"""Interpret sun audio headers.""" MAGIC = b'.snd' class error(Exception): pass def get_long_be(s): """Convert a 4-byte value to integer.""" return (s[0]<<24) | (s[1]<<16) | (s[2]<<8) | s[3] def gethdr(fp): """Read a sound header from an open file.""" if fp.read(4) != MAGIC: raise error, 'gethdr: bad magic word' hdr_size = get_long_be(fp.read(4)) data_size = get_long_be(fp.read(4)) encoding = get_long_be(fp.read(4)) sample_rate = get_long_be(fp.read(4)) channels = get_long_be(fp.read(4)) excess = hdr_size - 24 if excess < 0: raise error, 'gethdr: bad hdr_size' if excess > 0: info = fp.read(excess) else: info = b'' return (data_size, encoding, sample_rate, channels, info) def printhdr(file): """Read and print the sound header of a named file.""" f = open(file, 'rb') try: hdr = gethdr(f) finally: f.close() data_size, encoding, sample_rate, channels, info = hdr while info.endswith(b'\0'): info = info[:-1] print('File name: ', file) print('Data size: ', data_size) print('Encoding: ', encoding) print('Sample rate:', sample_rate) print('Channels: ', channels) print('Info: ', repr(info))