"""Run all test cases. """ import sys import os import unittest try: # For Pythons w/distutils pybsddb from bsddb3 import db except ImportError: # For Python 2.3 from bsddb import db try: from bsddb3 import test_support except ImportError: from test import test_support verbose = 0 if 'verbose' in sys.argv: verbose = 1 sys.argv.remove('verbose') if 'silent' in sys.argv: # take care of old flag, just in case verbose = 0 sys.argv.remove('silent') def print_versions(): print print '-=' * 38 print db.DB_VERSION_STRING print 'bsddb.db.version(): %s' % (db.version(), ) print 'bsddb.db.__version__: %s' % db.__version__ print 'bsddb.db.cvsid: %s' % db.cvsid print 'python version: %s' % sys.version print 'My pid: %s' % os.getpid() print '-=' * 38 def get_new_path(name) : get_new_path.mutex.acquire() try : import os path=os.path.join(get_new_path.prefix, name+"_"+str(os.getpid())+"_"+str(get_new_path.num)) get_new_path.num+=1 finally : get_new_path.mutex.release() return path def get_new_environment_path() : path=get_new_path("environment") import os try: os.makedirs(path,mode=0700) except os.error: test_support.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) return path def get_new_database_path() : path=get_new_path("database") import os if os.path.exists(path) : os.remove(path) return path # This path can be overriden via "set_test_path_prefix()". import os, os.path get_new_path.prefix=os.path.join(os.sep,"tmp","z-Berkeley_DB") get_new_path.num=0 def get_test_path_prefix() : return get_new_path.prefix def set_test_path_prefix(path) : get_new_path.prefix=path def remove_test_path_directory() : test_support.rmtree(get_new_path.prefix) try : import threading get_new_path.mutex=threading.Lock() del threading except ImportError: class Lock(object) : def acquire(self) : pass def release(self) : pass get_new_path.mutex=Lock() del Lock class PrintInfoFakeTest(unittest.TestCase): def testPrintVersions(self): print_versions() # This little hack is for when this module is run as main and all the # other modules import it so they will still be able to get the right # verbose setting. It's confusing but it works. import test_all test_all.verbose = verbose def suite(module_prefix='', timing_check=None): test_modules = [ 'test_associate', 'test_basics', 'test_compare', 'test_compat', 'test_cursor_pget_bug', 'test_dbobj', 'test_dbshelve', 'test_dbtables', 'test_distributed_transactions', 'test_early_close', 'test_get_none', 'test_join', 'test_lock', 'test_misc', 'test_pickle', 'test_queue', 'test_recno', 'test_replication', 'test_sequence', 'test_thread', ] alltests = unittest.TestSuite() for name in test_modules: #module = __import__(name) # Do it this way so that suite may be called externally via # python's Lib/test/test_bsddb3. module = __import__(module_prefix+name, globals(), locals(), name) alltests.addTest(module.test_suite()) if timing_check: alltests.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(timing_check)) return alltests def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(PrintInfoFakeTest)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': print_versions() unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')