\section{\module{imp} --- Access the \keyword{import} internals} \declaremodule{builtin}{imp} \modulesynopsis{Access the implementation of the \keyword{import} statement.} This\stindex{import} module provides an interface to the mechanisms used to implement the \keyword{import} statement. It defines the following constants and functions: \begin{funcdesc}{get_magic}{} \indexii{file}{byte-code} Return the magic string value used to recognize byte-compiled code files (\file{.pyc} files). (This value may be different for each Python version.) \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{get_suffixes}{} Return a list of triples, each describing a particular type of module. Each triple has the form \code{(\var{suffix}, \var{mode}, \var{type})}, where \var{suffix} is a string to be appended to the module name to form the filename to search for, \var{mode} is the mode string to pass to the built-in \function{open()} function to open the file (this can be \code{'r'} for text files or \code{'rb'} for binary files), and \var{type} is the file type, which has one of the values \constant{PY_SOURCE}, \constant{PY_COMPILED}, or \constant{C_EXTENSION}, described below. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{find_module}{name\optional{, path}} Try to find the module \var{name} on the search path \var{path}. If \var{path} is a list of directory names, each directory is searched for files with any of the suffixes returned by \function{get_suffixes()} above. Invalid names in the list are silently ignored (but all list items must be strings). If \var{path} is omitted or \code{None}, the list of directory names given by \code{sys.path} is searched, but first it searches a few special places: it tries to find a built-in module with the given name (\constant{C_BUILTIN}), then a frozen module (\constant{PY_FROZEN}), and on some systems some other places are looked in as well (on the Mac, it looks for a resource (\constant{PY_RESOURCE}); on Windows, it looks in the registry which may point to a specific file). If search is successful, the return value is a triple \code{(\var{file}, \var{pathname}, \var{description})} where \var{file} is an open file object positioned at the beginning, \var{pathname} is the pathname of the file found, and \var{description} is a triple as contained in the list returned by \function{get_suffixes()} describing the kind of module found. If the module does not live in a file, the returned \var{file} is \code{None}, \var{filename} is the empty string, and the \var{description} tuple contains empty strings for its suffix and mode; the module type is as indicate in parentheses above. If the search is unsuccessful, \exception{ImportError} is raised. Other exceptions indicate problems with the arguments or environment. This function does not handle hierarchical module names (names containing dots). In order to find \var{P}.\var{M}, that is, submodule \var{M} of package \var{P}, use \function{find_module()} and \function{load_module()} to find and load package \var{P}, and then use \function{find_module()} with the \var{path} argument set to \code{\var{P}.__path__}. When \var{P} itself has a dotted name, apply this recipe recursively. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{load_module}{name, file, filename, description} Load a module that was previously found by \function{find_module()} (or by an otherwise conducted search yielding compatible results). This function does more than importing the module: if the module was already imported, it is equivalent to a \function{reload()}\bifuncindex{reload}! The \var{name} argument indicates the full module name (including the package name, if this is a submodule of a package). The \var{file} argument is an open file, and \var{filename} is the corresponding file name; these can be \code{None} and \code{''}, respectively, when the module is not being loaded from a file. The \var{description} argument is a tuple, as would be returned by \function{get_suffixes()}, describing what kind of module must be loaded. If the load is successful, the return value is the module object; otherwise, an exception (usually \exception{ImportError}) is raised. \strong{Important:} the caller is responsible for closing the \var{file} argument, if it was not \code{None}, even when an exception is raised. This is best done using a \keyword{try} ... \keyword{finally} statement. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{new_module}{name} Return a new empty module object called \var{name}. This object is \emph{not} inserted in \code{sys.modules}. \end{funcdesc} The following constants with integer values, defined in this module, are used to indicate the search result of \function{find_module()}. \begin{datadesc}{PY_SOURCE} The module was found as a source file. \end{datadesc} \begin{datadesc}{PY_COMPILED} The module was found as a compiled code object file. \end{datadesc} \begin{datadesc}{C_EXTENSION} The module was found as dynamically loadable shared library. \end{datadesc} \begin{datadesc}{PY_RESOURCE} The module was found as a Macintosh resource. This value can only be returned on a Macintosh. \end{datadesc} \begin{datadesc}{PKG_DIRECTORY} The module was found as a package directory. \end{datadesc} \begin{datadesc}{C_BUILTIN} The module was found as a built-in module. \end{datadesc} \begin{datadesc}{PY_FROZEN} The module was found as a frozen module (see \function{init_frozen()}). \end{datadesc} The following constant and functions are obsolete; their functionality is available through \function{find_module()} or \function{load_module()}. They are kept around for backward compatibility: \begin{datadesc}{SEARCH_ERROR} Unused. \end{datadesc} \begin{funcdesc}{init_builtin}{name} Initialize the built-in module called \var{name} and return its module object. If the module was already initialized, it will be initialized \emph{again}. A few modules cannot be initialized twice --- attempting to initialize these again will raise an \exception{ImportError} exception. If there is no built-in module called \var{name}, \code{None} is returned. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{init_frozen}{name} Initialize the frozen module called \var{name} and return its module object. If the module was already initialized, it will be initialized \emph{again}. If there is no frozen module called \var{name}, \code{None} is returned. (Frozen modules are modules written in Python whose compiled byte-code object is incorporated into a custom-built Python interpreter by Python's \program{freeze} utility. See \file{Tools/freeze/} for now.) \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{is_builtin}{name} Return \code{1} if there is a built-in module called \var{name} which can be initialized again. Return \code{-1} if there is a built-in module called \var{name} which cannot be initialized again (see \function{init_builtin()}). Return \code{0} if there is no built-in module called \var{name}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{is_frozen}{name} Return \code{1} if there is a frozen module (see \function{init_frozen()}) called \var{name}, or \code{0} if there is no such module. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{load_compiled}{name, pathname, file} \indexii{file}{byte-code} Load and initialize a module implemented as a byte-compiled code file and return its module object. If the module was already initialized, it will be initialized \emph{again}. The \var{name} argument is used to create or access a module object. The \var{pathname} argument points to the byte-compiled code file. The \var{file} argument is the byte-compiled code file, open for reading in binary mode, from the beginning. It must currently be a real file object, not a user-defined class emulating a file. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{load_dynamic}{name, pathname\optional{, file}} Load and initialize a module implemented as a dynamically loadable shared library and return its module object. If the module was already initialized, it will be initialized \emph{again}. Some modules don't like that and may raise an exception. The \var{pathname} argument must point to the shared library. The \var{name} argument is used to construct the name of the initialization function: an external C function called \samp{init\var{name}()} in the shared library is called. The optional \var{file} argument is ignored. (Note: using shared libraries is highly system dependent, and not all systems support it.) \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{load_source}{name, pathname, file} Load and initialize a module implemented as a Python source file and return its module object. If the module was already initialized, it will be initialized \emph{again}. The \var{name} argument is used to create or access a module object. The \var{pathname} argument points to the source file. The \var{file} argument is the source file, open for reading as text, from the beginning. It must currently be a real file object, not a user-defined class emulating a file. Note that if a properly matching byte-compiled file (with suffix \file{.pyc} or \file{.pyo}) exists, it will be used instead of parsing the given source file. \end{funcdesc} \subsection{Examples} \label{examples-imp} The following function emulates what was the standard import statement up to Python 1.4 (no hierarchical module names). (This \emph{implementation} wouldn't work in that version, since \function{find_module()} has been extended and \function{load_module()} has been added in 1.4.) \begin{verbatim} import imp import sys def __import__(name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=None): # Fast path: see if the module has already been imported. try: return sys.modules[name] except KeyError: pass # If any of the following calls raises an exception, # there's a problem we can't handle -- let the caller handle it. fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(name) try: return imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description) finally: # Since we may exit via an exception, close fp explicitly. if fp: fp.close() \end{verbatim} A more complete example that implements hierarchical module names and includes a \function{reload()}\bifuncindex{reload} function can be found in the standard module \module{knee}\refstmodindex{knee} (which is intended as an example only --- don't rely on any part of it being a standard interface).