a new file, don't raise a dialog. IDLEfork 954928.
2. Refactor EditorWindow.wakeup() to WindowList.ListedToplevel.wakeup() and
clarify that the Toplevel of an EditorWindow is a WindowList.ListedToplevel.
3. Make a number of improvements to keyboard focus binding. Improve window
raising, especially in the debugger. IDLEfork Bug 763524 (GvR list).
4. Bump idlever to 1.1a3
M Debugger.py
M EditorWindow.py
M FileList.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M WindowList.py
M idlever.py
Window menu updates.
2. Display Python Shell window in Window menu
3. Remove some dead code in FileList.py
M EditorWindow.py
M FileList.py
M WindowList.py
"Delete goodname() method, which is unused. Add gotofileline(), a
convenience method which I intend to use in a
variant. Rename test() to _test()." --GvR
This was an interesting merge. The join completely missed removing
goodname(), which was adjacent, but outside of, a small conflict.
I only caught it by comparing the diff. CVS ain't