button) caused IDLE to fail on restart (no new keyset was created in
config-keys.cfg). Also true for Theme/highlights. Python Bug 1064535.
M configDialog.py
the indentation of a comment block to be ignored when reformatting the
block, leading to overly long reformatted lines (too wide by an amount
equal to the indentation width). Looks like a typo in the original
patch, a 1-character repair.
a new file, don't raise a dialog. IDLEfork 954928.
2. Refactor EditorWindow.wakeup() to WindowList.ListedToplevel.wakeup() and
clarify that the Toplevel of an EditorWindow is a WindowList.ListedToplevel.
3. Make a number of improvements to keyboard focus binding. Improve window
raising, especially in the debugger. IDLEfork Bug 763524 (GvR list).
4. Bump idlever to 1.1a3
M Debugger.py
M EditorWindow.py
M FileList.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M WindowList.py
M idlever.py
and format the warning similarly to an exception for both that check and for
warnings raised in the subprocess.
M NEWS.txt
M Pyshell.py
M ScriptBinding.py
M run.py
The visibility state of the code context pane is now persistent between
sessions and the pane does not appear in the shell window.
M CodeContext.py
M EditorWindow.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M config-extensions.def
M configHandler.py
2. Add a <<toggle-code-context>> envent to the [CodeContext] section of
config-extensions.def and also a default-on variable, set to 0.
3. Update the help file to include Code Context.
M CodeContext.py
M config-extensions.def
M help.txt
2. Add exception handling to EditorWindow Tkinter variable setvar() and getvar() fcns.
3. EditorWindow: remove some unneeded comments.
4. Add a separator to the Options menu
5. extend.txt: describe how to create a menu entry which has no keybinding.
M Bindings.py
M EditorWindow.py
M extend.txt
M IOBinding.py
M NEWS.txt
M configDialog.py
- If nulls somehow got into the strings in recent-files.lst
EditorWindow.update_recent_files_list() was failing. Python Bug 931336.
M ClassBrowser.py
M ColorDelegator.py
M EditorWindow.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M TreeWidget.py
M config-highlight.def
M configDialog.py
M configHandler.py
to the execution server. The return of the OK response from the subprocess
initialization was interfering and causing the sending socket to be not
ready. Add an IO ready test to fix this. Moved the polling IO ready test
into pollpacket().
M NEWS.txt
M rpc.py
Backport candidate.
connect to the user GUI process. Added a timeout to the GUI's listening
socket. Added Tk error dialogs to PyShell.py to announce a failure to bind
the port or connect to the subprocess. Clean up error handling during
connection initiation phase. This is an update of Python Patch 778323.
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M ScriptBinding.py
M run.py
Backport candidate.
which use the Space key. Limit unmodified user keybindings to the
function keys.
Python Bug 775353, IDLEfork Bugs 755647, 761557
Improve error handling during startup if there's no Tkinter.
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M config-keys.def
M configHandler.py
M keybindingDialog.py
Backport candidate.
1. Remove "idle" script, it lives in Tools/scripts/ now.
2. Remove shebang from idle.py, should be called explicitly.
3. Remove obsolete test code from rpc.py; needs unit test.