#! /usr/local/bin/python # A minimal single-window text editor using STDWIN's text objects. # # Usage: microedit file # # This is not intended as a real application but as an introduction # to STDWIN programming in Python, especially text objects. # Once you understand microedit.py, study miniedit.py to learn # about multiple windows and menus, cut and paste, etc. import sys import stdwin from stdwinevents import * # Main program # def main(): # # Get the filename argument and read its contents as one very # large string. # An exception will terminate the program if there is no argument # or if the file could not be read... # filename = sys.argv[1] fp = open(filename, 'r') contents = fp.read() del fp # Close the file # # Create the window, using the filename as window title # window = stdwin.open(filename) # # Add a simple File menu to the window with two items # filemenu = window.menucreate('File') filemenu.additem('Save', 'S') # Item 0 (shortcut Meta-S) filemenu.additem('Save As...') # Item 1 # # Create a text object occupying the entire window # and fill it with the file's contents # corner = window.getwinsize() # (width, height) area = (0, 0), corner # Rectangle as large as the window text = window.textcreate(area) text.settext(contents) del contents # Get rid of contents object fix_textsize(window, text) # Set document size accordingly # # Main event loop -- stop if a close request comes in. # # STDWIN applications should regularly call stdwin.getevent() # otherwise the windows won't function as expected. # while 1: # # Get the next event # type, w, detail = e = stdwin.getevent() # # Event decoding switch # if type == WE_CLOSE: break # Stop (no check for saved file!) elif type == WE_SIZE: # # The window was resized -- # let the text object recompute the line breaks # and change the document size accordingly, # so scroll bars will work # fix_textsize(window, text) elif type == WE_MENU: # # Execute a file menu request (our only menu) # menu, item = detail if item == 0: # # "Save": save to the current filename # dummy = save_file(window, text, filename) elif item == 1: # # "Save As": ask a new filename, save to it, # and make it the current filename # # NB: askfile raises KeyboardInterrupt # if the user cancels the dialog, hence # the try statement # try: newfile = stdwin.askfile( \ 'Save as:', filename, 1) except KeyboardInterrupt: newfile = '' if newfile: if save_file(window, text, newfile): filename = newfile window.settitle(filename) elif text.event(e): # # The text object has handled the event. # Fix the document size if necessary. # Note: this sometimes fixes the size # unnecessarily, e.g., for arrow keys. # if type in (WE_CHAR, WE_COMMAND): fix_docsize(window, text) # Save the window's contents to the filename. # If the open() fails, put up a warning message and return 0; # if the save succeeds, return 1. # def save_file(window, text, filename): # # Open the file for writing, handling exceptions # try: fp = open(filename, 'w') except RuntimeError: stdwin.message('Cannot create ' + filename) return 0 # # Get the contents of the text object as one very long string # contents = text.gettext() # # Write the contents to the file # fp.write(contents) # # The file is automatically closed when this routine returns # return 1 # Change the size of the text object to fit in the window, # and then fix the window's document size to fit around the text object. # def fix_textsize(window, text): # # Compute a rectangle as large as the window # corner = window.getwinsize() # (width, height) area = (0, 0), (corner) # # Move the text object to this rectangle. # Note: text.move() ignores the bottom coordinate! # text.move(area) # # Now fix the document size accordingly # fix_docsize(window, text) # Fix the document size, after the text has changed # def fix_docsize(window, text): # # Get the actual rectangle occupied by the text object. # This has the same left, top and right, but a different bottom. # area = text.getrect() # # Compute the true height of the text object # origin, corner = area width, height = corner # # Set the document height to the text object's height. # The width is zero since we don't want a horizontal scroll bar. # window.setdocsize(0, height) # Once all functions are defined, call main() # main()