\section{\module{calendar} --- General calendar-related functions} \declaremodule{standard}{calendar} \modulesynopsis{General functions for working with the calendar, including some emulation of the \UNIX{} \program{cal} program.} \sectionauthor{Drew Csillag}{drew_csillag@geocities.com} This module allows you to output calendars like the \UNIX{} \program{cal} program, and provides additional useful functions related to the calendar. \begin{funcdesc}{isleap}{year} Returns true if \var{year} is a leap year. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{leapdays}{year1, year2} Return the number of leap years in the range [\var{year1}\ldots\var{year2}]. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{weekday}{year, month, day} Returns the day of the week (\code{0} is Monday) for \var{year} (\code{1970}--\ldots), \var{month} (\code{1}--\code{12}), \var{day} (\code{1}--\code{31}). \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{monthrange}{year, month} Returns weekday of first day of the month and number of days in month, for the specified \var{year} and \var{month}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{monthcalendar}{year, month} Returns a matrix representing a month's calendar. Each row represents a week; days outside of the month a represented by zeros. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{prmonth}{year, month\optional{, width\optional{, length}}} Prints a month's calendar. If \var{width} is provided, it specifies the width of the columns that the numbers are centered in. If \var{length} is given, it specifies the number of lines that each week will use. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{prcal}{year} Prints the calendar for the year \var{year}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{timegm}{tuple} An unrelated but handy function that takes a time tuple such as returned by the \function{gmtime()} function in the \refmodule{time} module, and returns the corresponding Unix timestamp value, assuming an epoch of 1970, and the POSIX encoding. In fact, \function{time.gmtime()} and \function{timegm()} are each others' inverse. \end{funcdesc} \begin{seealso} \seemodule{time}{Low-level time related functions.} \end{seealso}