#! /usr/bin/env python """Test script for popen2.py Christian Tismer """ import os # popen2 contains its own testing routine # which is especially useful to see if open files # like stdin can be read successfully by a forked # subprocess. def main(): print "Test popen2 module:" try: from os import popen except ImportError: # if we don't have os.popen, check that # we have os.fork. if not, skip the test # (by raising an ImportError) from os import fork import popen2 popen2._test() def _test(): # same test as popen2._test(), but using the os.popen*() API print "Testing os module:" import popen2 cmd = "cat" teststr = "ab cd\n" if os.name == "nt": cmd = "more" # "more" doesn't act the same way across Windows flavors, # sometimes adding an extra newline at the start or the # end. So we strip whitespace off both ends for comparison. expected = teststr.strip() print "testing popen2..." w, r = os.popen2(cmd) w.write(teststr) w.close() got = r.read() if got.strip() != expected: raise ValueError("wrote %s read %s" % (`teststr`, `got`)) print "testing popen3..." try: w, r, e = os.popen3([cmd]) except: w, r, e = os.popen3(cmd) w.write(teststr) w.close() got = r.read() if got.strip() != expected: raise ValueError("wrote %s read %s" % (`teststr`, `got`)) got = e.read() if got: raise ValueError("unexected %s on stderr" % `got`) for inst in popen2._active[:]: inst.wait() if popen2._active: raise ValueError("_active not empty") print "All OK" main() _test()