# Scan an Apple header file, generating a Python file of generator calls. import sys import os from bgenlocations import TOOLBOXDIR, BGENDIR sys.path.append(BGENDIR) from scantools import Scanner WASTEDIR='/Volumes/Moes/Applications (Mac OS 9)/Metrowerks CodeWarrior 7.0/Metrowerks CodeWarrior/MacOS Support/(Third Party Support)/Waste 2.0 Distribution/C_C++ Headers/' if not os.path.exists(WASTEDIR): raise 'Error: not found: %s', WASTEDIR OBJECT = "TEHandle" SHORT = "waste" OBJECT = "WEReference" OBJECT2 = "WEObjectReference" def main(): input = WASTEDIR + "WASTE.h" output = SHORT + "gen.py" defsoutput = TOOLBOXDIR + "WASTEconst.py" scanner = MyScanner(input, output, defsoutput) scanner.scan() ## scanner.gentypetest(SHORT+"typetest.py") scanner.close() print "=== Testing definitions output code ===" execfile(defsoutput, {}, {}) print "=== Done scanning and generating, now importing the generated code... ===" exec "import " + SHORT + "support" print "=== Done. It's up to you to compile it now! ===" #class MyScanner(Scanner_PreUH3): class MyScanner(Scanner): def destination(self, type, name, arglist): classname = "Function" listname = "functions" if arglist: t, n, m = arglist[-1] # This is non-functional today if t == OBJECT and m == "InMode": classname = "Method" listname = "methods" else: t, n, m = arglist[0] if t == OBJECT2 and m == "InMode": classname = "Method2" listname = "methods2" return classname, listname def writeinitialdefs(self): self.defsfile.write("kPascalStackBased = None # workaround for header parsing\n") self.defsfile.write("def FOUR_CHAR_CODE(x): return x\n") def makeblacklistnames(self): return [ "WEDispose", "WESetInfo", # Argument type unknown... "WEGetInfo", "WEVersion", # Unfortunately... "WEPut", # XXXX TBD: needs array of flavortypes. "WEGetOneAttribute", # XXXX TBD: output buffer # Incompatible constant definitions "weDoAutoScroll", "weDoOutlineHilite", "weDoReadOnly", "weDoUndo", "weDoIntCutAndPaste", "weDoDragAndDrop", "weDoInhibitRecal", "weDoUseTempMem", "weDoDrawOffscreen", "weDoInhibitRedraw", "weDoMonoStyled", "weDoMultipleUndo", "weDoNoKeyboardSync", "weDoInhibitICSupport", "weDoInhibitColor", ] def makeblacklisttypes(self): return [ "DragReference", # For now... "UniversalProcPtr", "WEFontIDToNameUPP", "WEFontNameToIDUPP", "WEClickLoopUPP", "WEScrollUPP", "WETSMPreUpdateUPP", "WETSMPostUpdateUPP", "WEPreTrackDragUPP", "WETranslateDragUPP", "WEHiliteDropAreaUPP", "WEDrawTextUPP", "WEDrawTSMHiliteUPP", "WEPixelToCharUPP", "WECharToPixelUPP", "WELineBreakUPP", "WEWordBreakUPP", "WECharByteUPP", "WECharTypeUPP", "WEEraseUPP", "WEFluxUPP", "WENewObjectUPP", "WEDisposeObjectUPP", "WEDrawObjectUPP", "WEClickObjectUPP", "WEStreamObjectUPP", "WEHoverObjectUPP", "WERuler", # XXXX To be done "WERuler_ptr", # ditto "WEParaInfo", # XXXX To be done "WEPrintSession", # XXXX To be done "WEPrintOptions_ptr", # XXXX To be done ] def makerepairinstructions(self): return [ ([("void_ptr", "*", "InMode"), ("SInt32", "*", "InMode")], [("InBuffer", "*", "*")]), # WEContinuousStyle ([("WEStyleMode", "ioMode", "OutMode"), ("TextStyle", "outTextStyle", "OutMode")], [("WEStyleMode", "*", "InOutMode"), ("TextStyle", "*", "*")]), # WECopyRange ([('Handle', 'outText', 'InMode'), ('StScrpHandle', 'outStyles', 'InMode'), ('WESoupHandle', 'outSoup', 'InMode')], [('OptHandle', '*', '*'), ('OptStScrpHandle', '*', '*'), ('OptSoupHandle', '*', '*')]), # WEInsert ([('StScrpHandle', 'inStyles', 'InMode'), ('WESoupHandle', 'inSoup', 'InMode')], [('OptStScrpHandle', '*', '*'), ('OptSoupHandle', '*', '*')]), # WEGetObjectOwner ("WEGetObjectOwner", [('WEReference', '*', 'ReturnMode')], [('ExistingWEReference', '*', 'ReturnMode')]), # WEFindParagraph ([("char_ptr", "inKey", "InMode")], [("stringptr", "*", "*")]), # WESetOneAttribute ([("void_ptr", "*", "InMode"), ("ByteCount", "*", "InMode")], [("InBuffer", "*", "*")]), ] if __name__ == "__main__": main()