convert test_struct to a unittest thanks to Giampaolo Rodola

I had to disable one test because it was functioning incorrectly, see #1530559
I also removed the debugging prints
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Peterson 2008-06-11 01:31:28 +00:00
parent 610a93ea26
commit d5299866f9
1 changed files with 470 additions and 570 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
from test.test_support import TestFailed, verbose, verify, vereq
import test.test_support
import struct
import array
import unittest
import struct
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from test.test_support import TestFailed, verbose, run_unittest, catch_warning
import sys
ISBIGENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
del sys
verify((struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == chr(0)) == ISBIGENDIAN,
"bigendian determination appears wrong")
import _struct
@ -30,39 +30,21 @@ def bigendian_to_native(value):
return string_reverse(value)
def simple_err(func, *args):
except struct.error:
raise TestFailed, "%s%s did not raise struct.error" % (
func.__name__, args)
def any_err(func, *args):
except (struct.error, TypeError):
raise TestFailed, "%s%s did not raise error" % (
func.__name__, args)
def with_warning_restore(func):
def _with_warning_restore(*args, **kw):
with test.test_support.catch_warning():
def decorator(*args, **kw):
with catch_warning():
# Grrr, we need this function to warn every time. Without removing
# the warningregistry, running test_tarfile then test_struct would fail
# on 64-bit platforms.
globals = func.func_globals
if '__warningregistry__' in globals:
del globals['__warningregistry__']
warnings.filterwarnings("error", r"""^struct.*""", DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("error", r""".*format requires.*""",
warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=DeprecationWarning)
return func(*args, **kw)
return _with_warning_restore
return decorator
def deprecated_err(func, *args):
@ -75,32 +57,56 @@ def deprecated_err(func, *args):
raise TestFailed, "%s%s did not raise error" % (
func.__name__, args)
deprecated_err = with_warning_restore(deprecated_err)
simple_err(struct.calcsize, 'Z')
class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
def check_float_coerce(self, format, number):
# SF bug 1530559. struct.pack raises TypeError where it used to convert.
# Test for pre-2.5 struct module
packed = struct.pack(format, number)
floored = struct.unpack(format, packed)[0]
self.assertEqual(floored, int(number),
"did not correcly coerce float to int")
struct.pack(format, number)
except (struct.error, TypeError):
if PY_STRUCT_FLOAT_COERCE:"expected DeprecationWarning for float coerce")
except DeprecationWarning:
if not PY_STRUCT_FLOAT_COERCE:"expected to raise struct.error for float coerce")
else:"did not raise error for float coerce")
def test_isbigendian(self):
self.assertEqual((struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == chr(0)), ISBIGENDIAN)
def test_consistence(self):
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.calcsize, 'Z')
sz = struct.calcsize('i')
if sz * 3 != struct.calcsize('iii'):
raise TestFailed, 'inconsistent sizes'
self.assertEqual(sz * 3, struct.calcsize('iii'))
fmt = 'cbxxxxxxhhhhiillffd?'
fmt3 = '3c3b18x12h6i6l6f3d3?'
sz = struct.calcsize(fmt)
sz3 = struct.calcsize(fmt3)
if sz * 3 != sz3:
raise TestFailed, 'inconsistent sizes (3*%r -> 3*%d = %d, %r -> %d)' % (
fmt, sz, 3*sz, fmt3, sz3)
self.assertEqual(sz * 3, sz3)
simple_err(struct.pack, 'iii', 3)
simple_err(struct.pack, 'i', 3, 3, 3)
simple_err(struct.pack, 'i', 'foo')
simple_err(struct.pack, 'P', 'foo')
simple_err(struct.unpack, 'd', 'flap')
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'iii', 3)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'i', 3, 3, 3)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'i', 'foo')
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, 'P', 'foo')
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack, 'd', 'flap')
s = struct.pack('ii', 1, 2)
simple_err(struct.unpack, 'iii', s)
simple_err(struct.unpack, 'i', s)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack, 'iii', s)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack, 'i', s)
def test_transitiveness(self):
c = 'a'
b = 1
h = 255
@ -113,19 +119,19 @@ t = True
for prefix in ('', '@', '<', '>', '=', '!'):
for format in ('xcbhilfd?', 'xcBHILfd?'):
format = prefix + format
if verbose:
print "trying:", format
s = struct.pack(format, c, b, h, i, l, f, d, t)
cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp, tp = struct.unpack(format, s)
if (cp != c or bp != b or hp != h or ip != i or lp != l or
int(100 * fp) != int(100 * f) or int(100 * dp) != int(100 * d) or
tp != t):
# ^^^ calculate only to two decimal places
raise TestFailed, "unpack/pack not transitive (%s, %s)" % (
str(format), str((cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp, tp)))
self.assertEqual(cp, c)
self.assertEqual(bp, b)
self.assertEqual(hp, h)
self.assertEqual(ip, i)
self.assertEqual(lp, l)
self.assertEqual(int(100 * fp), int(100 * f))
self.assertEqual(int(100 * dp), int(100 * d))
self.assertEqual(tp, t)
def test_new_features(self):
# Test some of the new features in detail
# (format, argument, big-endian result, little-endian result, asymmetric)
tests = [
('c', 'a', 'a', 'a', 0),
@ -168,44 +174,33 @@ tests = [
for fmt, arg, big, lil, asy in tests:
if verbose:
print "%r %r %r %r" % (fmt, arg, big, lil)
for (xfmt, exp) in [('>'+fmt, big), ('!'+fmt, big), ('<'+fmt, lil),
('='+fmt, ISBIGENDIAN and big or lil)]:
res = struct.pack(xfmt, arg)
if res != exp:
raise TestFailed, "pack(%r, %r) -> %r # expected %r" % (
fmt, arg, res, exp)
n = struct.calcsize(xfmt)
if n != len(res):
raise TestFailed, "calcsize(%r) -> %d # expected %d" % (
xfmt, n, len(res))
self.assertEqual(res, exp)
self.assertEqual(struct.calcsize(xfmt), len(res))
rev = struct.unpack(xfmt, res)[0]
if rev != arg and not asy:
raise TestFailed, "unpack(%r, %r) -> (%r,) # expected (%r,)" % (
fmt, res, rev, arg)
if rev != arg:
# Simple native q/Q tests.
def test_native_qQ(self):
# can't pack -1 as unsigned regardless
self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError), struct.pack, "Q", -1)
# can't pack string as 'q' regardless
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, "q", "a")
# ditto, but 'Q'
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.pack, "Q", "a")
has_native_qQ = 1
struct.pack("q", 5)
except struct.error:
has_native_qQ = 0
if verbose:
print "Platform has native q/Q?", has_native_qQ and "Yes." or "No."
any_err(struct.pack, "Q", -1) # can't pack -1 as unsigned regardless
simple_err(struct.pack, "q", "a") # can't pack string as 'q' regardless
simple_err(struct.pack, "Q", "a") # ditto, but 'Q'
def test_native_qQ():
# does not have native q/Q
bytes = struct.calcsize('q')
# The expected values here are in big-endian format, primarily because
# I'm on a little-endian machine and so this is the clearest way (for
# me) to force the code to get exercised.
# The expected values here are in big-endian format, primarily
# because I'm on a little-endian machine and so this is the
# clearest way (for me) to force the code to get exercised.
for format, input, expected in (
('q', -1, '\xff' * bytes),
('q', 0, '\x00' * bytes),
@ -215,23 +210,15 @@ def test_native_qQ():
('q', (1L << (8*bytes-1))-1, '\x7f' + '\xff' * (bytes - 1))):
got = struct.pack(format, input)
native_expected = bigendian_to_native(expected)
verify(got == native_expected,
"%r-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, input, got, native_expected))
self.assertEqual(got, native_expected)
retrieved = struct.unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(retrieved == input,
"%r-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, input))
self.assertEqual(retrieved, input)
if has_native_qQ:
def test_standard_integers(self):
# Standard integer tests (bBhHiIlLqQ).
import binascii
class IntTester:
class IntTester(unittest.TestCase):
# XXX Most std integer modes fail to test for out-of-range.
# The "i" and "l" codes appear to range-check OK on 32-bit boxes, but
@ -240,12 +227,12 @@ class IntTester:
def __init__(self, formatpair, bytesize):
assert len(formatpair) == 2
self.assertEqual(len(formatpair), 2)
self.formatpair = formatpair
for direction in "<>!=":
for code in formatpair:
format = direction + code
verify(struct.calcsize(format) == bytesize)
self.assertEqual(struct.calcsize(format), bytesize)
self.bytesize = bytesize
self.bitsize = bytesize * 8
self.signed_code, self.unsigned_code = formatpair
@ -257,9 +244,6 @@ class IntTester:
def test_one(self, x, pack=struct.pack,
if verbose:
print "trying std", self.formatpair, "on", x, "==", hex(x)
# Try signed.
code = self.signed_code
if self.signed_min <= x <= self.signed_max:
@ -267,7 +251,7 @@ class IntTester:
expected = long(x)
if x < 0:
expected += 1L << self.bitsize
assert expected > 0
self.assert_(expected > 0)
expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
if len(expected) & 1:
expected = "0" + expected
@ -277,37 +261,30 @@ class IntTester:
# Pack work?
format = ">" + code
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
self.assertEqual(x, retrieved)
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError), unpack, format,
'\x01' + got)
# Try little-endian.
format = "<" + code
expected = string_reverse(expected)
# Pack work?
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
self.assertEqual(x, retrieved)
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError), unpack, format,
'\x01' + got)
# x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
@ -332,18 +309,15 @@ class IntTester:
# Pack work?
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
self.assertEqual(x, retrieved)
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError), unpack, format,
'\x01' + got)
# Try little-endian.
format = "<" + code
@ -351,18 +325,15 @@ class IntTester:
# Pack work?
got = pack(format, x)
verify(got == expected,
"'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, x, got, expected))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
# Unpack work?
retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
verify(x == retrieved,
"'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
(format, got, retrieved, x))
self.assertEqual(x, retrieved)
# Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError), unpack, format,
'\x01' + got)
# x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
@ -405,7 +376,9 @@ class IntTester:
for direction in "<>":
for code in self.formatpair:
for badobject in "a string", 3+42j, randrange:
any_err(struct.pack, direction + code, badobject)
self.assertRaises((struct.error, TypeError),
struct.pack, direction + code,
for args in [("bB", 1),
("hH", 2),
@ -415,11 +388,8 @@ for args in [("bB", 1),
t = IntTester(*args)
# The p ("Pascal string") code.
def test_p_code():
def test_p_code(self):
# Test p ("Pascal string") code.
for code, input, expected, expectedback in [
('p','abc', '\x00', ''),
('1p', 'abc', '\x00', ''),
@ -430,23 +400,14 @@ def test_p_code():
('6p', 'abc', '\x03abc\x00\x00', 'abc'),
('1000p', 'x'*1000, '\xff' + 'x'*999, 'x'*255)]:
got = struct.pack(code, input)
if got != expected:
raise TestFailed("pack(%r, %r) == %r but expected %r" %
(code, input, got, expected))
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
(got,) = struct.unpack(code, got)
if got != expectedback:
raise TestFailed("unpack(%r, %r) == %r but expected %r" %
(code, input, got, expectedback))
self.assertEqual(got, expectedback)
def test_705836(self):
# SF bug 705836. "<f" and ">f" had a severe rounding bug, where a carry
# from the low-order discarded bits could propagate into the exponent
# field, causing the result to be wrong by a factor of 2.
def test_705836():
import math
for base in range(1, 33):
@ -460,36 +421,28 @@ def test_705836():
unpacked = struct.unpack("<f", packed)[0]
# This failed at base = 2, 4, and 32, with unpacked = 1, 2, and
# 16, respectively.
verify(base == unpacked)
self.assertEqual(base, unpacked)
bigpacked = struct.pack(">f", smaller)
verify(bigpacked == string_reverse(packed),
">f pack should be byte-reversal of <f pack")
self.assertEqual(bigpacked, string_reverse(packed))
unpacked = struct.unpack(">f", bigpacked)[0]
verify(base == unpacked)
self.assertEqual(base, unpacked)
# Largest finite IEEE single.
big = (1 << 24) - 1
big = math.ldexp(big, 127 - 23)
packed = struct.pack(">f", big)
unpacked = struct.unpack(">f", packed)[0]
verify(big == unpacked)
self.assertEqual(big, unpacked)
# The same, but tack on a 1 bit so it rounds up to infinity.
big = (1 << 25) - 1
big = math.ldexp(big, 127 - 24)
packed = struct.pack(">f", big)
except OverflowError:
raise TestFailed("expected OverflowError")
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, struct.pack, ">f", big)
# SF bug 1229380. No struct.pack exception for some out of range integers
def test_1229380():
def test_1229380(self):
# SF bug 1229380. No struct.pack exception for some out of
# range integers
import sys
for endian in ('', '>', '<'):
for cls in (int, long):
@ -502,77 +455,38 @@ def test_1229380():
deprecated_err(struct.pack, endian + 'I', sys.maxint * 4L)
deprecated_err(struct.pack, endian + 'L', sys.maxint * 4L)
def XXXtest_1530559(self):
# XXX This is broken: see the bug report
# SF bug 1530559. struct.pack raises TypeError where it used to convert.
def check_float_coerce(format, number):
# Test for pre-2.5 struct module
packed = struct.pack(format, number)
floored = struct.unpack(format, packed)[0]
if floored != int(number):
raise TestFailed("did not correcly coerce float to int")
except (struct.error, TypeError):
raise TestFailed("expected DeprecationWarning for float coerce")
except DeprecationWarning:
raise TestFailed("expected to raise struct.error for float coerce")
raise TestFailed("did not raise error for float coerce")
check_float_coerce = with_warning_restore(deprecated_err)
def test_1530559():
for endian in ('', '>', '<'):
for fmt in ('B', 'H', 'I', 'L', 'b', 'h', 'i', 'l'):
check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.0)
check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.5)
self.check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.0)
self.check_float_coerce(endian + fmt, 1.5)
# Packing and unpacking to/from buffers.
# Copied and modified from unittest.
def assertRaises(excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs):
callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
except excClass:
raise TestFailed("%s not raised." % excClass)
def test_unpack_from():
def test_unpack_from(self):
test_string = 'abcd01234'
fmt = '4s'
s = struct.Struct(fmt)
for cls in (str, buffer):
data = cls(test_string)
vereq(s.unpack_from(data), ('abcd',))
vereq(s.unpack_from(data, 2), ('cd01',))
vereq(s.unpack_from(data, 4), ('0123',))
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data), ('abcd',))
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, 2), ('cd01',))
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, 4), ('0123',))
for i in xrange(6):
vereq(s.unpack_from(data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
self.assertEqual(s.unpack_from(data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
for i in xrange(6, len(test_string) + 1):
simple_err(s.unpack_from, data, i)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.unpack_from, data, i)
for cls in (str, buffer):
data = cls(test_string)
vereq(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data), ('abcd',))
vereq(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 2), ('cd01',))
vereq(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 4), ('0123',))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data), ('abcd',))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 2), ('cd01',))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, 4), ('0123',))
for i in xrange(6):
vereq(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
self.assertEqual(struct.unpack_from(fmt, data, i), (data[i:i+4],))
for i in xrange(6, len(test_string) + 1):
simple_err(struct.unpack_from, fmt, data, i)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, struct.unpack_from, fmt, data, i)
def test_pack_into():
def test_pack_into(self):
test_string = 'Reykjavik rocks, eow!'
writable_buf = array.array('c', ' '*100)
fmt = '21s'
@ -581,19 +495,19 @@ def test_pack_into():
# Test without offset
s.pack_into(writable_buf, 0, test_string)
from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)]
vereq(from_buf, test_string)
self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string)
# Test with offset.
s.pack_into(writable_buf, 10, test_string)
from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)+10]
vereq(from_buf, test_string[:10] + test_string)
self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string[:10] + test_string)
# Go beyond boundaries.
small_buf = array.array('c', ' '*10)
assertRaises(struct.error, s.pack_into, small_buf, 0, test_string)
assertRaises(struct.error, s.pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.pack_into, small_buf, 0, test_string)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, s.pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
def test_pack_into_fn():
def test_pack_into_fn(self):
test_string = 'Reykjavik rocks, eow!'
writable_buf = array.array('c', ' '*100)
fmt = '21s'
@ -602,75 +516,61 @@ def test_pack_into_fn():
# Test without offset.
pack_into(writable_buf, 0, test_string)
from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)]
vereq(from_buf, test_string)
self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string)
# Test with offset.
pack_into(writable_buf, 10, test_string)
from_buf = writable_buf.tostring()[:len(test_string)+10]
vereq(from_buf, test_string[:10] + test_string)
self.assertEqual(from_buf, test_string[:10] + test_string)
# Go beyond boundaries.
small_buf = array.array('c', ' '*10)
assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 0, test_string)
assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 0, test_string)
self.assertRaises(struct.error, pack_into, small_buf, 2, test_string)
def test_unpack_with_buffer():
def test_unpack_with_buffer(self):
# SF bug 1563759: struct.unpack doens't support buffer protocol objects
data1 = array.array('B', '\x12\x34\x56\x78')
data2 = buffer('......\x12\x34\x56\x78......', 6, 4)
for data in [data1, data2]:
value, = struct.unpack('>I', data)
vereq(value, 0x12345678)
self.assertEqual(value, 0x12345678)
# Test methods to pack and unpack from buffers rather than strings.
def test_bool():
def test_bool(self):
for prefix in tuple("<>!=")+('',):
false = (), [], [], '', 0
true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff/2
falseFormat = prefix + '?' * len(false)
if verbose:
print 'trying bool pack/unpack on', false, 'using format', falseFormat
packedFalse = struct.pack(falseFormat, *false)
unpackedFalse = struct.unpack(falseFormat, packedFalse)
trueFormat = prefix + '?' * len(true)
if verbose:
print 'trying bool pack/unpack on', true, 'using format', trueFormat
packedTrue = struct.pack(trueFormat, *true)
unpackedTrue = struct.unpack(trueFormat, packedTrue)
if len(true) != len(unpackedTrue):
raise TestFailed('unpacked true array is not of same size as input')
if len(false) != len(unpackedFalse):
raise TestFailed('unpacked false array is not of same size as input')
self.assertEqual(len(true), len(unpackedTrue))
self.assertEqual(len(false), len(unpackedFalse))
for t in unpackedFalse:
if t is not False:
raise TestFailed('%r did not unpack as False' % t)
for t in unpackedTrue:
if t is not True:
raise TestFailed('%r did not unpack as false' % t)
if prefix and verbose:
print 'trying size of bool with format %r' % (prefix+'?')
packed = struct.pack(prefix+'?', 1)
if len(packed) != struct.calcsize(prefix+'?'):
raise TestFailed('packed length is not equal to calculated size')
self.assertEqual(len(packed), struct.calcsize(prefix+'?'))
if len(packed) != 1 and prefix:
raise TestFailed('encoded bool is not one byte: %r' % packed)
elif not prefix and verbose:
print 'size of bool in native format is %i' % (len(packed))
if len(packed) != 1:
self.assertFalse(prefix, msg='encoded bool is not one byte: %r'
for c in '\x01\x7f\xff\x0f\xf0':
if struct.unpack('>?', c)[0] is not True:
raise TestFailed('%c did not unpack as True' % c)
self.assertTrue(struct.unpack('>?', c)[0])
def test_main():
if __name__ == '__main__':