"""Create a standalone application from a Python script. This puts up a dialog asking for a Python source file ('TEXT'). The output is a file with the same name but its ".py" suffix dropped. It is created by copying an applet template, all used shared libs and then adding 'PYC ' resources containing compiled versions of all used modules written in Python and the main script itself, as __main__. """ import sys import string import os import macfs import MacOS import Res import Dlg import EasyDialogs import buildtools # Hmmm... MACFREEZEPATH = os.path.join(sys.prefix, ":Mac:Tools:macfreeze") if MACFREEZEPATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(MACFREEZEPATH) import macgen_bin # dialog, items DLG_ID = 400 OK_BUTTON = 1 CANCEL_BUTTON = 2 GENFAT_BUTTON = 4 GENPPC_BUTTON = 5 GEN68K_BUTTON = 6 try: Res.GetResource('DITL', DLG_ID) except Res.Error: Res.FSpOpenResFile("BuildApplication.rsrc", 1) else: pass # we're an applet def main(): try: buildapplication() except buildtools.BuildError, detail: EasyDialogs.Message(detail) def buildapplication(debug = 0): buildtools.DEBUG = debug # Ask for source text if not specified in sys.argv[1:] if not sys.argv[1:]: srcfss, ok = macfs.PromptGetFile('Select Python source:', 'TEXT') if not ok: return filename = srcfss.as_pathname() else: if sys.argv[2:]: raise buildtools.BuildError, "please select one file at a time" filename = sys.argv[1] tp, tf = os.path.split(filename) # interact with user architecture, ok = interact(tf) if not ok: return if tf[-3:] == '.py': tf = tf[:-3] else: tf = tf + '.app' dstfss, ok = macfs.StandardPutFile('Save application as:', tf) if not ok: return dstfilename = dstfss.as_pathname() macgen_bin.generate(filename, dstfilename, None, architecture, 1) class radio: def __init__(self, dlg, *items): self.items = {} for item in items: ctl = dlg.GetDialogItemAsControl(item) self.items[item] = ctl def set(self, setitem): for item, ctl in self.items.items(): if item == setitem: ctl.SetControlValue(1) else: ctl.SetControlValue(0) def get(self): for item, ctl in self.items.items(): if ctl.GetControlValue(): return item def hasitem(self, item): return self.items.has_key(item) def interact(scriptname): d = Dlg.GetNewDialog(DLG_ID, -1) if not d: print "Can't get DLOG resource with id =", DLG_ID return d.SetDialogDefaultItem(OK_BUTTON) d.SetDialogCancelItem(CANCEL_BUTTON) Dlg.ParamText(scriptname, "", "", "") radiogroup = radio(d, GENFAT_BUTTON, GENPPC_BUTTON, GEN68K_BUTTON) radiogroup.set(GENFAT_BUTTON) gentype = 'fat' while 1: n = Dlg.ModalDialog(None) if n == OK_BUTTON or n == CANCEL_BUTTON: break elif radiogroup.hasitem(n): radiogroup.set(n) genitem = radiogroup.get() del radiogroup del d if genitem == GENFAT_BUTTON: gentype = 'fat' elif genitem == GENPPC_BUTTON: gentype = 'pwpc' elif genitem == GEN68K_BUTTON: gentype = 'm68k' return gentype, n == OK_BUTTON if __name__ == '__main__': main()