\documentclass{howto} % $Id$ \title{What's New in Python 2.2} \release{0.05} \author{A.M. Kuchling} \authoraddress{\email{akuchlin@mems-exchange.org}} \begin{document} \maketitle\tableofcontents \section{Introduction} {\large This document is a draft, and is subject to change until the final version of Python 2.2 is released. Currently it's up to date for Python 2.2 alpha 1. Please send any comments, bug reports, or questions, no matter how minor, to \email{akuchlin@mems-exchange.org}. } This article explains the new features in Python 2.2. Python 2.2 includes some significant changes that go far toward cleaning up the language's darkest corners, and some exciting new features. This article doesn't attempt to provide a complete specification for the new features, but instead provides a convenient overview of the new features. For full details, you should refer to 2.2 documentation such as the \citetitle[http://python.sourceforge.net/devel-docs/lib/lib.html]{Python Library Reference} and the \citetitle[http://python.sourceforge.net/devel-docs/ref/ref.html]{Python Reference Manual}, or to the PEP for a particular new feature. % These \citetitle marks should get the python.org URLs for the final % release, just as soon as the docs are published there. The final release of Python 2.2 is planned for October 2001. %====================================================================== % It looks like this set of changes will likely get into 2.2, % so I need to read and digest the relevant PEPs. %\section{PEP 252: Type and Class Changes} %XXX % GvR's description at http://www.python.org/2.2/descrintro.html %\begin{seealso} %\seepep{252}{Making Types Look More Like Classes}{Written and implemented %by GvR.} %\end{seealso} %====================================================================== \section{PEP 234: Iterators} A significant addition to 2.2 is an iteration interface at both the C and Python levels. Objects can define how they can be looped over by callers. In Python versions up to 2.1, the usual way to make \code{for item in obj} work is to define a \method{__getitem__()} method that looks something like this: \begin{verbatim} def __getitem__(self, index): return \end{verbatim} \method{__getitem__()} is more properly used to define an indexing operation on an object so that you can write \code{obj[5]} to retrieve the sixth element. It's a bit misleading when you're using this only to support \keyword{for} loops. Consider some file-like object that wants to be looped over; the \var{index} parameter is essentially meaningless, as the class probably assumes that a series of \method{__getitem__()} calls will be made, with \var{index} incrementing by one each time. In other words, the presence of the \method{__getitem__()} method doesn't mean that \code{file[5]} will work, though it really should. In Python 2.2, iteration can be implemented separately, and \method{__getitem__()} methods can be limited to classes that really do support random access. The basic idea of iterators is quite simple. A new built-in function, \function{iter(obj)}, returns an iterator for the object \var{obj}. (It can also take two arguments: \code{iter(\var{C}, \var{sentinel})} will call the callable \var{C}, until it returns \var{sentinel}, which will signal that the iterator is done. This form probably won't be used very often.) Python classes can define an \method{__iter__()} method, which should create and return a new iterator for the object; if the object is its own iterator, this method can just return \code{self}. In particular, iterators will usually be their own iterators. Extension types implemented in C can implement a \code{tp_iter} function in order to return an iterator, and extension types that want to behave as iterators can define a \code{tp_iternext} function. So what do iterators do? They have one required method, \method{next()}, which takes no arguments and returns the next value. When there are no more values to be returned, calling \method{next()} should raise the \exception{StopIteration} exception. \begin{verbatim} >>> L = [1,2,3] >>> i = iter(L) >>> print i >>> i.next() 1 >>> i.next() 2 >>> i.next() 3 >>> i.next() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? StopIteration >>> \end{verbatim} In 2.2, Python's \keyword{for} statement no longer expects a sequence; it expects something for which \function{iter()} will return something. For backward compatibility, and convenience, an iterator is automatically constructed for sequences that don't implement \method{__iter__()} or a \code{tp_iter} slot, so \code{for i in [1,2,3]} will still work. Wherever the Python interpreter loops over a sequence, it's been changed to use the iterator protocol. This means you can do things like this: \begin{verbatim} >>> i = iter(L) >>> a,b,c = i >>> a,b,c (1, 2, 3) >>> \end{verbatim} Iterator support has been added to some of Python's basic types. Calling \function{iter()} on a dictionary will return an iterator which loops over its keys: \begin{verbatim} >>> m = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6, ... 'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12} >>> for key in m: print key, m[key] ... Mar 3 Feb 2 Aug 8 Sep 9 May 5 Jun 6 Jul 7 Jan 1 Apr 4 Nov 11 Dec 12 Oct 10 >>> \end{verbatim} That's just the default behaviour. If you want to iterate over keys, values, or key/value pairs, you can explicitly call the \method{iterkeys()}, \method{itervalues()}, or \method{iteritems()} methods to get an appropriate iterator. In a minor related change, the \keyword{in} operator now works on dictionaries, so \code{\var{key} in dict} is now equivalent to \code{dict.has_key(\var{key})}. Files also provide an iterator, which calls the \method{readline()} method until there are no more lines in the file. This means you can now read each line of a file using code like this: \begin{verbatim} for line in file: # do something for each line \end{verbatim} Note that you can only go forward in an iterator; there's no way to get the previous element, reset the iterator, or make a copy of it. An iterator object could provide such additional capabilities, but the iterator protocol only requires a \method{next()} method. \begin{seealso} \seepep{234}{Iterators}{Written by Ka-Ping Yee and GvR; implemented by the Python Labs crew, mostly by GvR and Tim Peters.} \end{seealso} %====================================================================== \section{PEP 255: Simple Generators} Generators are another new feature, one that interacts with the introduction of iterators. You're doubtless familiar with how function calls work in Python or C. When you call a function, it gets a private area where its local variables are created. When the function reaches a \keyword{return} statement, the local variables are destroyed and the resulting value is returned to the caller. A later call to the same function will get a fresh new set of local variables. But, what if the local variables weren't destroyed on exiting a function? What if you could later resume the function where it left off? This is what generators provide; they can be thought of as resumable functions. Here's the simplest example of a generator function: \begin{verbatim} def generate_ints(N): for i in range(N): yield i \end{verbatim} A new keyword, \keyword{yield}, was introduced for generators. Any function containing a \keyword{yield} statement is a generator function; this is detected by Python's bytecode compiler which compiles the function specially. Because a new keyword was introduced, generators must be explicitly enabled in a module by including a \code{from __future__ import generators} statement near the top of the module's source code. In Python 2.3 this statement will become unnecessary. When you call a generator function, it doesn't return a single value; instead it returns a generator object that supports the iterator interface. On executing the \keyword{yield} statement, the generator outputs the value of \code{i}, similar to a \keyword{return} statement. The big difference between \keyword{yield} and a \keyword{return} statement is that, on reaching a \keyword{yield} the generator's state of execution is suspended and local variables are preserved. On the next call to the generator's \code{.next()} method, the function will resume executing immediately after the \keyword{yield} statement. (For complicated reasons, the \keyword{yield} statement isn't allowed inside the \keyword{try} block of a \code{try...finally} statement; read PEP 255 for a full explanation of the interaction between \keyword{yield} and exceptions.) Here's a sample usage of the \function{generate_ints} generator: \begin{verbatim} >>> gen = generate_ints(3) >>> gen >>> gen.next() 0 >>> gen.next() 1 >>> gen.next() 2 >>> gen.next() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 2, in generate_ints StopIteration >>> \end{verbatim} You could equally write \code{for i in generate_ints(5)}, or \code{a,b,c = generate_ints(3)}. Inside a generator function, the \keyword{return} statement can only be used without a value, and signals the end of the procession of values; afterwards the generator cannot return any further values. \keyword{return} with a value, such as \code{return 5}, is a syntax error inside a generator function. The end of the generator's results can also be indicated by raising \exception{StopIteration} manually, or by just letting the flow of execution fall off the bottom of the function. You could achieve the effect of generators manually by writing your own class and storing all the local variables of the generator as instance variables. For example, returning a list of integers could be done by setting \code{self.count} to 0, and having the \method{next()} method increment \code{self.count} and return it. However, for a moderately complicated generator, writing a corresponding class would be much messier. \file{Lib/test/test_generators.py} contains a number of more interesting examples. The simplest one implements an in-order traversal of a tree using generators recursively. \begin{verbatim} # A recursive generator that generates Tree leaves in in-order. def inorder(t): if t: for x in inorder(t.left): yield x yield t.label for x in inorder(t.right): yield x \end{verbatim} Two other examples in \file{Lib/test/test_generators.py} produce solutions for the N-Queens problem (placing $N$ queens on an $NxN$ chess board so that no queen threatens another) and the Knight's Tour (a route that takes a knight to every square of an $NxN$ chessboard without visiting any square twice). The idea of generators comes from other programming languages, especially Icon (\url{http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/}), where the idea of generators is central to the language. In Icon, every expression and function call behaves like a generator. One example from ``An Overview of the Icon Programming Language'' at \url{http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/docs/ipd266.htm} gives an idea of what this looks like: \begin{verbatim} sentence := "Store it in the neighboring harbor" if (i := find("or", sentence)) > 5 then write(i) \end{verbatim} The \function{find()} function returns the indexes at which the substring ``or'' is found: 3, 23, 33. In the \keyword{if} statement, \code{i} is first assigned a value of 3, but 3 is less than 5, so the comparison fails, and Icon retries it with the second value of 23. 23 is greater than 5, so the comparison now succeeds, and the code prints the value 23 to the screen. Python doesn't go nearly as far as Icon in adopting generators as a central concept. Generators are considered a new part of the core Python language, but learning or using them isn't compulsory; if they don't solve any problems that you have, feel free to ignore them. This is different from Icon where the idea of generators is a basic concept. One novel feature of Python's interface as compared to Icon's is that a generator's state is represented as a concrete object that can be passed around to other functions or stored in a data structure. \begin{seealso} \seepep{255}{Simple Generators}{Written by Neil Schemenauer, Tim Peters, Magnus Lie Hetland. Implemented mostly by Neil Schemenauer and Tim Peters, with other fixes from the Python Labs crew.} \end{seealso} %====================================================================== \section{PEP 238: Changing the Division Operator} The most controversial change in Python 2.2 is the start of an effort to fix an old design flaw that's been in Python from the beginning. Currently Python's division operator, \code{/}, behaves like C's division operator when presented with two integer arguments. It returns an integer result that's truncated down when there would be fractional part. For example, \code{3/2} is 1, not 1.5, and \code{(-1)/2} is -1, not -0.5. This means that the results of divison can vary unexpectedly depending on the type of the two operands and because Python is dynamically typed, it can be difficult to determine the possible types of the operands. (The controversy is over whether this is \emph{really} a design flaw, and whether it's worth breaking existing code to fix this. It's caused endless discussions on python-dev and in July erupted into an storm of acidly sarcastic postings on \newsgroup{comp.lang.python}. I won't argue for either side here; read PEP 238 for a summary of arguments and counter-arguments.) Because this change might break code, it's being introduced very gradually. Python 2.2 begins the transition, but the switch won't be complete until Python 3.0. First, some terminology from PEP 238. ``True division'' is the division that most non-programmers are familiar with: 3/2 is 1.5, 1/4 is 0.25, and so forth. ``Floor division'' is what Python's \code{/} operator currently does when given integer operands; the result is the floor of the value returned by true division. ``Classic division'' is the current mixed behaviour of \code{/}; it returns the result of floor division when the operands are integers, and returns the result of true division when one of the operands is a floating-point number. Here are the changes 2.2 introduces: \begin{itemize} \item A new operator, \code{//}, is the floor division operator. (Yes, we know it looks like \Cpp's comment symbol.) \code{//} \emph{always} returns the floor divison no matter what the types of its operands are, so \code{1 // 2} is 0 and \code{1.0 // 2.0} is also 0.0. \code{//} is always available in Python 2.2; you don't need to enable it using a \code{__future__} statement. \item By including a \code{from __future__ import true_division} in a module, the \code{/} operator will be changed to return the result of true division, so \code{1/2} is 0.5. Without the \code{__future__} statement, \code{/} still means classic division. The default meaning of \code{/} will not change until Python 3.0. \item Classes can define methods called \method{__truediv__} and \method{__floordiv__} to overload the two division operators. At the C level, there are also slots in the \code{PyNumberMethods} structure so extension types can define the two operators. % XXX a warning someday? \end{itemize} \begin{seealso} \seepep{238}{Changing the Division Operator}{Written by Moshe Zadka and Guido van Rossum. Implemented by Guido van Rossum..} \end{seealso} %====================================================================== \section{Unicode Changes} Python's Unicode support has been enhanced a bit in 2.2. Unicode strings are usually stored as UCS-2, as 16-bit unsigned integers. Python 2.2 can also be compiled to use UCS-4, 32-bit unsigned integers, as its internal encoding by supplying \longprogramopt{enable-unicode=ucs4} to the configure script. When built to use UCS-4 (a ``wide Python''), the interpreter can natively handle Unicode characters from U+000000 to U+110000, so the range of legal values for the \function{unichr()} function is expanded accordingly. Using an interpreter compiled to use UCS-2 (a ``narrow Python''), values greater than 65535 will still cause \function{unichr()} to raise a \exception{ValueError} exception. All this is the province of the still-unimplemented PEP 261, ``Support for `wide' Unicode characters''; consult it for further details, and please offer comments on the PEP and on your experiences with the 2.2 alpha releases. % XXX update previous line once 2.2 reaches beta. Another change is much simpler to explain. Since their introduction, Unicode strings have supported an \method{encode()} method to convert the string to a selected encoding such as UTF-8 or Latin-1. A symmetric \method{decode(\optional{\var{encoding}})} method has been added to 8-bit strings (though not to Unicode strings) in 2.2. \method{decode()} assumes that the string is in the specified encoding and decodes it, returning whatever is returned by the codec. Using this new feature, codecs have been added for tasks not directly related to Unicode. For example, codecs have been added for uu-encoding, MIME's base64 encoding, and compression with the \module{zlib} module: \begin{verbatim} >>> s = """Here is a lengthy piece of redundant, overly verbose, ... and repetitive text. ... """ >>> data = s.encode('zlib') >>> data 'x\x9c\r\xc9\xc1\r\x80 \x10\x04\xc0?Ul...' >>> data.decode('zlib') 'Here is a lengthy piece of redundant, overly verbose,\nand repetitive text.\n' >>> print s.encode('uu') begin 666 M2&5R92!I=F5R8F]S92P*86YD(')E<&5T:71I=F4@=&5X="X* end >>> "sheesh".encode('rot-13') 'furrfu' \end{verbatim} \method{encode()} and \method{decode()} were implemented by Marc-Andr\'e Lemburg. The changes to support using UCS-4 internally were implemented by Fredrik Lundh and Martin von L\"owis. \begin{seealso} \seepep{261}{Support for `wide' Unicode characters}{PEP written by Paul Prescod. Not yet accepted or fully implemented.} \end{seealso} %====================================================================== \section{PEP 227: Nested Scopes} In Python 2.1, statically nested scopes were added as an optional feature, to be enabled by a \code{from __future__ import nested_scopes} directive. In 2.2 nested scopes no longer need to be specially enabled, but are always enabled. The rest of this section is a copy of the description of nested scopes from my ``What's New in Python 2.1'' document; if you read it when 2.1 came out, you can skip the rest of this section. The largest change introduced in Python 2.1, and made complete in 2.2, is to Python's scoping rules. In Python 2.0, at any given time there are at most three namespaces used to look up variable names: local, module-level, and the built-in namespace. This often surprised people because it didn't match their intuitive expectations. For example, a nested recursive function definition doesn't work: \begin{verbatim} def f(): ... def g(value): ... return g(value-1) + 1 ... \end{verbatim} The function \function{g()} will always raise a \exception{NameError} exception, because the binding of the name \samp{g} isn't in either its local namespace or in the module-level namespace. This isn't much of a problem in practice (how often do you recursively define interior functions like this?), but this also made using the \keyword{lambda} statement clumsier, and this was a problem in practice. In code which uses \keyword{lambda} you can often find local variables being copied by passing them as the default values of arguments. \begin{verbatim} def find(self, name): "Return list of any entries equal to 'name'" L = filter(lambda x, name=name: x == name, self.list_attribute) return L \end{verbatim} The readability of Python code written in a strongly functional style suffers greatly as a result. The most significant change to Python 2.2 is that static scoping has been added to the language to fix this problem. As a first effect, the \code{name=name} default argument is now unnecessary in the above example. Put simply, when a given variable name is not assigned a value within a function (by an assignment, or the \keyword{def}, \keyword{class}, or \keyword{import} statements), references to the variable will be looked up in the local namespace of the enclosing scope. A more detailed explanation of the rules, and a dissection of the implementation, can be found in the PEP. This change may cause some compatibility problems for code where the same variable name is used both at the module level and as a local variable within a function that contains further function definitions. This seems rather unlikely though, since such code would have been pretty confusing to read in the first place. One side effect of the change is that the \code{from \var{module} import *} and \keyword{exec} statements have been made illegal inside a function scope under certain conditions. The Python reference manual has said all along that \code{from \var{module} import *} is only legal at the top level of a module, but the CPython interpreter has never enforced this before. As part of the implementation of nested scopes, the compiler which turns Python source into bytecodes has to generate different code to access variables in a containing scope. \code{from \var{module} import *} and \keyword{exec} make it impossible for the compiler to figure this out, because they add names to the local namespace that are unknowable at compile time. Therefore, if a function contains function definitions or \keyword{lambda} expressions with free variables, the compiler will flag this by raising a \exception{SyntaxError} exception. To make the preceding explanation a bit clearer, here's an example: \begin{verbatim} x = 1 def f(): # The next line is a syntax error exec 'x=2' def g(): return x \end{verbatim} Line 4 containing the \keyword{exec} statement is a syntax error, since \keyword{exec} would define a new local variable named \samp{x} whose value should be accessed by \function{g()}. This shouldn't be much of a limitation, since \keyword{exec} is rarely used in most Python code (and when it is used, it's often a sign of a poor design anyway). \begin{seealso} \seepep{227}{Statically Nested Scopes}{Written and implemented by Jeremy Hylton.} \end{seealso} %====================================================================== \section{New and Improved Modules} \begin{itemize} \item The \module{xmlrpclib} module was contributed to the standard library by Fredrik Lundh. It provides support for writing XML-RPC clients; XML-RPC is a simple remote procedure call protocol built on top of HTTP and XML. For example, the following snippet retrieves a list of RSS channels from the O'Reilly Network, and then retrieves a list of the recent headlines for one channel: \begin{verbatim} import xmlrpclib s = xmlrpclib.Server( 'http://www.oreillynet.com/meerkat/xml-rpc/server.php') channels = s.meerkat.getChannels() # channels is a list of dictionaries, like this: # [{'id': 4, 'title': 'Freshmeat Daily News'} # {'id': 190, 'title': '32Bits Online'}, # {'id': 4549, 'title': '3DGamers'}, ... ] # Get the items for one channel items = s.meerkat.getItems( {'channel': 4} ) # 'items' is another list of dictionaries, like this: # [{'link': 'http://freshmeat.net/releases/52719/', # 'description': 'A utility which converts HTML to XSL FO.', # 'title': 'html2fo 0.3 (Default)'}, ... ] \end{verbatim} See \url{http://www.xmlrpc.com/} for more information about XML-RPC. \item The \module{socket} module can be compiled to support IPv6; specify the \longprogramopt{enable-ipv6} option to Python's configure script. (Contributed by Jun-ichiro ``itojun'' Hagino.) \item Two new format characters were added to the \module{struct} module for 64-bit integers on platforms that support the C \ctype{long long} type. \samp{q} is for a signed 64-bit integer, and \samp{Q} is for an unsigned one. The value is returned in Python's long integer type. (Contributed by Tim Peters.) \item In the interpreter's interactive mode, there's a new built-in function \function{help()}, that uses the \module{pydoc} module introduced in Python 2.1 to provide interactive. \code{help(\var{object})} displays any available help text about \var{object}. \code{help()} with no argument puts you in an online help utility, where you can enter the names of functions, classes, or modules to read their help text. (Contributed by Guido van Rossum, using Ka-Ping Yee's \module{pydoc} module.) \item Various bugfixes and performance improvements have been made to the SRE engine underlying the \module{re} module. For example, \function{re.sub()} will now use \function{string.replace()} automatically when the pattern and its replacement are both just literal strings without regex metacharacters. Another contributed patch speeds up certain Unicode character ranges by a factor of two. (SRE is maintained by Fredrik Lundh. The BIGCHARSET patch was contributed by Martin von L\"owis.) \item The \module{imaplib} module, maintained by Piers Lauder, has support for several new extensions: the NAMESPACE extension defined in \rfc{2342}, SORT, GETACL and SETACL. (Contributed by Anthony Baxter and Michel Pelletier.) \item The \module{rfc822} module's parsing of email addresses is now compliant with \rfc{2822}, an update to \rfc{822}. The module's name is \emph{not} going to be changed to \samp{rfc2822}. (Contributed by Barry Warsaw.) \item New constants \constant{ascii_letters}, \constant{ascii_lowercase}, and \constant{ascii_uppercase} were added to the \module{string} module. There were several modules in the standard library that used \constant{string.letters} to mean the ranges A-Za-z, but that assumption is incorrect when locales are in use, because \constant{string.letters} varies depending on the set of legal characters defined by the current locale. The buggy modules have all been fixed to use \constant{ascii_letters} instead. (Reported by an unknown person; fixed by Fred L. Drake, Jr.) \item The \module{mimetypes} module now makes it easier to use alternative MIME-type databases by the addition of a \class{MimeTypes} class, which takes a list of filenames to be parsed. (Contributed by Fred L. Drake, Jr.) \end{itemize} %====================================================================== \section{Interpreter Changes and Fixes} Some of the changes only affect people who deal with the Python interpreter at the C level, writing Python extension modules, embedding the interpreter, or just hacking on the interpreter itself. If you only write Python code, none of the changes described here will affect you very much. \begin{itemize} \item Profiling and tracing functions can now be implemented in C, which can operate at much higher speeds than Python-based functions and should reduce the overhead of enabling profiling and tracing, so it will be of interest to authors of development environments for Python. Two new C functions were added to Python's API, \cfunction{PyEval_SetProfile()} and \cfunction{PyEval_SetTrace()}. The existing \function{sys.setprofile()} and \function{sys.settrace()} functions still exist, and have simply been changed to use the new C-level interface. (Contributed by Fred L. Drake, Jr.) \item Another low-level API, primarily of interest to implementors of Python debuggers and development tools, was added. \cfunction{PyInterpreterState_Head()} and \cfunction{PyInterpreterState_Next()} let a caller walk through all the existing interpreter objects; \cfunction{PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead()} and \cfunction{PyThreadState_Next()} allow looping over all the thread states for a given interpreter. (Contributed by David Beazley.) \item A new \samp{et} format sequence was added to \cfunction{PyArg_ParseTuple}; \samp{et} takes both a parameter and an encoding name, and converts the parameter to the given encoding if the parameter turns out to be a Unicode string, or leaves it alone if it's an 8-bit string, assuming it to already be in the desired encoding. This differs from the \samp{es} format character, which assumes that 8-bit strings are in Python's default ASCII encoding and converts them to the specified new encoding. (Contributed by M.-A. Lemburg, and used for the MBCS support on Windows described in the previous section.) \item Two new flags \constant{METH_NOARGS} and \constant{METH_O} are available in method definition tables to simplify implementation of methods with no arguments or a single untyped argument. Calling such methods is more efficient than calling a corresponding method that uses \constant{METH_VARARGS}. Also, the old \constant{METH_OLDARGS} style of writing C methods is now officially deprecated. \item Two new wrapper functions, \cfunction{PyOS_snprintf()} and \cfunction{PyOS_vsnprintf()} were added. which provide a cross-platform implementations for the relatively new \cfunction{snprintf()} and \cfunction{vsnprintf()} C lib APIs. In contrast to the standard \cfunction{sprintf()} and \cfunction{vsprintf()} functions, the Python versions check the bounds of the buffer used to protect against buffer overruns. (Contributed by M.-A. Lemburg.) \end{itemize} %====================================================================== \section{Other Changes and Fixes} % XXX update the patch and bug figures as we go As usual there were a bunch of other improvements and bugfixes scattered throughout the source tree. A search through the CVS change logs finds there were 43 patches applied, and 77 bugs fixed; both figures are likely to be underestimates. Some of the more notable changes are: \begin{itemize} \item Keyword arguments passed to builtin functions that don't take them now cause a \exception{TypeError} exception to be raised, with the message "\var{function} takes no keyword arguments". \item The code for the Mac OS port for Python, maintained by Jack Jansen, is now kept in the main Python CVS tree. % XXX should expand this with all of Jack's recent changes (ask him for % a summary) \item A new script, \file{Tools/scripts/cleanfuture.py} by Tim Peters, automatically removes obsolete \code{__future__} statements from Python source code. \item The new license introduced with Python 1.6 wasn't GPL-compatible. This is fixed by some minor textual changes to the 2.2 license, so Python can now be embedded inside a GPLed program again. The license changes were also applied to the Python 2.0.1 and 2.1.1 releases. \item When presented with a Unicode filename on Windows, Python will now convert it to an MBCS encoded string, as used by the Microsoft file APIs. As MBCS is explicitly used by the file APIs, Python's choice of ASCII as the default encoding turns out to be an annoyance. (Contributed by Mark Hammond with assistance from Marc-Andr\'e Lemburg.) \item The \file{Tools/scripts/ftpmirror.py} script now parses a \file{.netrc} file, if you have one. (Contributed by Mike Romberg.) \item Some features of the object returned by the \function{xrange()} function are now deprecated, and trigger warnings when they're accessed; they'll disappear in Python 2.3. \class{xrange} objects tried to pretend they were full sequence types by supporting slicing, sequence multiplication, and the \keyword{in} operator, but these features were rarely used and therefore buggy. The \method{tolist()} method and the \member{start}, \member{stop}, and \member{step} attributes are also being deprecated. At the C level, the fourth argument to the \cfunction{PyRange_New()} function, \samp{repeat}, has also been deprecated. \item There were a bunch of patches to the dictionary implementation, mostly to fix potential core dumps if a dictionary contains objects that sneakily changed their hash value, or mutated the dictionary they were contained in. For a while python-dev fell into a gentle rhythm of Michael Hudson finding a case that dump core, Tim Peters fixing it, Michael finding another case, and round and round it went. \item On Windows, Python can now be compiled with Borland C thanks to a number of patches contributed by Stephen Hansen. \item Another Windows enhancement: Wise Solutions generously offered PythonLabs use of their InstallerMaster 8.1 system. Earlier PythonLabs Windows installers used Wise 5.0a, which was beginning to show its age. (Packaged up by Tim Peters.) \item Files ending in \samp{.pyw} can now be imported on Windows. \samp{.pyw} is a Windows-only thing, used to indicate that a script needs to be run using PYTHONW.EXE instead of PYTHON.EXE in order to prevent a DOS console from popping up to display the output. This patch makes it possible to import such scripts, in case they're also usable as modules. (Implemented by David Bolen.) \item On platforms where Python uses the C \cfunction{dlopen()} function to load extension modules, it's now possible to set the flags used by \cfunction{dlopen()} using the \function{sys.getdlopenflags()} and \function{sys.setdlopenflags()} functions. (Contributed by Bram Stolk.) \end{itemize} %====================================================================== \section{Acknowledgements} The author would like to thank the following people for offering suggestions and corrections to various drafts of this article: Fred Bremmer, Keith Briggs, Fred L. Drake, Jr., Carel Fellinger, Mark Hammond, Marc-Andr\'e Lemburg, Tim Peters, Neil Schemenauer, Guido van Rossum. \end{document}