Closes issue #13488: Some old preprocessors have problem with #define not in the first column

This commit is contained in:
Jesus Cea 2011-11-27 05:16:22 +01:00
parent d7c8fbf89e
commit 6d47db31f0
1 changed files with 80 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -103,26 +103,26 @@
/* Report that wait on the condition variable at address "cv" has succeeded
and the lock at address "lock" is held. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_LOCK_WAIT(cv, lock) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_LOCK_WAIT(cv, lock) \
AnnotateCondVarWait(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv, lock)
/* Report that wait on the condition variable at "cv" has succeeded. Variant
w/o lock. */
AnnotateCondVarWait(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv, NULL)
/* Report that we are about to signal on the condition variable at address
"cv". */
AnnotateCondVarSignal(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv)
/* Report that we are about to signal_all on the condition variable at "cv". */
AnnotateCondVarSignalAll(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv)
/* Annotations for user-defined synchronization mechanisms. */
/* Report that the bytes in the range [pointer, pointer+size) are about
to be published safely. The race checker will create a happens-before
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
Note: this annotation may not work properly if the race detector uses
sampling, i.e. does not observe all memory accesses.
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) \
AnnotatePublishMemoryRange(__FILE__, __LINE__, pointer, size)
/* Instruct the tool to create a happens-before arc between mu->Unlock() and
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
This annotation makes sense only for hybrid race detectors. For pure
happens-before detectors this is a no-op. For more details see . */
AnnotateMutexIsUsedAsCondVar(__FILE__, __LINE__, mu)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
This might be used when the memory has been retrieved from a free list and
is about to be reused, or when a the locking discipline for a variable
changes. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(address, size) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(address, size) \
AnnotateNewMemory(__FILE__, __LINE__, address, size)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -164,20 +164,20 @@
be used only for FIFO queues. For non-FIFO queues use
get). */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_CREATE(pcq) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_CREATE(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQCreate(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* Report that the queue at address "pcq" is about to be destroyed. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_DESTROY(pcq) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_DESTROY(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQDestroy(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* Report that we are about to put an element into a FIFO queue at address
"pcq". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_PUT(pcq) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_PUT(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQPut(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* Report that we've just got an element from a FIFO queue at address "pcq". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_GET(pcq) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_GET(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQGet(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -189,13 +189,13 @@
"sizeof(*(pointer))". "pointer" must be a non-void* pointer. Insert at the
point where "pointer" has been allocated, preferably close to the point
where the race happens. See also _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(pointer, description) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(pointer, description) \
AnnotateBenignRaceSized(__FILE__, __LINE__, pointer, \
sizeof(*(pointer)), description)
/* Same as _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description), but applies to
the memory range [address, address+size). */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) \
AnnotateBenignRaceSized(__FILE__, __LINE__, address, size, description)
/* Request the analysis tool to ignore all reads in the current thread
@ -203,30 +203,30 @@
Useful to ignore intentional racey reads, while still checking
other reads and all writes.
AnnotateIgnoreReadsBegin(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Stop ignoring reads. */
AnnotateIgnoreReadsEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Similar to _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN, but ignore writes. */
AnnotateIgnoreWritesBegin(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Stop ignoring writes. */
AnnotateIgnoreWritesEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Start ignoring all memory accesses (reads and writes). */
do {\
/* Stop ignoring all memory accesses. */
do {\
@ -234,29 +234,29 @@
/* Similar to _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN, but ignore synchronization events:
AnnotateIgnoreSyncBegin(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Stop ignoring sync events. */
AnnotateIgnoreSyncEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Enable (enable!=0) or disable (enable==0) race detection for all threads.
This annotation could be useful if you want to skip expensive race analysis
during some period of program execution, e.g. during initialization. */
AnnotateEnableRaceDetection(__FILE__, __LINE__, enable)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful for debugging. */
/* Request to trace every access to "address". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_TRACE_MEMORY(address) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_TRACE_MEMORY(address) \
AnnotateTraceMemory(__FILE__, __LINE__, address)
/* Report the current thread name to a race detector. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name) \
AnnotateThreadName(__FILE__, __LINE__, name)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -265,20 +265,20 @@
The "lock" argument is a pointer to the lock object. */
/* Report that a lock has been created at address "lock". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock) \
AnnotateRWLockCreate(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock)
/* Report that the lock at address "lock" is about to be destroyed. */
AnnotateRWLockDestroy(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock)
/* Report that the lock at address "lock" has been acquired.
is_w=1 for writer lock, is_w=0 for reader lock. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) \
AnnotateRWLockAcquired(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock, is_w)
/* Report that the lock at address "lock" is about to be released. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) \
AnnotateRWLockReleased(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock, is_w)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -289,20 +289,20 @@
/* Report that the "barrier" has been initialized with initial "count".
If 'reinitialization_allowed' is true, initialization is allowed to happen
multiple times w/o calling barrier_destroy() */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) \
AnnotateBarrierInit(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier, count, \
/* Report that we are about to enter barrier_wait("barrier"). */
AnnotateBarrierWaitBefore(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier)
/* Report that we just exited barrier_wait("barrier"). */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_AFTER(barrier) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_AFTER(barrier) \
AnnotateBarrierWaitAfter(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier)
/* Report that the "barrier" has been destroyed. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) \
AnnotateBarrierDestroy(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
@ -310,61 +310,61 @@
/* Report that we expect a race on the variable at "address".
Use only in unit tests for a race detector. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(address, description) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(address, description) \
AnnotateExpectRace(__FILE__, __LINE__, address, description)
/* A no-op. Insert where you like to test the interceptors. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) \
AnnotateNoOp(__FILE__, __LINE__, arg)
/* Force the race detector to flush its state. The actual effect depends on
* the implementation of the detector. */
AnnotateFlushState(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_DESTROY(lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) /* */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_BEFORE(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_AFTER(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_LOCK_WAIT(cv, lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_WAIT(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_SIGNAL(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_SIGNAL_ALL(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_BEFORE(obj) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_AFTER(obj) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_UNPUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_SWAP_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_CREATE(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_DESTROY(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_PUT(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_GET(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(address, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PURE_HAPPENS_BEFORE_MUTEX(mu) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_MUTEX_IS_USED_AS_CONDVAR(mu) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_TRACE_MEMORY(arg) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_SYNC_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_SYNC_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_ENABLE_RACE_DETECTION(enable) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_FLUSH_STATE() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_DESTROY(lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) /* */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_BEFORE(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_AFTER(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_LOCK_WAIT(cv, lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_WAIT(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_SIGNAL(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_SIGNAL_ALL(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_BEFORE(obj) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_AFTER(obj) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_UNPUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_SWAP_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_CREATE(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_DESTROY(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_PUT(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_GET(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(address, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PURE_HAPPENS_BEFORE_MUTEX(mu) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_MUTEX_IS_USED_AS_CONDVAR(mu) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_TRACE_MEMORY(arg) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_SYNC_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_SYNC_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_ENABLE_RACE_DETECTION(enable) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_FLUSH_STATE() /* empty */
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ int RunningOnValgrind(void);
return res;
/* Apply _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED to a static variable. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC(static_var, description) \
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC(static_var, description) \
namespace { \
class static_var ## _annotator { \
public: \
@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ int RunningOnValgrind(void);
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC(static_var, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC(static_var, description) /* empty */