Change set (included to improve usefulness of svnmerge log entry):
M PCbuild\pythoncore.vcproj
M PCbuild\pcbuild.sln
M PCbuild\release.vsprops
A PCbuild\kill_python.vcproj
M PCbuild\debug.vsprops
A PCbuild\kill_python.c
D Tools\buildbot\kill_python.bat
D Tools\buildbot\kill_python.mak
M Tools\buildbot\build.bat
D Tools\buildbot\Makefile
M Tools\buildbot\build-amd64.bat
M Tools\buildbot\buildmsi.bat
D Tools\buildbot\kill_python.c
Additionally, force a clean in our build.bat files before building, just whilst we're going through these build system updates.
And finally, add in the missing MACHINE=AMD64 option to our Tcl/Tk x64 build.
important for the _ssl.vproj build. It calls which tries to
find a Perl to use. Without "/useenv" Visual Studio is getting a PATH
from somewhere else (presumably from its internal environment
configuration). The result is that fallsback to its
"well-known" locations for a Perl install.