This commit is contained in:
@ -89,110 +89,115 @@ def wraps(wrapped,
### total_ordering class decorator
# The correct way to indicate that a comparison operation doesn't
# recognise the other type is to return NotImplemented and let the
# interpreter handle raising TypeError if both operands return
# NotImplemented from their respective comparison methods
# This makes the implementation of total_ordering more complicated, since
# we need to be careful not to trigger infinite recursion when two
# different types that both use this decorator encounter each other.
# For example, if a type implements __lt__, it's natural to define
# __gt__ as something like:
# lambda self, other: not self < other and not self == other
# However, using the operator syntax like that ends up invoking the full
# type checking machinery again and means we can end up bouncing back and
# forth between the two operands until we run out of stack space.
# The solution is to define helper functions that invoke the appropriate
# magic methods directly, ensuring we only try each operand once, and
# return NotImplemented immediately if it is returned from the
# underlying user provided method. Using this scheme, the __gt__ derived
# from a user provided __lt__ becomes:
# 'def __gt__(self, other):' + _not_op_and_not_eq % '__lt__'
# The total ordering functions all invoke the root magic method directly
# rather than using the corresponding operator. This avoids possible
# infinite recursion that could occur when the operator dispatch logic
# detects a NotImplemented result and then calls a reflected method.
# "not a < b" handles "a >= b"
# "not a <= b" handles "a > b"
# "not a >= b" handles "a < b"
# "not a > b" handles "a <= b"
_not_op = '''
op_result = self.%s(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result
# "a > b or a == b" handles "a >= b"
# "a < b or a == b" handles "a <= b"
_op_or_eq = '''
op_result = self.%s(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return op_result or self == other
# "not (a < b or a == b)" handles "a > b"
# "not a < b and a != b" is equivalent
# "not (a > b or a == b)" handles "a < b"
# "not a > b and a != b" is equivalent
_not_op_and_not_eq = '''
op_result = self.%s(other)
def _gt_from_lt(self, other):
'Return a > b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a < b) and (a != b).'
op_result = self.__lt__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result and self != other
# "not a <= b or a == b" handles "a >= b"
# "not a >= b or a == b" handles "a <= b"
_not_op_or_eq = '''
op_result = self.%s(other)
def _le_from_lt(self, other):
'Return a <= b. Computed by @total_ordering from (a < b) or (a == b).'
op_result = self.__lt__(other)
return op_result or self == other
def _ge_from_lt(self, other):
'Return a >= b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a < b).'
op_result = self.__lt__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result
def _ge_from_le(self, other):
'Return a >= b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a <= b) or (a == b).'
op_result = self.__le__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result or self == other
# "a <= b and not a == b" handles "a < b"
# "a >= b and not a == b" handles "a > b"
_op_and_not_eq = '''
op_result = self.%s(other)
def _lt_from_le(self, other):
'Return a < b. Computed by @total_ordering from (a <= b) and (a != b).'
op_result = self.__le__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return op_result and self != other
def _gt_from_le(self, other):
'Return a > b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a <= b).'
op_result = self.__le__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result
def _lt_from_gt(self, other):
'Return a < b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a > b) and (a != b).'
op_result = self.__gt__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result and self != other
def _ge_from_gt(self, other):
'Return a >= b. Computed by @total_ordering from (a > b) or (a == b).'
op_result = self.__gt__(other)
return op_result or self == other
def _le_from_gt(self, other):
'Return a <= b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a > b).'
op_result = self.__gt__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result
def _le_from_ge(self, other):
'Return a <= b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a >= b) or (a == b).'
op_result = self.__ge__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result or self == other
def _gt_from_ge(self, other):
'Return a > b. Computed by @total_ordering from (a >= b) and (a != b).'
op_result = self.__ge__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return op_result and self != other
def _lt_from_ge(self, other):
'Return a < b. Computed by @total_ordering from (not a >= b).'
op_result = self.__ge__(other)
if op_result is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return not op_result
def total_ordering(cls):
"""Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods"""
convert = {
'__lt__': {'__gt__': _not_op_and_not_eq,
'__le__': _op_or_eq,
'__ge__': _not_op},
'__le__': {'__ge__': _not_op_or_eq,
'__lt__': _op_and_not_eq,
'__gt__': _not_op},
'__gt__': {'__lt__': _not_op_and_not_eq,
'__ge__': _op_or_eq,
'__le__': _not_op},
'__ge__': {'__le__': _not_op_or_eq,
'__gt__': _op_and_not_eq,
'__lt__': _not_op}
'__lt__': [('__gt__', _gt_from_lt),
('__le__', _le_from_lt),
('__ge__', _ge_from_lt)],
'__le__': [('__ge__', _ge_from_le),
('__lt__', _lt_from_le),
('__gt__', _gt_from_le)],
'__gt__': [('__lt__', _lt_from_gt),
('__ge__', _ge_from_gt),
('__le__', _le_from_gt)],
'__ge__': [('__le__', _le_from_ge),
('__gt__', _gt_from_ge),
('__lt__', _lt_from_ge)]
# Find user-defined comparisons (not those inherited from object).
roots = [op for op in convert if getattr(cls, op, None) is not getattr(object, op, None)]
if not roots:
raise ValueError('must define at least one ordering operation: < > <= >=')
root = max(roots) # prefer __lt__ to __le__ to __gt__ to __ge__
for opname, opfunc in convert[root].items():
for opname, opfunc in convert[root]:
if opname not in roots:
namespace = {}
exec('def %s(self, other):%s' % (opname, opfunc % root), namespace)
opfunc = namespace[opname]
opfunc.__qualname__ = '%s.%s' % (cls.__qualname__, opname)
opfunc.__module__ = cls.__module__
opfunc.__doc__ = getattr(int, opname).__doc__
opfunc.__name__ = opname
setattr(cls, opname, opfunc)
return cls
Reference in New Issue