#! /usr/bin/env python # Copy a video file, interactively, frame-by-frame. import sys import getopt from gl import * from DEVICE import * import VFile import VGrabber import string import imageop def report(time, iframe): print 'Frame', iframe, ': t =', time def usage(): sys.stderr.write('usage: Vcopy [-t type] [-m threshold] [-a] infile outfile\n') sys.stderr.write('-t Convert to other type\n') sys.stderr.write('-a Automatic\n') sys.stderr.write('-m Convert grey to mono with threshold\n') sys.stderr.write('-d Convert grey to mono with dithering\n') sys.exit(2) def help(): print 'Command summary:' print 'n get next image from input' print 'w write current image to output' class GrabbingVoutFile(VFile.VoutFile, VGrabber.VGrabber): pass def main(): foreground() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 't:am:d') except getopt.error, msg: print msg usage() if len(args) <> 2: usage() [ifile, ofile] = args print 'open film ', ifile ifilm = VFile.VinFile(ifile) print 'open output ', ofile ofilm = GrabbingVoutFile(ofile) ofilm.setinfo(ifilm.getinfo()) use_grabber = 0 continuous = 0 tomono = 0 tomonodither = 0 for o, a in opts: if o == '-t': ofilm.format = a use_grabber = 1 if o == '-a': continuous = 1 if o == '-m': if ifilm.format <> 'grey': print '-m only supported for greyscale' sys.exit(1) tomono = 1 treshold = string.atoi(a) ofilm.format = 'mono' if o == '-d': if ifilm.format <> 'grey': print '-m only supported for greyscale' sys.exit(1) tomonodither = 1 ofilm.format = 'mono' ofilm.writeheader() # prefsize(ifilm.width, ifilm.height) w = winopen(ifile) qdevice(KEYBD) qdevice(ESCKEY) qdevice(WINQUIT) qdevice(WINSHUT) print 'qdevice calls done' # help() # time, data, cdata = ifilm.getnextframe() ifilm.showframe(data, cdata) iframe = 1 report(time, iframe) # while 1: if continuous: dev = KEYBD else: dev, val = qread() if dev in (ESCKEY, WINQUIT, WINSHUT): break if dev == REDRAW: reshapeviewport() elif dev == KEYBD: if continuous: c = '0' else: c = chr(val) #XXX Debug if c == 'R': c3i(255,0,0) clear() if c == 'G': c3i(0,255,0) clear() if c == 'B': c3i(0,0,255) clear() if c == 'w' or continuous: if use_grabber: try: data, cdata = ofilm.grabframe() except VFile.Error, msg: print msg break if tomono: data = imageop.grey2mono(data, \ ifilm.width, ifilm.height, \ treshold) if tomonodither: data = imageop.dither2mono(data, \ ifilm.width, ifilm.height) ofilm.writeframe(time, data, cdata) print 'Frame', iframe, 'written.' if c == 'n' or continuous: try: time,data,cdata = ifilm.getnextframe() ifilm.showframe(data, cdata) iframe = iframe+1 report(time, iframe) except EOFError: print 'EOF' if continuous: break ringbell() elif dev == INPUTCHANGE: pass else: print '(dev, val) =', (dev, val) ofilm.close() main()