Logging replaces verbose arguments. I haven’t fixed the example in
Doc/install/install.rst because I have major fixes and changes to the
oc under way and will fix or remove that example as part of that task.
PEP 370 features and sys.dont_write_bytecode are always available
in 3.3; the distutils2 backport still has the conditionals.
I also renamed an internal misnamed method and fixed a few things
(“packaging2” name, stray print, unused import, fd leak).
* Use str.startswith(tuple): I didn't know this Python feature, Python rocks!
* Replace sometimes sys.platform.startswith('linux') with
sys.platform == 'linux'
* sys.platform doesn't contain the major version on Cygwin on Mac OS X
(it's just 'cygwin' and 'darwin')