r75272 | amaury.forgeotdarc | 2009-10-06 21:56:32 +0200 (mar., 06 oct. 2009) | 5 lines
#1571184: now generates the functions _PyUnicode_ToNumeric,
_PyUnicode_IsLinebreak and _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace.
It now also parses the Unihan.txt for numeric values.
r75273 | amaury.forgeotdarc | 2009-10-06 22:02:09 +0200 (mar., 06 oct. 2009) | 2 lines
Add Anders Chrigstrom to Misc/ACKS for his work on unicodedata.
The repr() of a string now contains printable Unicode characters unescaped.
The new ascii() builtin can be used to get a repr() with only ASCII characters in it.
PEP and patch were written by Atsuo Ishimoto.
unicodedata.east_asian_width(). You can still implement your own
simple width() function using it like this:
def width(u):
w = 0
for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFC', u):
cwidth = unicodedata.east_asian_width(c)
if cwidth in ('W', 'F'): w += 2
else: w += 1
return w
iswide() for east asian width manipulation. (Inspired by David
Goodger, Reviewed by Martin v. Loewis)
- Move _PyUnicode_TypeRecord.flags to the end of the struct so that
no padding is added for UCS-4 builds. (Suggested by Martin v. Loewis)
- use unidb compression for the unicodectype module. smaller, faster,
and slightly more portable...
(note: this commit doesn't include the unicodectype.c file itself; I'm
still waiting for the reviewers...)