"""Tests for the packaging.pypi.simple module.""" import re import os import sys import http.client import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request from packaging.pypi.simple import Crawler from packaging.tests import unittest from packaging.tests.support import (TempdirManager, LoggingCatcher, fake_dec) try: import _thread from packaging.tests.pypi_server import (use_pypi_server, PyPIServer, PYPI_DEFAULT_STATIC_PATH) except ImportError: _thread = None use_pypi_server = fake_dec PYPI_DEFAULT_STATIC_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'pypiserver') class SimpleCrawlerTestCase(TempdirManager, LoggingCatcher, unittest.TestCase): def _get_simple_crawler(self, server, base_url="/simple/", hosts=None, *args, **kwargs): """Build and return a SimpleIndex with the test server urls""" if hosts is None: hosts = (server.full_address.replace("http://", ""),) kwargs['hosts'] = hosts return Crawler(server.full_address + base_url, *args, **kwargs) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server() def test_bad_urls(self, server): crawler = Crawler() url = '' try: v = crawler._open_url(url) except Exception as v: self.assertIn(url, str(v)) else: v.close() self.assertIsInstance(v, urllib.error.HTTPError) # issue 16 # easy_install inquant.contentmirror.plone breaks because of a typo # in its home URL crawler = Crawler(hosts=('example.org',)) url = ('url:%20https://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/' 'inquant.contentmirror.plone/trunk') try: v = crawler._open_url(url) except Exception as v: self.assertIn(url, str(v)) else: v.close() self.assertIsInstance(v, urllib.error.HTTPError) def _urlopen(*args): raise http.client.BadStatusLine('line') old_urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen urllib.request.urlopen = _urlopen url = 'http://example.org' try: v = crawler._open_url(url) except Exception as v: self.assertIn('line', str(v)) else: v.close() # TODO use self.assertRaises raise AssertionError('Should have raise here!') finally: urllib.request.urlopen = old_urlopen # issue 20 url = 'http://http://svn.pythonpaste.org/Paste/wphp/trunk' try: crawler._open_url(url) except Exception as v: self.assertIn('Download error', str(v)) # issue #160 url = server.full_address page = ('') crawler._process_url(url, page) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server("test_found_links") def test_found_links(self, server): # Browse the index, asking for a specified release version # The PyPI index contains links for version 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and 2.0.1 crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server) last_release = crawler.get_release("foobar") # we have scanned the index page self.assertIn(server.full_address + "/simple/foobar/", crawler._processed_urls) # we have found 4 releases in this page self.assertEqual(len(crawler._projects["foobar"]), 4) # and returned the most recent one self.assertEqual("%s" % last_release.version, '2.0.1') def test_is_browsable(self): crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=False) self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable(crawler.index_url + "test")) # Now, when following externals, we can have a list of hosts to trust. # and don't follow other external links than the one described here. crawler = Crawler(hosts=["pypi.python.org", "example.org"], follow_externals=True) good_urls = ( "http://pypi.python.org/foo/bar", "http://pypi.python.org/simple/foobar", "http://example.org", "http://example.org/", "http://example.org/simple/", ) bad_urls = ( "http://python.org", "http://example.tld", ) for url in good_urls: self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable(url)) for url in bad_urls: self.assertFalse(crawler._is_browsable(url)) # allow all hosts crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=True, hosts=("*",)) self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("http://an-external.link/path")) self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("pypi.example.org/a/path")) # specify a list of hosts we want to allow crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=True, hosts=("*.example.org",)) self.assertFalse(crawler._is_browsable("http://an-external.link/path")) self.assertTrue( crawler._is_browsable("http://pypi.example.org/a/path")) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server("with_externals") def test_follow_externals(self, server): # Include external pages # Try to request the package index, wich contains links to "externals" # resources. They have to be scanned too. crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server, follow_externals=True) crawler.get_release("foobar") self.assertIn(server.full_address + "/external/external.html", crawler._processed_urls) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server("with_real_externals") def test_restrict_hosts(self, server): # Only use a list of allowed hosts is possible # Test that telling the simple pyPI client to not retrieve external # works crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server, follow_externals=False) crawler.get_release("foobar") self.assertNotIn(server.full_address + "/external/external.html", crawler._processed_urls) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server(static_filesystem_paths=["with_externals"], static_uri_paths=["simple", "external"]) def test_links_priority(self, server): # Download links from the pypi simple index should be used before # external download links. # http://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issue/163/md5-validation-error # # Usecase : # - someone uploads a package on pypi, a md5 is generated # - someone manually coindexes this link (with the md5 in the url) onto # an external page accessible from the package page. # - someone reuploads the package (with a different md5) # - while easy_installing, an MD5 error occurs because the external # link is used # -> The index should use the link from pypi, not the external one. # start an index server index_url = server.full_address + '/simple/' # scan a test index crawler = Crawler(index_url, follow_externals=True) releases = crawler.get_releases("foobar") server.stop() # we have only one link, because links are compared without md5 self.assertEqual(1, len(releases)) self.assertEqual(1, len(releases[0].dists)) # the link should be from the index self.assertEqual(2, len(releases[0].dists['sdist'].urls)) self.assertEqual('12345678901234567', releases[0].dists['sdist'].url['hashval']) self.assertEqual('md5', releases[0].dists['sdist'].url['hashname']) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server(static_filesystem_paths=["with_norel_links"], static_uri_paths=["simple", "external"]) def test_not_scan_all_links(self, server): # Do not follow all index page links. # The links not tagged with rel="download" and rel="homepage" have # to not be processed by the package index, while processing "pages". # process the pages crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server, follow_externals=True) crawler.get_releases("foobar") # now it should have processed only pages with links rel="download" # and rel="homepage" self.assertIn("%s/simple/foobar/" % server.full_address, crawler._processed_urls) # it's the simple index page self.assertIn("%s/external/homepage.html" % server.full_address, crawler._processed_urls) # the external homepage is rel="homepage" self.assertNotIn("%s/external/nonrel.html" % server.full_address, crawler._processed_urls) # this link contains no rel=* self.assertNotIn("%s/unrelated-0.2.tar.gz" % server.full_address, crawler._processed_urls) # linked from simple index (no rel) self.assertIn("%s/foobar-0.1.tar.gz" % server.full_address, crawler._processed_urls) # linked from simple index (rel) self.assertIn("%s/foobar-2.0.tar.gz" % server.full_address, crawler._processed_urls) # linked from external homepage (rel) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') def test_uses_mirrors(self): # When the main repository seems down, try using the given mirrors""" server = PyPIServer("foo_bar_baz") mirror = PyPIServer("foo_bar_baz") mirror.start() # we dont start the server here try: # create the index using both servers crawler = Crawler(server.full_address + "/simple/", hosts=('*',), # set the timeout to 1s for the tests timeout=1, mirrors=[mirror.full_address]) # this should not raise a timeout self.assertEqual(4, len(crawler.get_releases("foo"))) finally: mirror.stop() server.stop() def test_simple_link_matcher(self): # Test that the simple link matcher finds the right links""" crawler = Crawler(follow_externals=False) # Here, we define: # 1. one link that must be followed, cause it's a download one # 2. one link that must *not* be followed, cause the is_browsable # returns false for it. # 3. one link that must be followed cause it's a homepage that is # browsable # 4. one link that must be followed, because it contain a md5 hash self.assertTrue(crawler._is_browsable("%stest" % crawler.index_url)) self.assertFalse(crawler._is_browsable("http://dl-link2")) content = """ download_link1 homepage_link1 homepage_link2 link link2 link2 """ found_links = set(uri for uri, _ in crawler._default_link_matcher(content, base_url)) self.assertIn('http://example.org/some/homepage', found_links) self.assertIn('http://example.org/some/simpleurl', found_links) self.assertIn('http://example.org/some/download', found_links) @unittest.skipIf(_thread is None, 'needs threads') @use_pypi_server("project_list") def test_search_projects(self, server): # we can search the index for some projects, on their names # the case used no matters here crawler = self._get_simple_crawler(server) tests = (('Foobar', ['FooBar-bar', 'Foobar-baz', 'Baz-FooBar']), ('foobar*', ['FooBar-bar', 'Foobar-baz']), ('*foobar', ['Baz-FooBar'])) for search, expected in tests: projects = [p.name for p in crawler.search_projects(search)] self.assertListEqual(expected, projects) def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(SimpleCrawlerTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest="test_suite")