them (which they are now), I had to rewrite the code to understand
it. This has got to be the most DWIM part of doctest -- but in context
is really necessary.
skip over functions with private names (as indicated by the underscore
naming convention). The old default created too much of a risk that
user tests were being skipped inadvertently. Note, this change could
break code in the unlikely case that someone had intentionally put
failing tests in the docstrings of private functions. The breakage
is easily fixable by specifying the old behavior when calling testmod()
or Tester(). The more likely case is that the silent failure was
unintended and that the user needed to be informed so the test could be
now accepts "True" when a test expects "1", and similarly for "False"
versus "0". This is un-doctest-like, but on balance makes it much
more pleasant to write doctests that pass under 2.2 and 2.3. I expect
it to go away again, when 2.2 is forgotten. In the meantime, there's
a new doctest module constant that can be passed to a new optional
argument, if you want to turn this behavior off.
Note that this substitution is very simple-minded: the expected and
actual outputs have to consist of single tokens. No attempt is made,
e.g., to accept [True, False] when a test expects [1, 0]. This is a
simple hack for simple tests, and I intend to keep it that way.