to str, bytes and bytearray could be optimized away by the compiler (*), letting
the interpreter segfault instead of raising an error.
(*) or at least it is our interpretation
No detailed change log; just check out the change log for the py3k-pep3137
branch. The most obvious changes:
- str8 renamed to bytes (PyString at the C level);
- bytes renamed to buffer (PyBytes at the C level);
- PyString and PyUnicode are no longer compatible.
I.e. we now have an immutable bytes type and a mutable bytes type.
The behavior of PyString was modified quite a bit, to make it more
bytes-like. Some changes are still on the to-do list.
to be called a buffer). Shares code with stringobject when possible.
Adds unit tests with common code that should be usable to test the PEPs
mutable buffer() and immutable bytes() types.