#!/usr/bin/env python """ This script is used to build the "official unofficial" universal build on Mac OS X. It requires Mac OS X 10.4, Xcode 2.2 and the 10.4u SDK to do its work. 64-bit or four-way universal builds require at least OS X 10.5 and the 10.5 SDK. Please ensure that this script keeps working with Python 2.3, to avoid bootstrap issues (/usr/bin/python is Python 2.3 on OSX 10.4) Usage: see USAGE variable in the script. """ import platform, os, sys, getopt, textwrap, shutil, urllib2, stat, time, pwd import grp INCLUDE_TIMESTAMP = 1 VERBOSE = 1 from plistlib import Plist import MacOS try: from plistlib import writePlist except ImportError: # We're run using python2.3 def writePlist(plist, path): plist.write(path) def shellQuote(value): """ Return the string value in a form that can safely be inserted into a shell command. """ return "'%s'"%(value.replace("'", "'\"'\"'")) def grepValue(fn, variable): variable = variable + '=' for ln in open(fn, 'r'): if ln.startswith(variable): value = ln[len(variable):].strip() return value[1:-1] def getVersion(): return grepValue(os.path.join(SRCDIR, 'configure'), 'PACKAGE_VERSION') def getFullVersion(): fn = os.path.join(SRCDIR, 'Include', 'patchlevel.h') for ln in open(fn): if 'PY_VERSION' in ln: return ln.split()[-1][1:-1] raise RuntimeError, "Cannot find full version??" # The directory we'll use to create the build (will be erased and recreated) WORKDIR = "/tmp/_py" # The directory we'll use to store third-party sources. Set this to something # else if you don't want to re-fetch required libraries every time. DEPSRC = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'third-party') DEPSRC = os.path.expanduser('~/Universal/other-sources') # Location of the preferred SDK ### There are some issues with the SDK selection below here, ### The resulting binary doesn't work on all platforms that ### it should. Always default to the 10.4u SDK until that ### isue is resolved. ### ##if int(os.uname()[2].split('.')[0]) == 8: ## # Explicitly use the 10.4u (universal) SDK when ## # building on 10.4, the system headers are not ## # useable for a universal build ## SDKPATH = "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk" ##else: ## SDKPATH = "/" SDKPATH = "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk" universal_opts_map = { '32-bit': ('i386', 'ppc',), '64-bit': ('x86_64', 'ppc64',), 'intel': ('i386', 'x86_64'), '3-way': ('ppc', 'i386', 'x86_64'), 'all': ('i386', 'ppc', 'x86_64', 'ppc64',) } default_target_map = { '64-bit': '10.5', '3-way': '10.5', 'intel': '10.5', 'all': '10.5', } UNIVERSALOPTS = tuple(universal_opts_map.keys()) UNIVERSALARCHS = '32-bit' ARCHLIST = universal_opts_map[UNIVERSALARCHS] # Source directory (asume we're in Mac/BuildScript) SRCDIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__ )))) # $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET -> minimum OS X level DEPTARGET = '10.3' target_cc_map = { '10.3': 'gcc-4.0', '10.4': 'gcc-4.0', '10.5': 'gcc-4.0', '10.6': 'gcc-4.2', } CC = target_cc_map[DEPTARGET] USAGE = textwrap.dedent("""\ Usage: build_python [options] Options: -? or -h: Show this message -b DIR --build-dir=DIR: Create build here (default: %(WORKDIR)r) --third-party=DIR: Store third-party sources here (default: %(DEPSRC)r) --sdk-path=DIR: Location of the SDK (default: %(SDKPATH)r) --src-dir=DIR: Location of the Python sources (default: %(SRCDIR)r) --dep-target=10.n OS X deployment target (default: %(DEPTARGET)r) --universal-archs=x universal architectures (options: %(UNIVERSALOPTS)r, default: %(UNIVERSALARCHS)r) """)% globals() # Instructions for building libraries that are necessary for building a # batteries included python. # [The recipes are defined here for convenience but instantiated later after # command line options have been processed.] def library_recipes(): result = [] if DEPTARGET < '10.5': result.extend([ dict( name="Bzip2 1.0.5", url="http://www.bzip.org/1.0.5/bzip2-1.0.5.tar.gz", checksum='3c15a0c8d1d3ee1c46a1634d00617b1a', configure=None, install='make install CC=%s PREFIX=%s/usr/local/ CFLAGS="-arch %s -isysroot %s"'%( CC, shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries')), ' -arch '.join(ARCHLIST), SDKPATH, ), ), dict( name="ZLib 1.2.3", url="http://www.gzip.org/zlib/zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz", checksum='debc62758716a169df9f62e6ab2bc634', configure=None, install='make install CC=%s prefix=%s/usr/local/ CFLAGS="-arch %s -isysroot %s"'%( CC, shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries')), ' -arch '.join(ARCHLIST), SDKPATH, ), ), dict( # Note that GNU readline is GPL'd software name="GNU Readline 5.1.4", url="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-5.1.tar.gz" , checksum='7ee5a692db88b30ca48927a13fd60e46', patchlevel='0', patches=[ # The readline maintainers don't do actual micro releases, but # just ship a set of patches. 'http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-5.1-patches/readline51-001', 'http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-5.1-patches/readline51-002', 'http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-5.1-patches/readline51-003', 'http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-5.1-patches/readline51-004', ] ), dict( name="SQLite 3.6.11", url="http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.6.11.tar.gz", checksum='7ebb099696ab76cc6ff65dd496d17858', configure_pre=[ '--enable-threadsafe', '--enable-tempstore', '--enable-shared=no', '--enable-static=yes', '--disable-tcl', ] ), dict( name="NCurses 5.5", url="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/ncurses/ncurses-5.5.tar.gz", checksum='e73c1ac10b4bfc46db43b2ddfd6244ef', configure_pre=[ "--without-cxx", "--without-ada", "--without-progs", "--without-curses-h", "--enable-shared", "--with-shared", "--datadir=/usr/share", "--sysconfdir=/etc", "--sharedstatedir=/usr/com", "--with-terminfo-dirs=/usr/share/terminfo", "--with-default-terminfo-dir=/usr/share/terminfo", "--libdir=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%s/lib"%(getVersion(),), "--enable-termcap", ], patches=[ "ncurses-5.5.patch", ], useLDFlags=False, install='make && make install DESTDIR=%s && cd %s/usr/local/lib && ln -fs ../../../Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%s/lib/lib* .'%( shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries')), shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries')), getVersion(), ), ), ]) result.extend([ dict( name="Sleepycat DB 4.7.25", url="http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.7.25.tar.gz", checksum='ec2b87e833779681a0c3a814aa71359e', buildDir="build_unix", configure="../dist/configure", configure_pre=[ '--includedir=/usr/local/include/db4', ] ), ]) return result # Instructions for building packages inside the .mpkg. def pkg_recipes(): result = [ dict( name="PythonFramework", long_name="Python Framework", source="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework", readme="""\ This package installs Python.framework, that is the python interpreter and the standard library. This also includes Python wrappers for lots of Mac OS X API's. """, postflight="scripts/postflight.framework", selected='selected', ), dict( name="PythonApplications", long_name="GUI Applications", source="/Applications/Python %(VER)s", readme="""\ This package installs IDLE (an interactive Python IDE), Python Launcher and Build Applet (create application bundles from python scripts). It also installs a number of examples and demos. """, required=False, selected='selected', ), dict( name="PythonUnixTools", long_name="UNIX command-line tools", source="/usr/local/bin", readme="""\ This package installs the unix tools in /usr/local/bin for compatibility with older releases of Python. This package is not necessary to use Python. """, required=False, selected='unselected', ), dict( name="PythonDocumentation", long_name="Python Documentation", topdir="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%(VER)s/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation", source="/pydocs", readme="""\ This package installs the python documentation at a location that is useable for pydoc and IDLE. If you have installed Xcode it will also install a link to the documentation in /Developer/Documentation/Python """, postflight="scripts/postflight.documentation", required=False, selected='selected', ), dict( name="PythonProfileChanges", long_name="Shell profile updater", readme="""\ This packages updates your shell profile to make sure that the Python tools are found by your shell in preference of the system provided Python tools. If you don't install this package you'll have to add "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/%(VER)s/bin" to your PATH by hand. """, postflight="scripts/postflight.patch-profile", topdir="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework", source="/empty-dir", required=False, selected='selected', ), ] if DEPTARGET < '10.4': result.append( dict( name="PythonSystemFixes", long_name="Fix system Python", readme="""\ This package updates the system python installation on Mac OS X 10.3 to ensure that you can build new python extensions using that copy of python after installing this version. """, postflight="../Tools/fixapplepython23.py", topdir="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework", source="/empty-dir", required=False, selected='selected', ) ) return result def fatal(msg): """ A fatal error, bail out. """ sys.stderr.write('FATAL: ') sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.exit(1) def fileContents(fn): """ Return the contents of the named file """ return open(fn, 'rb').read() def runCommand(commandline): """ Run a command and raise RuntimeError if it fails. Output is surpressed unless the command fails. """ fd = os.popen(commandline, 'r') data = fd.read() xit = fd.close() if xit is not None: sys.stdout.write(data) raise RuntimeError, "command failed: %s"%(commandline,) if VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write(data); sys.stdout.flush() def captureCommand(commandline): fd = os.popen(commandline, 'r') data = fd.read() xit = fd.close() if xit is not None: sys.stdout.write(data) raise RuntimeError, "command failed: %s"%(commandline,) return data def checkEnvironment(): """ Check that we're running on a supported system. """ if platform.system() != 'Darwin': fatal("This script should be run on a Mac OS X 10.4 (or later) system") if int(platform.release().split('.')[0]) < 8: fatal("This script should be run on a Mac OS X 10.4 (or later) system") if not os.path.exists(SDKPATH): fatal("Please install the latest version of Xcode and the %s SDK"%( os.path.basename(SDKPATH[:-4]))) def parseOptions(args=None): """ Parse arguments and update global settings. """ global WORKDIR, DEPSRC, SDKPATH, SRCDIR, DEPTARGET global UNIVERSALOPTS, UNIVERSALARCHS, ARCHLIST, CC if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] try: options, args = getopt.getopt(args, '?hb', [ 'build-dir=', 'third-party=', 'sdk-path=' , 'src-dir=', 'dep-target=', 'universal-archs=', 'help' ]) except getopt.error, msg: print msg sys.exit(1) if args: print "Additional arguments" sys.exit(1) deptarget = None for k, v in options: if k in ('-h', '-?', '--help'): print USAGE sys.exit(0) elif k in ('-d', '--build-dir'): WORKDIR=v elif k in ('--third-party',): DEPSRC=v elif k in ('--sdk-path',): SDKPATH=v elif k in ('--src-dir',): SRCDIR=v elif k in ('--dep-target', ): DEPTARGET=v deptarget=v elif k in ('--universal-archs', ): if v in UNIVERSALOPTS: UNIVERSALARCHS = v ARCHLIST = universal_opts_map[UNIVERSALARCHS] if deptarget is None: # Select alternate default deployment # target DEPTARGET = default_target_map.get(v, '10.3') else: raise NotImplementedError, v else: raise NotImplementedError, k SRCDIR=os.path.abspath(SRCDIR) WORKDIR=os.path.abspath(WORKDIR) SDKPATH=os.path.abspath(SDKPATH) DEPSRC=os.path.abspath(DEPSRC) CC=target_cc_map[DEPTARGET] print "Settings:" print " * Source directory:", SRCDIR print " * Build directory: ", WORKDIR print " * SDK location: ", SDKPATH print " * Third-party source:", DEPSRC print " * Deployment target:", DEPTARGET print " * Universal architectures:", ARCHLIST print " * C compiler:", CC print "" def extractArchive(builddir, archiveName): """ Extract a source archive into 'builddir'. Returns the path of the extracted archive. XXX: This function assumes that archives contain a toplevel directory that is has the same name as the basename of the archive. This is save enough for anything we use. """ curdir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(builddir) if archiveName.endswith('.tar.gz'): retval = os.path.basename(archiveName[:-7]) if os.path.exists(retval): shutil.rmtree(retval) fp = os.popen("tar zxf %s 2>&1"%(shellQuote(archiveName),), 'r') elif archiveName.endswith('.tar.bz2'): retval = os.path.basename(archiveName[:-8]) if os.path.exists(retval): shutil.rmtree(retval) fp = os.popen("tar jxf %s 2>&1"%(shellQuote(archiveName),), 'r') elif archiveName.endswith('.tar'): retval = os.path.basename(archiveName[:-4]) if os.path.exists(retval): shutil.rmtree(retval) fp = os.popen("tar xf %s 2>&1"%(shellQuote(archiveName),), 'r') elif archiveName.endswith('.zip'): retval = os.path.basename(archiveName[:-4]) if os.path.exists(retval): shutil.rmtree(retval) fp = os.popen("unzip %s 2>&1"%(shellQuote(archiveName),), 'r') data = fp.read() xit = fp.close() if xit is not None: sys.stdout.write(data) raise RuntimeError, "Cannot extract %s"%(archiveName,) return os.path.join(builddir, retval) finally: os.chdir(curdir) KNOWNSIZES = { "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/readline/readline-5.1.tar.gz": 7952742, "http://downloads.sleepycat.com/db-4.4.20.tar.gz": 2030276, } def downloadURL(url, fname): """ Download the contents of the url into the file. """ try: size = os.path.getsize(fname) except OSError: pass else: if KNOWNSIZES.get(url) == size: print "Using existing file for", url return fpIn = urllib2.urlopen(url) fpOut = open(fname, 'wb') block = fpIn.read(10240) try: while block: fpOut.write(block) block = fpIn.read(10240) fpIn.close() fpOut.close() except: try: os.unlink(fname) except: pass def buildRecipe(recipe, basedir, archList): """ Build software using a recipe. This function does the 'configure;make;make install' dance for C software, with a possibility to customize this process, basically a poor-mans DarwinPorts. """ curdir = os.getcwd() name = recipe['name'] url = recipe['url'] configure = recipe.get('configure', './configure') install = recipe.get('install', 'make && make install DESTDIR=%s'%( shellQuote(basedir))) archiveName = os.path.split(url)[-1] sourceArchive = os.path.join(DEPSRC, archiveName) if not os.path.exists(DEPSRC): os.mkdir(DEPSRC) if os.path.exists(sourceArchive): print "Using local copy of %s"%(name,) else: print "Did not find local copy of %s"%(name,) print "Downloading %s"%(name,) downloadURL(url, sourceArchive) print "Archive for %s stored as %s"%(name, sourceArchive) print "Extracting archive for %s"%(name,) buildDir=os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_bld') if not os.path.exists(buildDir): os.mkdir(buildDir) workDir = extractArchive(buildDir, sourceArchive) os.chdir(workDir) if 'buildDir' in recipe: os.chdir(recipe['buildDir']) for fn in recipe.get('patches', ()): if fn.startswith('http://'): # Download the patch before applying it. path = os.path.join(DEPSRC, os.path.basename(fn)) downloadURL(fn, path) fn = path fn = os.path.join(curdir, fn) runCommand('patch -p%s < %s'%(recipe.get('patchlevel', 1), shellQuote(fn),)) if configure is not None: configure_args = [ "--prefix=/usr/local", "--enable-static", "--disable-shared", #"CPP=gcc -arch %s -E"%(' -arch '.join(archList,),), ] if 'configure_pre' in recipe: args = list(recipe['configure_pre']) if '--disable-static' in args: configure_args.remove('--enable-static') if '--enable-shared' in args: configure_args.remove('--disable-shared') configure_args.extend(args) if recipe.get('useLDFlags', 1): configure_args.extend([ "CFLAGS=-arch %s -isysroot %s -I%s/usr/local/include"%( ' -arch '.join(archList), shellQuote(SDKPATH)[1:-1], shellQuote(basedir)[1:-1],), "LDFLAGS=-syslibroot,%s -L%s/usr/local/lib -arch %s"%( shellQuote(SDKPATH)[1:-1], shellQuote(basedir)[1:-1], ' -arch '.join(archList)), ]) else: configure_args.extend([ "CFLAGS=-arch %s -isysroot %s -I%s/usr/local/include"%( ' -arch '.join(archList), shellQuote(SDKPATH)[1:-1], shellQuote(basedir)[1:-1],), ]) if 'configure_post' in recipe: configure_args = configure_args = list(recipe['configure_post']) configure_args.insert(0, configure) configure_args = [ shellQuote(a) for a in configure_args ] print "Running configure for %s"%(name,) runCommand(' '.join(configure_args) + ' 2>&1') print "Running install for %s"%(name,) runCommand('{ ' + install + ' ;} 2>&1') print "Done %s"%(name,) print "" os.chdir(curdir) def buildLibraries(): """ Build our dependencies into $WORKDIR/libraries/usr/local """ print "" print "Building required libraries" print "" universal = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries') os.mkdir(universal) os.makedirs(os.path.join(universal, 'usr', 'local', 'lib')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(universal, 'usr', 'local', 'include')) for recipe in library_recipes(): buildRecipe(recipe, universal, ARCHLIST) def buildPythonDocs(): # This stores the documentation as Resources/English.lproj/Documentation # inside the framwork. pydoc and IDLE will pick it up there. print "Install python documentation" rootDir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_root') buildDir = os.path.join('../../Doc') docdir = os.path.join(rootDir, 'pydocs') curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(buildDir) runCommand('make update') runCommand('make html') os.chdir(curDir) if not os.path.exists(docdir): os.mkdir(docdir) os.rename(os.path.join(buildDir, 'build', 'html'), docdir) def buildPython(): print "Building a universal python for %s architectures" % UNIVERSALARCHS buildDir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_bld', 'python') rootDir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_root') if os.path.exists(buildDir): shutil.rmtree(buildDir) if os.path.exists(rootDir): shutil.rmtree(rootDir) os.mkdir(buildDir) os.mkdir(rootDir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(rootDir, 'empty-dir')) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(buildDir) # Not sure if this is still needed, the original build script # claims that parts of the install assume python.exe exists. os.symlink('python', os.path.join(buildDir, 'python.exe')) # Extract the version from the configure file, needed to calculate # several paths. version = getVersion() # Since the extra libs are not in their installed framework location # during the build, augment the library path so that the interpreter # will find them during its extension import sanity checks. os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries', 'usr', 'local', 'lib') print "Running configure..." runCommand("%s -C --enable-framework --enable-universalsdk=%s " "--with-universal-archs=%s " "LDFLAGS='-g -L%s/libraries/usr/local/lib' " "OPT='-g -O3 -I%s/libraries/usr/local/include' 2>&1"%( shellQuote(os.path.join(SRCDIR, 'configure')), shellQuote(SDKPATH), UNIVERSALARCHS, shellQuote(WORKDIR)[1:-1], shellQuote(WORKDIR)[1:-1])) print "Running make" runCommand("make") print "Running make frameworkinstall" runCommand("make frameworkinstall DESTDIR=%s"%( shellQuote(rootDir))) print "Running make frameworkinstallextras" runCommand("make frameworkinstallextras DESTDIR=%s"%( shellQuote(rootDir))) del os.environ['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] print "Copying required shared libraries" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'libraries', 'Library')): runCommand("mv %s/* %s"%( shellQuote(os.path.join( WORKDIR, 'libraries', 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework', 'Versions', getVersion(), 'lib')), shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_root', 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework', 'Versions', getVersion(), 'lib')))) print "Fix file modes" frmDir = os.path.join(rootDir, 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework') gid = grp.getgrnam('admin').gr_gid for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(frmDir): for dn in dirnames: os.chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, dn), 0775) os.chown(os.path.join(dirpath, dn), -1, gid) for fn in filenames: if os.path.islink(fn): continue # "chmod g+w $fn" p = os.path.join(dirpath, fn) st = os.stat(p) os.chmod(p, stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) | stat.S_IWGRP) os.chown(p, -1, gid) # We added some directories to the search path during the configure # phase. Remove those because those directories won't be there on # the end-users system. path =os.path.join(rootDir, 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework', 'Versions', version, 'lib', 'python%s'%(version,), 'config', 'Makefile') fp = open(path, 'r') data = fp.read() fp.close() data = data.replace('-L%s/libraries/usr/local/lib'%(WORKDIR,), '') data = data.replace('-I%s/libraries/usr/local/include'%(WORKDIR,), '') fp = open(path, 'w') fp.write(data) fp.close() # Add symlinks in /usr/local/bin, using relative links usr_local_bin = os.path.join(rootDir, 'usr', 'local', 'bin') to_framework = os.path.join('..', '..', '..', 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework', 'Versions', version, 'bin') if os.path.exists(usr_local_bin): shutil.rmtree(usr_local_bin) os.makedirs(usr_local_bin) for fn in os.listdir( os.path.join(frmDir, 'Versions', version, 'bin')): os.symlink(os.path.join(to_framework, fn), os.path.join(usr_local_bin, fn)) os.chdir(curdir) def patchFile(inPath, outPath): data = fileContents(inPath) data = data.replace('$FULL_VERSION', getFullVersion()) data = data.replace('$VERSION', getVersion()) data = data.replace('$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', ''.join((DEPTARGET, ' or later'))) data = data.replace('$ARCHITECTURES', "i386, ppc") data = data.replace('$INSTALL_SIZE', installSize()) # This one is not handy as a template variable data = data.replace('$PYTHONFRAMEWORKINSTALLDIR', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework') fp = open(outPath, 'wb') fp.write(data) fp.close() def patchScript(inPath, outPath): data = fileContents(inPath) data = data.replace('@PYVER@', getVersion()) fp = open(outPath, 'wb') fp.write(data) fp.close() os.chmod(outPath, 0755) def packageFromRecipe(targetDir, recipe): curdir = os.getcwd() try: # The major version (such as 2.5) is included in the package name # because having two version of python installed at the same time is # common. pkgname = '%s-%s'%(recipe['name'], getVersion()) srcdir = recipe.get('source') pkgroot = recipe.get('topdir', srcdir) postflight = recipe.get('postflight') readme = textwrap.dedent(recipe['readme']) isRequired = recipe.get('required', True) print "- building package %s"%(pkgname,) # Substitute some variables textvars = dict( VER=getVersion(), FULLVER=getFullVersion(), ) readme = readme % textvars if pkgroot is not None: pkgroot = pkgroot % textvars else: pkgroot = '/' if srcdir is not None: srcdir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_root', srcdir[1:]) srcdir = srcdir % textvars if postflight is not None: postflight = os.path.abspath(postflight) packageContents = os.path.join(targetDir, pkgname + '.pkg', 'Contents') os.makedirs(packageContents) if srcdir is not None: os.chdir(srcdir) runCommand("pax -wf %s . 2>&1"%(shellQuote(os.path.join(packageContents, 'Archive.pax')),)) runCommand("gzip -9 %s 2>&1"%(shellQuote(os.path.join(packageContents, 'Archive.pax')),)) runCommand("mkbom . %s 2>&1"%(shellQuote(os.path.join(packageContents, 'Archive.bom')),)) fn = os.path.join(packageContents, 'PkgInfo') fp = open(fn, 'w') fp.write('pmkrpkg1') fp.close() rsrcDir = os.path.join(packageContents, "Resources") os.mkdir(rsrcDir) fp = open(os.path.join(rsrcDir, 'ReadMe.txt'), 'w') fp.write(readme) fp.close() if postflight is not None: patchScript(postflight, os.path.join(rsrcDir, 'postflight')) vers = getFullVersion() major, minor = map(int, getVersion().split('.', 2)) pl = Plist( CFBundleGetInfoString="Python.%s %s"%(pkgname, vers,), CFBundleIdentifier='org.python.Python.%s'%(pkgname,), CFBundleName='Python.%s'%(pkgname,), CFBundleShortVersionString=vers, IFMajorVersion=major, IFMinorVersion=minor, IFPkgFormatVersion=0.10000000149011612, IFPkgFlagAllowBackRev=False, IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction="RootAuthorization", IFPkgFlagDefaultLocation=pkgroot, IFPkgFlagFollowLinks=True, IFPkgFlagInstallFat=True, IFPkgFlagIsRequired=isRequired, IFPkgFlagOverwritePermissions=False, IFPkgFlagRelocatable=False, IFPkgFlagRestartAction="NoRestart", IFPkgFlagRootVolumeOnly=True, IFPkgFlagUpdateInstalledLangauges=False, ) writePlist(pl, os.path.join(packageContents, 'Info.plist')) pl = Plist( IFPkgDescriptionDescription=readme, IFPkgDescriptionTitle=recipe.get('long_name', "Python.%s"%(pkgname,)), IFPkgDescriptionVersion=vers, ) writePlist(pl, os.path.join(packageContents, 'Resources', 'Description.plist')) finally: os.chdir(curdir) def makeMpkgPlist(path): vers = getFullVersion() major, minor = map(int, getVersion().split('.', 2)) pl = Plist( CFBundleGetInfoString="Python %s"%(vers,), CFBundleIdentifier='org.python.Python', CFBundleName='Python', CFBundleShortVersionString=vers, IFMajorVersion=major, IFMinorVersion=minor, IFPkgFlagComponentDirectory="Contents/Packages", IFPkgFlagPackageList=[ dict( IFPkgFlagPackageLocation='%s-%s.pkg'%(item['name'], getVersion()), IFPkgFlagPackageSelection=item.get('selected', 'selected'), ) for item in pkg_recipes() ], IFPkgFormatVersion=0.10000000149011612, IFPkgFlagBackgroundScaling="proportional", IFPkgFlagBackgroundAlignment="left", IFPkgFlagAuthorizationAction="RootAuthorization", ) writePlist(pl, path) def buildInstaller(): # Zap all compiled files for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_root')): for fn in filenames: if fn.endswith('.pyc') or fn.endswith('.pyo'): os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, fn)) outdir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'installer') if os.path.exists(outdir): shutil.rmtree(outdir) os.mkdir(outdir) pkgroot = os.path.join(outdir, 'Python.mpkg', 'Contents') pkgcontents = os.path.join(pkgroot, 'Packages') os.makedirs(pkgcontents) for recipe in pkg_recipes(): packageFromRecipe(pkgcontents, recipe) rsrcDir = os.path.join(pkgroot, 'Resources') fn = os.path.join(pkgroot, 'PkgInfo') fp = open(fn, 'w') fp.write('pmkrpkg1') fp.close() os.mkdir(rsrcDir) makeMpkgPlist(os.path.join(pkgroot, 'Info.plist')) pl = Plist( IFPkgDescriptionTitle="Python", IFPkgDescriptionVersion=getVersion(), ) writePlist(pl, os.path.join(pkgroot, 'Resources', 'Description.plist')) for fn in os.listdir('resources'): if fn == '.svn': continue if fn.endswith('.jpg'): shutil.copy(os.path.join('resources', fn), os.path.join(rsrcDir, fn)) else: patchFile(os.path.join('resources', fn), os.path.join(rsrcDir, fn)) shutil.copy("../../LICENSE", os.path.join(rsrcDir, 'License.txt')) def installSize(clear=False, _saved=[]): if clear: del _saved[:] if not _saved: data = captureCommand("du -ks %s"%( shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, '_root')))) _saved.append("%d"%((0.5 + (int(data.split()[0]) / 1024.0)),)) return _saved[0] def buildDMG(): """ Create DMG containing the rootDir. """ outdir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'diskimage') if os.path.exists(outdir): shutil.rmtree(outdir) imagepath = os.path.join(outdir, 'python-%s-macosx%s'%(getFullVersion(),DEPTARGET)) if INCLUDE_TIMESTAMP: imagepath = imagepath + '-%04d-%02d-%02d'%(time.localtime()[:3]) imagepath = imagepath + '.dmg' os.mkdir(outdir) volname='Python %s'%(getFullVersion()) runCommand("hdiutil create -format UDRW -volname %s -srcfolder %s %s"%( shellQuote(volname), shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'installer')), shellQuote(imagepath + ".tmp.dmg" ))) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(WORKDIR, "mnt")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(WORKDIR, "mnt")) runCommand("hdiutil attach %s -mountroot %s"%( shellQuote(imagepath + ".tmp.dmg"), shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, "mnt")))) # Custom icon for the DMG, shown when the DMG is mounted. shutil.copy("../Icons/Disk Image.icns", os.path.join(WORKDIR, "mnt", volname, ".VolumeIcon.icns")) runCommand("/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a C %s/"%( shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, "mnt", volname)),)) runCommand("hdiutil detach %s"%(shellQuote(os.path.join(WORKDIR, "mnt", volname)))) setIcon(imagepath + ".tmp.dmg", "../Icons/Disk Image.icns") runCommand("hdiutil convert %s -format UDZO -o %s"%( shellQuote(imagepath + ".tmp.dmg"), shellQuote(imagepath))) setIcon(imagepath, "../Icons/Disk Image.icns") os.unlink(imagepath + ".tmp.dmg") return imagepath def setIcon(filePath, icnsPath): """ Set the custom icon for the specified file or directory. """ toolPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "seticon.app/Contents/MacOS/seticon") dirPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) if not os.path.exists(toolPath) or os.stat(toolPath).st_mtime < os.stat(dirPath + '/seticon.m').st_mtime: # NOTE: The tool is created inside an .app bundle, otherwise it won't work due # to connections to the window server. if not os.path.exists('seticon.app/Contents/MacOS'): os.makedirs('seticon.app/Contents/MacOS') runCommand("cc -o %s %s/seticon.m -framework Cocoa"%( shellQuote(toolPath), shellQuote(dirPath))) runCommand("%s %s %s"%(shellQuote(os.path.abspath(toolPath)), shellQuote(icnsPath), shellQuote(filePath))) def main(): # First parse options and check if we can perform our work parseOptions() checkEnvironment() os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = DEPTARGET os.environ['CC'] = CC if os.path.exists(WORKDIR): shutil.rmtree(WORKDIR) os.mkdir(WORKDIR) # Then build third-party libraries such as sleepycat DB4. buildLibraries() # Now build python itself buildPython() # And then build the documentation # Remove the Deployment Target from the shell # environment, it's no longer needed and # an unexpected build target can cause problems # when Sphinx and its dependencies need to # be (re-)installed. del os.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] buildPythonDocs() # Prepare the applications folder fn = os.path.join(WORKDIR, "_root", "Applications", "Python %s"%(getVersion(),), "Update Shell Profile.command") patchScript("scripts/postflight.patch-profile", fn) folder = os.path.join(WORKDIR, "_root", "Applications", "Python %s"%( getVersion(),)) os.chmod(folder, 0755) setIcon(folder, "../Icons/Python Folder.icns") # Create the installer buildInstaller() # And copy the readme into the directory containing the installer patchFile('resources/ReadMe.txt', os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'installer', 'ReadMe.txt')) # Ditto for the license file. shutil.copy('../../LICENSE', os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'installer', 'License.txt')) fp = open(os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'installer', 'Build.txt'), 'w') print >> fp, "# BUILD INFO" print >> fp, "# Date:", time.ctime() print >> fp, "# By:", pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos fp.close() # And copy it to a DMG buildDMG() if __name__ == "__main__": main()