# # fullbuild creates everything that needs to be created before a # distribution can be made, and puts it all in the right place. # # It expects the projects to be in the places where Jack likes them: # in directories named like 'build.macppc.shared'. That is fixable, # however. # # NOTE: You should proably make a copy of python with which to execute this # script, rebuilding running programs does not work... import os import sys import macfs import MacOS import EasyDialogs import addpack import aetools import AppleEvents from Metrowerks_Shell_Suite import Metrowerks_Shell_Suite from Required_Suite import Required_Suite import mkapplet class MwShell(aetools.TalkTo, Metrowerks_Shell_Suite, Required_Suite): pass RUNNING=[] def buildmwproject(top, creator, projects): """Build projects with an MW compiler""" mgr = MwShell(creator, start=1) mgr.send_timeout = AppleEvents.kNoTimeOut for file in projects: file = os.path.join(top, file) fss = macfs.FSSpec(file) print 'Building', file mgr.open(fss) try: mgr.Make_Project() except aetools.Error, arg: print '** Failed:', arg mgr.Close_Project() ## mgr.quit() def buildapplet(top, dummy, list): """Create a PPC python applet""" template = mkapplet.findtemplate() for src in list: if src[-3:] != '.py': raise 'Should end in .py', src base = os.path.basename(src) dst = os.path.join(top, base)[:-3] src = os.path.join(top, src) try: os.unlink(dst) except os.error: pass print 'Building applet', dst mkapplet.process(template, src, dst) # # The build instructions. Entries are (routine, arg, list-of-files) # XXXX We could also include the builds for stdwin and such here... PPC_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":build.macppc.shared:PythonCorePPC.µ", ":build.macppc.shared:PythonPPC.µ", ":build.macppc.shared:PythonAppletPPC.µ", ]) ] CFM68K_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":build.mac68k.shared:PythonCoreCFM68K.µ", ":build.mac68k.shared:PythonCFM68K.µ", ":build.mac68k.shared:PythonAppletCFM68K.µ", ]) ] FAT_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":build.macppc.shared:Python.µ", ":build.macppc.shared:PythonApplet.µ", ]) ] PLUGIN_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":PlugIns:ctb.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:gdbm.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:icglue.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:imgmodules.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:macspeech.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:toolboxmodules.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:qtmodules.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:waste.ppc.µ", ":PlugIns:_tkinter.ppc.µ", ]) ] CFM68KPLUGIN_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":PlugIns:ctb.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:gdbm.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:icglue.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:imgmodules.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:toolboxmodules.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:qtmodules.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:waste.CFM68K.µ", ":PlugIns:_tkinter.CFM68K.µ", ]) ] M68K_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":build.mac68k.stand:Python68K.µ", ]) ] PPCSTAND_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":build.macppc.stand:PythonStandalone.µ", ]) ] EXTENSION_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildmwproject, "CWIE", [ ":Extensions:Imaging:_imaging.ppc.µ", ":Extensions:Imaging:_imaging.CFM68K.µ", ":Extensions:NumPy:numpymodules.ppc.µ", ":Extensions:NumPy:numpymodules.CFM68K.µ", ]) ] APPLET_INSTRUCTIONS=[ (buildapplet, None, [ ":Mac:scripts:EditPythonPrefs.py", ":Mac:scripts:mkapplet.py", ":Mac:scripts:MkPluginAliases.py" ]) ] ALLINST=[ ("PPC shared executable", PPC_INSTRUCTIONS), ("PPC plugin modules", PLUGIN_INSTRUCTIONS), ("CFM68K shared executable", CFM68K_INSTRUCTIONS), ("CFM68K plugin modules", CFM68KPLUGIN_INSTRUCTIONS), ("FAT shared executables", FAT_INSTRUCTIONS), ("68K standalone executable", M68K_INSTRUCTIONS), ("PPC standalone executable", PPCSTAND_INSTRUCTIONS), ("Extensions", EXTENSION_INSTRUCTIONS), ("Applets", APPLET_INSTRUCTIONS) ] def main(): dir, ok = macfs.GetDirectory('Python source folder:') if not ok: sys.exit(0) dir = dir.as_pathname() INSTRUCTIONS = [] for string, inst in ALLINST: answer = EasyDialogs.AskYesNoCancel("Build %s?"%string, 1) if answer < 0: sys.exit(0) if answer: INSTRUCTIONS = INSTRUCTIONS + inst for routine, arg, list in INSTRUCTIONS: routine(dir, arg, list) print "All done!" sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()