Add section on the functional module

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Andrew M. Kuchling 2006-11-08 13:35:34 +00:00
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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Functional Programming HOWTO
**Version 0.21**
**Version 0.30**
(This is a first draft. Please send comments/error
reports/suggestions to This URL is probably not going to
@ -1141,6 +1141,144 @@ There are also third-party modules, such as Collin Winter's
that are intended for use in functional-style programs.
The functional module
Collin Winter's `functional module <>`__
provides a number of more
advanced tools for functional programming. It also reimplements
several Python built-ins, trying to make them more intuitive to those
used to functional programming in other languages.
This section contains an introduction to some of the most important
functions in ``functional``; full documentation can be found at `the
project's website <>`__.
``compose(outer, inner, unpack=False)``
The ``compose()`` function implements function composition.
In other words, it returns a wrapper around the ``outer`` and ``inner`` callables, such
that the return value from ``inner`` is fed directly to ``outer``. That is,
>>> def add(a, b):
... return a + b
>>> def double(a):
... return 2 * a
>>> compose(double, add)(5, 6)
is equivalent to
>>> double(add(5, 6))
The ``unpack`` keyword is provided to work around the fact that Python functions are not always
`fully curried <>`__.
By default, it is expected that the ``inner`` function will return a single object and that the ``outer``
function will take a single argument. Setting the ``unpack`` argument causes ``compose`` to expect a
tuple from ``inner`` which will be expanded before being passed to ``outer``. Put simply,
compose(f, g)(5, 6)
is equivalent to::
f(g(5, 6))
compose(f, g, unpack=True)(5, 6)
is equivalent to::
f(*g(5, 6))
Even though ``compose()`` only accepts two functions, it's trivial to
build up a version that will compose any number of functions. We'll
use ``reduce()``, ``compose()`` and ``partial()`` (the last of which
is provided by both ``functional`` and ``functools``).
from functional import compose, partial
multi_compose = partial(reduce, compose)
We can also use ``map()``, ``compose()`` and ``partial()`` to craft a
version of ``"".join(...)`` that converts its arguments to string::
from functional import compose, partial
join = compose("".join, partial(map, str))
``flip()`` wraps the callable in ``func`` and
causes it to receive its non-keyword arguments in reverse order.
>>> def triple(a, b, c):
... return (a, b, c)
>>> triple(5, 6, 7)
(5, 6, 7)
>>> flipped_triple = flip(triple)
>>> flipped_triple(5, 6, 7)
(7, 6, 5)
``foldl(func, start, iterable)``
``foldl()`` takes a binary function, a starting value (usually some kind of 'zero'), and an iterable.
The function is applied to the starting value and the first element of the list, then the result of
that and the second element of the list, then the result of that and the third element of the list,
and so on.
This means that a call such as::
foldl(f, 0, [1, 2, 3])
is equivalent to::
f(f(f(0, 1), 2), 3)
``foldl()`` is roughly equivalent to the following recursive function::
def foldl(func, start, seq):
if len(seq) == 0:
return start
return foldl(func, func(start, seq[0]), seq[1:])
Speaking of equivalence, the above ``foldl`` call can be expressed in terms of the built-in ``reduce`` like
reduce(f, [1, 2, 3], 0)
We can use ``foldl()``, ``operator.concat()`` and ``partial()`` to
write a cleaner, more aesthetically-pleasing version of Python's
``"".join(...)`` idiom::
from functional import foldl, partial
from operator import concat
join = partial(foldl, concat, "")
Revision History and Acknowledgements
@ -1159,6 +1297,9 @@ sections into one. Typo fixes.
Version 0.21: Added more references suggested on the tutor mailing list.
Version 0.30: Adds a section on the ``functional`` module written by
Collin Winter.
@ -1185,6 +1326,8 @@ General Wikipedia entry describing functional programming.
Entry for coroutines.
Entry for the concept of currying.