\declaremodule{standard}{email.Generator} \modulesynopsis{Generate flat text email messages from a message object tree.} One of the most common tasks is to generate the flat text of the email message represented by a message object tree. You will need to do this if you want to send your message via the \refmodule{smtplib} module or the \refmodule{nntplib} module, or print the message on the console. Taking a message object tree and producing a flat text document is the job of the \class{Generator} class. Again, as with the \refmodule{email.Parser} module, you aren't limited to the functionality of the bundled generator; you could write one from scratch yourself. However the bundled generator knows how to generate most email in a standards-compliant way, should handle MIME and non-MIME email messages just fine, and is designed so that the transformation from flat text, to an object tree via the \class{Parser} class, and back to flat text, is idempotent (the input is identical to the output). Here are the public methods of the \class{Generator} class: \begin{classdesc}{Generator}{outfp\optional{, mangle_from_\optional{, maxheaderlen}}} The constructor for the \class{Generator} class takes a file-like object called \var{outfp} for an argument. \var{outfp} must support the \method{write()} method and be usable as the output file in a Python 2.0 extended print statement. Optional \var{mangle_from_} is a flag that, when true, puts a \samp{>} character in front of any line in the body that starts exactly as \samp{From } (i.e. \code{From} followed by a space at the front of the line). This is the only guaranteed portable way to avoid having such lines be mistaken for \emph{Unix-From} headers (see \ulink{WHY THE CONTENT-LENGTH FORMAT IS BAD} {http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/2.0/relnotes/demo/content-length.html} for details). Optional \var{maxheaderlen} specifies the longest length for a non-continued header. When a header line is longer than \var{maxheaderlen} (in characters, with tabs expanded to 8 spaces), the header will be broken on semicolons and continued as per \rfc{2822}. If no semicolon is found, then the header is left alone. Set to zero to disable wrapping headers. Default is 78, as recommended (but not required) by \rfc{2822}. \end{classdesc} The other public \class{Generator} methods are: \begin{methoddesc}[Generator]{__call__}{msg\optional{, unixfrom}} Print the textual representation of the message object tree rooted at \var{msg} to the output file specified when the \class{Generator} instance was created. Sub-objects are visited depth-first and the resulting text will be properly MIME encoded. Optional \var{unixfrom} is a flag that forces the printing of the \emph{Unix-From} (a.k.a. envelope header or \code{From_} header) delimiter before the first \rfc{2822} header of the root message object. If the root object has no \emph{Unix-From} header, a standard one is crafted. By default, this is set to 0 to inhibit the printing of the \emph{Unix-From} delimiter. Note that for sub-objects, no \emph{Unix-From} header is ever printed. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}[Generator]{write}{s} Write the string \var{s} to the underlying file object, i.e. \var{outfp} passed to \class{Generator}'s constructor. This provides just enough file-like API for \class{Generator} instances to be used in extended print statements. \end{methoddesc} As a convenience, see the methods \method{Message.as_string()} and \code{str(aMessage)}, a.k.a. \method{Message.__str__()}, which simplify the generation of a formatted string representation of a message object. For more detail, see \refmodule{email.Message}.