\documentstyle[twoside,11pt,myformat]{report} \title{Python Library Reference} \input{boilerplate} \makeindex % tell \index to actually write the .idx file \begin{document} \pagenumbering{roman} \maketitle \input{copyright} \begin{abstract} \noindent This document describes the built-in types, exceptions and functions and the standard modules that come with the Python system. It assumes basic knowledge about the Python language. For an informal introduction to the language, see the {\em Python Tutorial}. The {\em Python Reference Manual} gives a more formal definition of the language. \end{abstract} \pagebreak { \parskip = 0mm \tableofcontents } \pagebreak \pagenumbering{arabic} % Chapter title: \input{libintro} % Introduction \input{libobjs} % Built-in Types, Exceptions and Functions \input{libtypes} \input{libexcs} \input{libfuncs} \input{libmods} % Built-in modules \input{libsys} \input{libbltin} % really __builtin__ \input{libimp} \input{libmain} % really __main__ \input{libarray} \input{libmath} \input{libtime} \input{libregex} \input{libmarshal} \input{libstruct} \input{libstd} % Standard Modules \input{libgetopt} \input{libos} \input{librand} \input{libregsub} \input{libstring} \input{libwhrandom} \input{libaifc} \input{libunix} % UNIX ONLY \input{libdbm} \input{libfcntl} \input{libgdbm} \input{libgrp} \input{libposix} \input{libposixfile} \input{libppath} % really posixpath \input{libpwd} \input{libselect} \input{libsocket} \input{libthread} \input{libmm} % MULTIMEDIA EXTENSIONS \input{libaudioop} \input{libimageop} \input{libjpeg} \input{librgbimg} \input{libcrypto} % CRYPTOGRAPHIC EXTENSIONS \input{libmd5} \input{libmpz} \input{librotor} %\input{libamoeba} % AMOEBA ONLY %\input{libmac} % MACINTOSH ONLY \input{libstdwin} % STDWIN ONLY \input{libsgi} % SGI IRIX ONLY \input{libal} %\input{libaudio} \input{libfl} \input{libfm} \input{libgl} \input{libimgfile} %\input{libpanel} \input{libsun} % SUNOS ONLY \input{lib.ind} % Index \end{document}