from Tkinter import * # This is a program that tests the placer geom manager def do_motion(event):{'x' : event.x, 'y' : event.y}) def dothis(): print 'calling me!' def createWidgets(top): # make a frame. Note that the widget is 200 x 200 # and the window containing is 400x400. We do this # simply to show that this is possible. The rest of the # area is inaccesssible. f = Frame(top, {'width' : '200', 'height' : '200', 'bg' : 'green'}) # place it so the upper left hand corner of # the frame is in the upper left corner of # the parent{'relx' : '0.0', 'rely' : '0.0'}) # now make a button f.button = Button(f, {'fg' : 'red', 'text' : 'amazing', 'command' : dothis}) # and place it so that the nw corner is # 1/2 way along the top X edge of its' parent{'relx' : '0.5', 'rely' : '0.0', 'anchor' : 'nw'}) # allow the user to move the button SUIT-style. f.bind('', do_motion) return f root = Tk() app = createWidgets(root) root.geometry("400x400") root.maxsize(1000, 1000) root.mainloop()