"""Tools for use in AppleEvent clients and servers. pack(x) converts a Python object to an AEDesc object unpack(desc) does the reverse packevent(event, parameters, attributes) sets params and attrs in an AEAppleEvent record unpackevent(event) returns the parameters and attributes from an AEAppleEvent record Plus... Lots of classes and routines that help representing AE objects, ranges, conditionals, logicals, etc., so you can write, e.g.: x = Character(1, Document("foobar")) and pack(x) will create an AE object reference equivalent to AppleScript's character 1 of document "foobar" """ import struct import string from string import strip from types import * import AE import MacOS import macfs import StringIO AEDescType = type(AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', '')) FSSType = type(macfs.FSSpec(':')) def pack(x, forcetype = None): if forcetype: if type(x) is StringType: return AE.AECreateDesc(forcetype, x) else: return pack(x).AECoerceDesc(forcetype) if x == None: return AE.AECreateDesc('null', '') t = type(x) if t == AEDescType: return x if t == FSSType: vol, dir, filename = x.as_tuple() fnlen = len(filename) header = struct.pack('hlb', vol, dir, fnlen) padding = '\0'*(63-fnlen) return AE.AECreateDesc('fss ', header + filename + padding) if t == IntType: return AE.AECreateDesc('long', struct.pack('l', x)) if t == FloatType: # XXX Weird thing -- Think C's "double" is 10 bytes, but # struct.pack('d') return 12 bytes (and struct.unpack requires # them, too). The first 2 bytes seem to be repeated... # Probably an alignment problem return AE.AECreateDesc('exte', struct.pack('d', x)[2:]) if t == StringType: return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', x) if t == ListType: list = AE.AECreateList('', 0) for item in x: list.AEPutDesc(0, pack(item)) return list if t == DictionaryType: record = AE.AECreateList('', 1) for key, value in x.items(): record.AEPutParamDesc(key, pack(value)) return record if t == InstanceType and hasattr(x, '__aepack__'): return x.__aepack__() return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', repr(x)) # Copout def unpack(desc): t = desc.type if t == 'TEXT': return desc.data if t == 'fals': return 0 if t == 'true': return 1 if t == 'enum': return mkenum(desc.data) if t == 'type': return mktype(desc.data) if t == 'long': return struct.unpack('l', desc.data)[0] if t == 'shor': return struct.unpack('h', desc.data)[0] if t == 'sing': return struct.unpack('f', desc.data)[0] if t == 'exte': data = desc.data # XXX See corresponding note for pack() return struct.unpack('d', data[:2] + data)[0] if t in ('doub', 'comp', 'magn'): return unpack(desc.AECoerceDesc('exte')) if t == 'null': return None if t == 'list': l = [] for i in range(desc.AECountItems()): keyword, item = desc.AEGetNthDesc(i+1, '****') l.append(unpack(item)) return l if t == 'reco': d = {} for i in range(desc.AECountItems()): keyword, item = desc.AEGetNthDesc(i+1, '****') d[keyword] = unpack(item) return d if t == 'obj ': record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco') return mkobject(unpack(record)) if t == 'rang': record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco') return mkrange(unpack(record)) if t == 'cmpd': record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco') return mkcomparison(unpack(record)) if t == 'logi': record = desc.AECoerceDesc('reco') return mklogical(unpack(record)) if t == 'targ': return mktargetid(desc.data) if t == 'alis': # XXX Can't handle alias records yet, so coerce to FS spec... return unpack(desc.AECoerceDesc('fss ')) if t == 'fss ': return mkfss(desc.data) return mkunknown(desc.type, desc.data) def mkfss(data): print "mkfss data =", `data` vol, dir, fnlen = struct.unpack('hlb', data[:7]) filename = data[7:7+fnlen] print (vol, dir, fnlen, filename) return macfs.FSSpec((vol, dir, filename)) def mktargetid(data): sessionID = getlong(data[:4]) name = mkppcportrec(data[4:4+72]) print len(name), `name` location = mklocationnamerec(data[76:76+36]) rcvrName = mkppcportrec(data[112:112+72]) return sessionID, name, location, rcvrName def mkppcportrec(rec): namescript = getword(rec[:2]) name = getpstr(rec[2:2+33]) portkind = getword(rec[36:38]) if portkind == 1: ctor = rec[38:42] type = rec[42:46] identity = (ctor, type) else: identity = getpstr(rec[38:38+33]) return namescript, name, portkind, identity def mklocationnamerec(rec): kind = getword(rec[:2]) stuff = rec[2:] if kind == 0: stuff = None if kind == 2: stuff = getpstr(stuff) return kind, stuff def getpstr(s): return s[1:1+ord(s[0])] def getlong(s): return (ord(s[0])<<24) | (ord(s[1])<<16) | (ord(s[2])<<8) | ord(s[3]) def getword(s): return (ord(s[0])<<8) | (ord(s[1])<<0) def mkunknown(type, data): return Unknown(type, data) class Unknown: def __init__(self, type, data): self.type = type self.data = data def __repr__(self): return "Unknown(%s, %s)" % (`self.type`, `self.data`) def __aepack__(self): return pack(self.data, self.type) def IsSubclass(cls, base): """Test whether CLASS1 is the same as or a subclass of CLASS2""" # Loop to optimize for single inheritance while 1: if cls is base: return 1 if len(cls.__bases__) <> 1: break cls = cls.__bases__[0] # Recurse to cope with multiple inheritance for c in cls.__bases__: if IsSubclass(c, base): return 1 return 0 def IsInstance(x, cls): """Test whether OBJECT is an instance of (a subclass of) CLASS""" return type(x) is InstanceType and IsSubclass(x.__class__, cls) def nice(s): if type(s) is StringType: return repr(s) else: return str(s) def mkenum(enum): if IsEnum(enum): return enum return Enum(enum) class Enum: def __init__(self, enum): self.enum = "%-4.4s" % str(enum) def __repr__(self): return "Enum(%s)" % `self.enum` def __str__(self): return strip(self.enum) def __aepack__(self): return pack(self.enum, 'enum') def IsEnum(x): return IsInstance(x, Enum) def mktype(type): if IsType(type): return type return Type(type) class Type: def __init__(self, type): self.type = "%-4.4s" % str(type) def __repr__(self): return "Type(%s)" % `self.type` def __str__(self): return strip(self.type) def __aepack__(self): return pack(self.type, 'type') def IsType(x): return IsInstance(x, Type) def mkrange(dict): return Range(dict['star'], dict['stop']) class Range: def __init__(self, start, stop): self.start = start self.stop = stop def __repr__(self): return "Range(%s, %s)" % (`self.start`, `self.stop`) def __str__(self): return "%s thru %s" % (nice(self.start), nice(self.stop)) def __aepack__(self): return pack({'star': self.start, 'stop': self.stop}, 'rang') def IsRange(x): return IsInstance(x, Range) def mkcomparison(dict): return Comparison(dict['obj1'], dict['relo'].enum, dict['obj2']) class Comparison: def __init__(self, obj1, relo, obj2): self.obj1 = obj1 self.relo = "%-4.4s" % str(relo) self.obj2 = obj2 def __repr__(self): return "Comparison(%s, %s, %s)" % (`self.obj1`, `self.relo`, `self.obj2`) def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s" % (nice(self.obj1), strip(self.relo), nice(self.obj2)) def __aepack__(self): return pack({'obj1': self.obj1, 'relo': mkenum(self.relo), 'obj2': self.obj2}, 'cmpd') def IsComparison(x): return IsInstance(x, Comparison) def mklogical(dict): return Logical(dict['logc'], dict['term']) class Logical: def __init__(self, logc, term): self.logc = "%-4.4s" % str(logc) self.term = term def __repr__(self): return "Logical(%s, %s)" % (`self.logc`, `self.term`) def __str__(self): if type(self.term) == ListType and len(self.term) == 2: return "%s %s %s" % (nice(self.term[0]), strip(self.logc), nice(self.term[1])) else: return "%s(%s)" % (strip(self.logc), nice(self.term)) def __aepack__(self): return pack({'logc': mkenum(self.logc), 'term': self.term}, 'logi') def IsLogical(x): return IsInstance(x, Logical) class ObjectSpecifier: """A class for constructing and manipulation AE object specifiers in python. An object specifier is actually a record with four fields: key type description --- ---- ----------- 'want' type what kind of thing we want, e.g. word, paragraph or property 'form' enum how we specify the thing(s) we want, e.g. by index, by range, by name, or by property specifier 'seld' any which thing(s) we want, e.g. its index, its name, or its property specifier 'from' object the object in which it is contained, or null, meaning look for it in the application Note that we don't call this class plain "Object", since that name is likely to be used by the application. """ def __init__(self, want, form, seld, fr = None): self.want = want self.form = form self.seld = seld self.fr = fr def __repr__(self): s = "ObjectSpecifier(%s, %s, %s" % (`self.want`, `self.form`, `self.seld`) if self.fr: s = s + ", %s)" % `self.fr` else: s = s + ")" return s def __aepack__(self): return pack({'want': mktype(self.want), 'form': mkenum(self.form), 'seld': self.seld, 'from': self.fr}, 'obj ') def IsObjectSpecifier(x): return IsInstance(x, ObjectSpecifier) class Property(ObjectSpecifier): def __init__(self, which, fr = None): ObjectSpecifier.__init__(self, 'prop', 'prop', mkenum(which), fr) def __repr__(self): if self.fr: return "Property(%s, %s)" % (`self.seld.enum`, `self.fr`) else: return "Property(%s)" % `self.seld.enum` def __str__(self): if self.fr: return "Property %s of %s" % (str(self.seld), str(self.fr)) else: return "Property %s" % str(self.seld) class SelectableItem(ObjectSpecifier): def __init__(self, want, seld, fr = None): t = type(seld) if t == StringType: form = 'name' elif IsRange(seld): form = 'rang' elif IsComparison(seld) or IsLogical(seld): form = 'test' else: form = 'indx' ObjectSpecifier.__init__(self, want, form, seld, fr) class ComponentItem(SelectableItem): # Derived classes *must* set the *class attribute* 'want' to some constant def __init__(self, which, fr = None): SelectableItem.__init__(self, self.want, which, fr) def __repr__(self): if not self.fr: return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, `self.seld`) return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, `self.seld`, `self.fr`) def __str__(self): seld = self.seld if type(seld) == StringType: ss = repr(seld) elif IsRange(seld): start, stop = seld.start, seld.stop if type(start) == InstanceType == type(stop) and \ start.__class__ == self.__class__ == stop.__class__: ss = str(start.seld) + " thru " + str(stop.seld) else: ss = str(seld) else: ss = str(seld) s = "%s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, ss) if self.fr: s = s + " of %s" % str(self.fr) return s template = """ class %s(ComponentItem): want = '%s' """ exec template % ("Text", 'text') exec template % ("Character", 'cha ') exec template % ("Word", 'cwor') exec template % ("Line", 'clin') exec template % ("Paragraph", 'cpar') exec template % ("Window", 'cwin') exec template % ("Document", 'docu') exec template % ("File", 'file') exec template % ("InsertionPoint", 'cins') def mkobject(dict): want = dict['want'].type form = dict['form'].enum seld = dict['seld'] fr = dict['from'] if form in ('name', 'indx', 'rang', 'test'): if want == 'text': return Text(seld, fr) if want == 'cha ': return Character(seld, fr) if want == 'cwor': return Word(seld, fr) if want == 'clin': return Line(seld, fr) if want == 'cpar': return Paragraph(seld, fr) if want == 'cwin': return Window(seld, fr) if want == 'docu': return Document(seld, fr) if want == 'file': return File(seld, fr) if want == 'cins': return InsertionPoint(seld, fr) if want == 'prop' and form == 'prop' and IsType(seld): return Property(seld.type, fr) return ObjectSpecifier(want, form, seld, fr) # Special code to unpack an AppleEvent (which is *not* a disguised record!) aekeywords = [ 'tran', 'rtid', 'evcl', 'evid', 'addr', 'optk', 'timo', 'inte', # this attribute is read only - will be set in AESend 'esrc', # this attribute is read only 'miss', # this attribute is read only 'from' # new in 1.0.1 ] def missed(ae): try: desc = ae.AEGetAttributeDesc('miss', 'keyw') except AE.Error, msg: return None return desc.data def unpackevent(ae): parameters = {} while 1: key = missed(ae) if not key: break parameters[key] = unpack(ae.AEGetParamDesc(key, '****')) attributes = {} for key in aekeywords: try: desc = ae.AEGetAttributeDesc(key, '****') except (AE.Error, MacOS.Error), msg: if msg[0] != -1701: raise sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value continue attributes[key] = unpack(desc) return parameters, attributes def packevent(ae, parameters = {}, attributes = {}): for key, value in parameters.items(): ae.AEPutParamDesc(key, pack(value)) for key, value in attributes.items(): ae.AEPutAttributeDesc(key, pack(value)) # Test program def test(): target = AE.AECreateDesc('sign', 'KAHL') ae = AE.AECreateAppleEvent('aevt', 'oapp', target, -1, 0) print unpackevent(ae) raw_input(":") ae = AE.AECreateAppleEvent('core', 'getd', target, -1, 0) obj = Character(2, Word(1, Document(1))) print obj print repr(obj) packevent(ae, {'----': obj}) params, attrs = unpackevent(ae) print params['----'] raw_input(":") if __name__ == '__main__': test()