- Conform to standard Python C coding styles.
- All static symbols were renamed and shorted.
- Eyeballed all return values and memory references.
- Fixed a bug in signal.pause() so that exceptions raised in signal
handlers are now properly caught after pause() returns.
- Removed SIGCPU and SIGFSZ. We surmise that these were typos for the
previously missing SIGXCPU and SIGXFSZ.
SIGCPU and SIGFSZ but we're (Jeremy and I) are actually unsure whether
these were typos or if there are systems that use these alternate
names. We've checked Solaris, SunOS, and IRIX; they contain only the
SIGX* names.
that the module-specific components are in the section for that
cursesmodule.c: patched it so it actually works.
tkintermodule.c: call Py_AtExit instead of atexit().
signalmodule.c: converted to new naming style; added
BGN/END SAVE around pause() call.
socketmodule.c: added setblocking() after Tommy Burnette.