whenever a connection cannot be formed. Also, the Idle version number
is already in the About Idle dialog. Now, the startup is clean looking
once again.
before raising SystemExit, allowing IDLE to honor quit() and exit().
M Lib/site.py
M Lib/idlelib/PyShell.py
M Lib/idlelib/CREDITS.txt
M Lib/idlelib/NEWS.txt
A idlelib/AutoCompleteWindow.py
A idlelib/AutoComplete.py
A idlelib/HyperParser.py
M idlelib/PyShell.py
M idlelib/ParenMatch.py
M idlelib/configDialog.py
M idlelib/EditorWindow.py
M idlelib/PyParse.py
M idlelib/CallTips.py
M idlelib/CallTipWindow.py
M idlelib/run.py
M idlelib/config-extensions.def
A idlelib/MultiCall.py
of replacing the input line, the previous command is now appended to the
input line. Indentation is preserved, and undo is enabled.
Patch 1196917 Jeff Shute
Modified Files:
NEWS.txt PyShell.py
2. Restore use of set_indentation_params(), was dead code since
Autoindent.py was merged into EditorWindow.py.
3. Make usetabs, indentwidth, tabwidth, context_use_ps1 instance vars
and set in EditorWindow.__init__()
4. In PyShell.__init__() set usetabs, indentwidth and context_use_ps1
explicitly (config() is eliminated).
5. Add Tabnanny check when Module is Run/F5, not just when Checked.
6. Discourage using an indent width other than 8 when using tabs to
indent Python code.
M EditorWindow.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M ScriptBinding.py
a new file, don't raise a dialog. IDLEfork 954928.
2. Refactor EditorWindow.wakeup() to WindowList.ListedToplevel.wakeup() and
clarify that the Toplevel of an EditorWindow is a WindowList.ListedToplevel.
3. Make a number of improvements to keyboard focus binding. Improve window
raising, especially in the debugger. IDLEfork Bug 763524 (GvR list).
4. Bump idlever to 1.1a3
M Debugger.py
M EditorWindow.py
M FileList.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M WindowList.py
M idlever.py
and format the warning similarly to an exception for both that check and for
warnings raised in the subprocess.
M NEWS.txt
M Pyshell.py
M ScriptBinding.py
M run.py
The visibility state of the code context pane is now persistent between
sessions and the pane does not appear in the shell window.
M CodeContext.py
M EditorWindow.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M config-extensions.def
M configHandler.py
M ClassBrowser.py
M ColorDelegator.py
M EditorWindow.py
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M TreeWidget.py
M config-highlight.def
M configDialog.py
M configHandler.py
connect to the user GUI process. Added a timeout to the GUI's listening
socket. Added Tk error dialogs to PyShell.py to announce a failure to bind
the port or connect to the subprocess. Clean up error handling during
connection initiation phase. This is an update of Python Patch 778323.
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M ScriptBinding.py
M run.py
Backport candidate.
which use the Space key. Limit unmodified user keybindings to the
function keys.
Python Bug 775353, IDLEfork Bugs 755647, 761557
Improve error handling during startup if there's no Tkinter.
M NEWS.txt
M PyShell.py
M config-keys.def
M configHandler.py
M keybindingDialog.py
Backport candidate.