"""protocol (David Scherer ) This module implements a simple RPC or "distributed object" protocol. I am probably the 100,000th person to write this in Python, but, hey, it was fun. Contents: connectionLost is an exception that will be thrown by functions in the protocol module or calls to remote methods that fail because the remote program has closed the socket or because no connection could be established in the first place. Server( port=None, connection_hook=None ) creates a server on a well-known port, to which clients can connect. When a client connects, a Connection is created for it. If connection_hook is defined, then connection_hook( socket.getpeername() ) is called before a Connection is created, and if it returns false then the connection is refused. connection_hook must be prepared to be called from any thread. Client( ip='', port=None ) returns a Connection to a Server object at a well-known address and port. Connection( socket ) creates an RPC connection on an arbitrary socket, which must already be connected to another program. You do not need to use this directly if you are using Client() or Server(). publish( name, connect_function ) provides an object with the specified name to some or all Connections. When another program calls Connection.getobject() with the specified name, the specified connect_function is called with the arguments connect_function( conn, addr ) where conn is the Connection object to the requesting client and addr is the address returned by socket.getpeername(). If that function returns an object, that object becomes accessible to the caller. If it returns None, the caller's request fails. Connection objects: .close() refuses additional RPC messages from the peer, and notifies the peer that the connection has been closed. All pending remote method calls in either program will fail with a connectionLost exception. Further remote method calls on this connection will also result in errors. .getobject(name) returns a proxy for the remote object with the specified name, if it exists and the peer permits us access. Otherwise, it returns None. It may throw a connectionLost exception. The returned proxy supports basic attribute access and method calls, and its methods have an extra attribute, .void, which is a function that has the same effect but always returns None. This last capability is provided as a performance hack: object.method.void(params) can return without waiting for the remote process to respond, but object.method(params) needs to wait for a return value or exception. .rpc_loop(block=0) processes *incoming* messages for this connection. If block=1, it continues processing until an exception or return value is received, which is normally forever. Otherwise it returns when all currently pending messages have been delivered. It may throw a connectionLost exception. .set_close_hook(f) specifies a function to be called when the remote object closes the connection during a call to rpc_loop(). This is a good way for servers to be notified when clients disconnect. .set_shutdown_hook(f) specifies a function called *immediately* when the receive loop detects that the connection has been lost. The provided function must be prepared to run in any thread. Server objects: .rpc_loop() processes incoming messages on all connections, and returns when all pending messages have been processed. It will *not* throw connectionLost exceptions; the Connection.set_close_hook() mechanism is much better for servers. """ import sys, os, string, types import socket from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue, Empty from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler, PicklingError class connectionLost: def __init__(self, what=""): self.what = what def __repr__(self): return self.what def __str__(self): return self.what def getmethods(cls): "Returns a list of the names of the methods of a class." methods = [] for b in cls.__bases__: methods = methods + getmethods(b) d = cls.__dict__ for k in d.keys(): if type(d[k])==types.FunctionType: methods.append(k) return methods class methodproxy: "Proxy for a method of a remote object." def __init__(self, classp, name): self.classp=classp self.name=name self.client = classp.client def __call__(self, *args, **keywords): return self.client.call( 'm', self.classp.name, self.name, args, keywords ) def void(self, *args, **keywords): self.client.call_void( 'm', self.classp.name,self.name,args,keywords) class classproxy: "Proxy for a remote object." def __init__(self, client, name, methods): self.__dict__['client'] = client self.__dict__['name'] = name for m in methods: prox = methodproxy( self, m ) self.__dict__[m] = prox def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.client.call( 'g', self.name, attr ) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): self.client.call_void( 's', self.name, attr, value ) local_connect = {} def publish(name, connect_function): local_connect[name]=connect_function class socketFile: "File emulator based on a socket. Provides only blocking semantics for now." def __init__(self, socket): self.socket = socket self.buffer = '' def _recv(self,bytes): try: r=self.socket.recv(bytes) except: raise connectionLost() if not r: raise connectionLost() return r def write(self, string): try: self.socket.send( string ) except: raise connectionLost() def read(self,bytes): x = bytes-len(self.buffer) while x>0: self.buffer=self.buffer+self._recv(x) x = bytes-len(self.buffer) s = self.buffer[:bytes] self.buffer=self.buffer[bytes:] return s def readline(self): while 1: f = string.find(self.buffer,'\n') if f>=0: s = self.buffer[:f+1] self.buffer=self.buffer[f+1:] return s self.buffer = self.buffer + self._recv(1024) class Connection (Thread): debug = 0 def __init__(self, socket): self.local_objects = {} self.socket = socket self.name = socket.getpeername() self.socketfile = socketFile(socket) self.queue = Queue(-1) self.refuse_messages = 0 self.cmds = { 'm': self.r_meth, 'g': self.r_get, 's': self.r_set, 'o': self.r_geto, 'e': self.r_exc, #'r' handled by rpc_loop } Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(1) self.start() def getobject(self, name): methods = self.call( 'o', name ) if methods is None: return None return classproxy(self, name, methods) # close_hook is called from rpc_loop(), like a normal remote method # invocation def set_close_hook(self,hook): self.close_hook = hook # shutdown_hook is called directly from the run() thread, and needs # to be "thread safe" def set_shutdown_hook(self,hook): self.shutdown_hook = hook close_hook = None shutdown_hook = None def close(self): self._shutdown() self.refuse_messages = 1 def call(self, c, *args): self.send( (c, args, 1 ) ) return self.rpc_loop( block = 1 ) def call_void(self, c, *args): try: self.send( (c, args, 0 ) ) except: pass # the following methods handle individual RPC calls: def r_geto(self, obj): c = local_connect.get(obj) if not c: return None o = c(self, self.name) if not o: return None self.local_objects[obj] = o return getmethods(o.__class__) def r_meth(self, obj, name, args, keywords): return apply( getattr(self.local_objects[obj],name), args, keywords) def r_get(self, obj, name): return getattr(self.local_objects[obj],name) def r_set(self, obj, name, value): setattr(self.local_objects[obj],name,value) def r_exc(self, e, v): raise e, v def rpc_exec(self, cmd, arg, ret): if self.refuse_messages: return if self.debug: print cmd,arg,ret if ret: try: r=apply(self.cmds.get(cmd), arg) self.send( ('r', r, 0) ) except: try: self.send( ('e', sys.exc_info()[:2], 0) ) except PicklingError: self.send( ('e', (TypeError, 'Unpicklable exception.'), 0 ) ) else: # we cannot report exceptions to the caller, so # we report them in this process. r=apply(self.cmds.get(cmd), arg) # the following methods implement the RPC and message loops: def rpc_loop(self, block=0): if self.refuse_messages: raise connectionLost('(already closed)') try: while 1: try: cmd, arg, ret = self.queue.get( block ) except Empty: return None if cmd=='r': return arg self.rpc_exec(cmd,arg,ret) except connectionLost: if self.close_hook: self.close_hook() self.close_hook = None raise def run(self): try: while 1: data = self.recv() self.queue.put( data ) except: self.queue.put( ('e', sys.exc_info()[:2], 0) ) # The following send raw pickled data to the peer def send(self, data): try: Pickler(self.socketfile,1).dump( data ) except connectionLost: self._shutdown() if self.shutdown_hook: self.shutdown_hook() raise def recv(self): try: return Unpickler(self.socketfile).load() except connectionLost: self._shutdown() if self.shutdown_hook: self.shutdown_hook() raise except: raise def _shutdown(self): try: self.socket.shutdown(1) self.socket.close() except: pass class Server (Thread): default_port = 0x1D1E # "IDlE" def __init__(self, port=None, connection_hook=None): self.connections = [] self.port = port or self.default_port self.connection_hook = connection_hook try: self.wellknown = s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind('', self.port) s.listen(3) except: raise connectionLost Thread.__init__(self) self.setDaemon(1) self.start() def run(self): s = self.wellknown while 1: conn, addr = s.accept() if self.connection_hook and not self.connection_hook(addr): try: conn.shutdown(1) except: pass continue self.connections.append( Connection(conn) ) def rpc_loop(self): cns = self.connections[:] for c in cns: try: c.rpc_loop(block = 0) except connectionLost: if c in self.connections: self.connections.remove(c) def Client(ip='', port=None): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(ip,port or Server.default_port) except socket.error, what: raise connectionLost(str(what)) except: raise connectionLost() return Connection(s)