1. Comments at the beginning of the module, before
functions, and before classes have been turned
into docstrings.
2. Tabs are normalized to four spaces.
Also, removed the "remove" function from dircmp.py, which reimplements
list.remove() (it must have been very old).
* imghdr.py: added jpeg recognition
* torgb.py: added jpeg conversion
* tzparse.py: use functions from time instead of calendar
* whatsound.py: add /ufs/guido/biin/sgi to $PATH when calling 'whatsound'
* calendar.py: remove stuff now built in time; some cleanup and
generalization in the calendar printing
* cmd.py: use __init__.
* tzparse.py: This module is no longer necessary -- use builtin time instead!
* Fixed calendar.py, mimetools.py, whrandom.py to cope with time.time()
returning a floating point number. (And fix old bug in calendar)
* Add recursion level to mainloop.mainloop(), to make it reentrant.