}{} Return the list of keys contained in the DB file. The order of the list is unspecified and should not be relied on. In particular, the order of the list returned is different for different file formats. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{has_key}{key} Return \code{1} if the DB file contains the argument as a key. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{set_location}{key} Set the cursor to the item indicated by \var{key} and return a tuple containing the key and its value. For binary tree databases (opened using \function{btopen()}), if \var{key} does not actually exist in the database, the cursor will point to the next item in sorted order and return that key and value. For other databases, \exception{KeyError} will be raised if \var{key} is not found in the database. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{first}{} Set the cursor to the first item in the DB file and return it. The order of keys in the file is unspecified, except in the case of B-Tree databases. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{next}{} Set the cursor to the next item in the DB file and return it. The order of keys in the file is unspecified, except in the case of B-Tree databases. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{previous}{} Set the cursor to the first item in the DB file and return it. The order of keys in the file is unspecified, except in the case of B-Tree databases. This is not supported on hashtable databases (those opened with \function{hashopen()}). \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{last}{} Set the cursor to the last item in the DB file and return it. The order of keys in the file is unspecified. This is not supported on hashtable databases (those opened with \function{hashopen()}). \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}{sync}{} Synchronize the database on disk. \end{methoddesc} Example: \begin{verbatim} >>> import bsddb >>> db = bsddb.btopen('/tmp/spam.db', 'c') >>> for i in range(10): db['%d'%i] = '%d'% (i*i) ... >>> db['3'] '9' >>> db.keys() ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] >>> db.first() ('0', '0') >>> db.next() ('1', '1') >>> db.last() ('9', '81') >>> db.set_location('2') ('2', '4') >>> db.previous() ('1', '1') >>> db.sync() 0 \end{verbatim}