:mod:`plistlib` --- Generate and parse Mac OS X ``.plist`` files ================================================================ .. module:: plistlib :synopsis: Generate and parse Mac OS X plist files. .. moduleauthor:: Jack Jansen .. sectionauthor:: Georg Brandl .. (harvested from docstrings in the original file) .. versionchanged:: 2.6 This module was previously only available in the Mac-specific library, it is now available for all platforms. .. index:: pair: plist; file single: property list **Source code:** :source:`Lib/plistlib.py` -------------- This module provides an interface for reading and writing the "property list" XML files used mainly by Mac OS X. The property list (``.plist``) file format is a simple XML pickle supporting basic object types, like dictionaries, lists, numbers and strings. Usually the top level object is a dictionary. Values can be strings, integers, floats, booleans, tuples, lists, dictionaries (but only with string keys), :class:`Data` or :class:`datetime.datetime` objects. String values (including dictionary keys) may be unicode strings -- they will be written out as UTF-8. The ```` plist type is supported through the :class:`Data` class. This is a thin wrapper around a Python string. Use :class:`Data` if your strings contain control characters. .. seealso:: `PList manual page `_ Apple's documentation of the file format. This module defines the following functions: .. function:: readPlist(pathOrFile) Read a plist file. *pathOrFile* may either be a file name or a (readable) file object. Return the unpacked root object (which usually is a dictionary). The XML data is parsed using the Expat parser from :mod:`xml.parsers.expat` -- see its documentation for possible exceptions on ill-formed XML. Unknown elements will simply be ignored by the plist parser. .. function:: writePlist(rootObject, pathOrFile) Write *rootObject* to a plist file. *pathOrFile* may either be a file name or a (writable) file object. A :exc:`TypeError` will be raised if the object is of an unsupported type or a container that contains objects of unsupported types. .. function:: readPlistFromString(data) Read a plist from a string. Return the root object. .. function:: writePlistToString(rootObject) Return *rootObject* as a plist-formatted string. .. function:: readPlistFromResource(path[, restype='plst'[, resid=0]]) Read a plist from the resource with type *restype* from the resource fork of *path*. Availability: Mac OS X. .. note:: In Python 3.x, this function has been removed. .. function:: writePlistToResource(rootObject, path[, restype='plst'[, resid=0]]) Write *rootObject* as a resource with type *restype* to the resource fork of *path*. Availability: Mac OS X. .. note:: In Python 3.x, this function has been removed. The following class is available: .. class:: Data(data) Return a "data" wrapper object around the string *data*. This is used in functions converting from/to plists to represent the ```` type available in plists. It has one attribute, :attr:`data`, that can be used to retrieve the Python string stored in it. Examples -------- Generating a plist:: pl = dict( aString="Doodah", aList=["A", "B", 12, 32.1, [1, 2, 3]], aFloat = 0.1, anInt = 728, aDict=dict( anotherString="", aUnicodeValue=u'M\xe4ssig, Ma\xdf', aTrueValue=True, aFalseValue=False, ), someData = Data(""), someMoreData = Data("" * 10), aDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.gmtime())), ) # unicode keys are possible, but a little awkward to use: pl[u'\xc5benraa'] = "That was a unicode key." writePlist(pl, fileName) Parsing a plist:: pl = readPlist(pathOrFile) print pl["aKey"]