"""macgen_info - Generate CodeWarrior project, config source, resource file""" import EasyDialogs import os import sys import macfs import MacOS import macostools import macgen_rsrc # Note: this depends on being frozen, or on sys.path already being # modified by macmodulefinder. import makeconfig TEMPLATEDIR=os.path.join(sys.prefix, ':Mac:mwerks:projects:build.macfreeze') PROJECT_TEMPLATE=os.path.join(TEMPLATEDIR, ':frozen.prj') CONFIG_TEMPLATE=os.path.join(TEMPLATEDIR, ':templatefrozenconfig.c') BUNDLE_TEMPLATE=os.path.join(TEMPLATEDIR, ':frozenbundle.rsrc') def generate(output, module_dict, debug=0): problems = 0 output_created=0 if not os.path.exists(output): print 'Creating project folder', output os.mkdir(output) output_created = 1 # Resolve aliases, if needed try: fss, dummy1, dummy2 = macfs.ResolveAliasFile(output) except macfs.error: pass else: newname = fss.as_pathname() if newname != output: if debug: print 'Alias', output print 'Resolved to', newname output = newname # Construct the filenames dummy, outfile = os.path.split(output) build, ext = os.path.splitext(outfile) if build == 'build' and ext[0] == '.': # This is probably a good name for the project projname = ext[1:] else: projname = 'frozenapplet.prj' config_name = os.path.join(output, ':macfrozenconfig.c') project_name = os.path.join(output, ':' + projname + '.prj') resource_name = os.path.join(output, ':frozenmodules.rsrc') bundle_name = os.path.join(output, ':frozenbundle.rsrc') # Fill the output folder, if needed. if output_created: # Create the project, if needed if not os.path.exists(project_name): print 'Creating project', project_name if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_TEMPLATE): print '** No template CodeWarrior project found at', PROJECT_TEMPLATE print ' To generate standalone Python applications from source you need' print ' a full source distribution. Check http://www.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython.html' print ' for details.' problems = 1 else: macostools.copy(PROJECT_TEMPLATE, project_name) print 'A template CodeWarrior project has been copied to', project_name print 'It is up to you to make the following changes:' print '- Change the output file name' print '- Change the search path, unless the folder is in the python home' print '- Add sourcefiles/libraries for any extension modules used' print '- Remove unused sources, to speed up the build process' print '- Remove unused resource files (like tcl/tk) for a smaller binary' problems = 1 macostools.copy(BUNDLE_TEMPLATE, bundle_name) print 'A template bundle file has also been copied to', bundle_name print 'You may want to adapt signature, size resource, etc' # Create the resource file macgen_rsrc.generate(resource_name, module_dict, debug=debug) # Create the config.c file if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_TEMPLATE): print '** No template config.c found at', PROJECT_TEMPLATE print ' To generate standalone Python applications from source you need' print ' a full source distribution. Check http://www.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython.html' print ' for details.' problems = 1 else: # Find elegible modules (builtins and dynamically loaded modules) c_modules = [] for module in module_dict.keys(): if module_dict[module].gettype() in ('builtin', 'dynamic'): c_modules.append(module) ifp = open(CONFIG_TEMPLATE) ofp = open(config_name, 'w') makeconfig.makeconfig(ifp, ofp, c_modules) ifp.close() ofp.close() MacOS.SetCreatorAndType(config_name, 'CWIE', 'TEXT') if warnings(module_dict): problems = 1 return problems def warnings(module_dict): problems = 0 for name, module in module_dict.items(): if module.gettype() not in ('builtin', 'module', 'dynamic', 'package'): problems = problems + 1 print 'Warning: %s not included: %s %s'%(name, module.gettype(), module) return problems