Expand the multiprocessing section

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Andrew M. Kuchling 2008-07-14 01:18:31 +00:00
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commit 4ec0c27eea
1 changed files with 134 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -526,28 +526,152 @@ environment variable.
PEP 371: The ``multiprocessing`` Package
.. XXX I think this still needs help
The new :mod:`multiprocessing` package lets Python programs create new
processes that will perform a computation and return a result to the
parent. The parent and child processes can communicate using queues
and pipes, synchronize their operations using locks and semaphores,
and can share simple arrays of data.
:mod:`multiprocessing` makes it easy to distribute work over multiple processes.
Its API is similar to that of :mod:`threading`. For example::
The :mod:`multiprocessing` module started out as an exact emulation of
the :mod:`threading` module using processes instead of threads. That
goal was discarded along the path to Python 2.6, but the general
approach of the module is still similar. The fundamental class
is the :class:`Process`, which is passed a callable object and
a collection of arguments. The :meth:`start` method
sets the callable running in a subprocess, after which you can call
the :meth:`is_alive` method to check whether the subprocess is still running
and the :meth:`join` method to wait for the process to exit.
from multiprocessing import Process
Here's a simple example where the subprocess will calculate a
factorial. The function doing the calculation is a bit strange; it's
written to take significantly longer when the input argument is a
multiple of 4.
def long_hard_task(n):
print n * 43
for i in range(10):
Process(target=long_hard_task, args=(i)).start()
import time
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
will multiply the numbers between 0 and 10 times 43 and print out the result
def factorial(queue, N):
"Compute a factorial."
# If N is a multiple of 4, this function will take much longer.
if (N % 4) == 0:
time.sleep(.05 * N/4)
# Calculate the result
fact = 1L
for i in range(1, N+1):
fact = fact * i
# Put the result on the queue
if __name__ == '__main__':
queue = Queue()
N = 5
p = Process(target=factorial, args=(queue, N))
result = queue.get()
print 'Factorial', N, '=', result
A :class:`Queue` object is created and stored as a global. The child
process will use the value of the variable when the child was created;
because it's a :class:`Queue`, parent and child can use the object to
communicate. (If the parent were to change the value of the global
variable, the child's value would be unaffected, and vice versa.)
Two other classes, :class:`Pool` and :class:`Manager`, provide
higher-level interfaces. :class:`Pool` will create a fixed number of
worker processes, and requests can then be distributed to the workers
by calling :meth:`apply` or `apply_async`, adding a single request,
and :meth:`map` or :meth:`map_async` to distribute a number of
requests. The following code uses a :class:`Pool` to spread requests
across 5 worker processes, receiving a list of results back.
from multiprocessing import Pool
p = Pool(5)
result = p.map(factorial, range(1, 1000, 10))
for v in result:
print v
This produces the following output::
The :class:`Manager` class creates a separate server process that can
hold master copies of Python data structures. Other processes can
then access and modify these data structures by using proxy objects.
The following example creates a shared dictionary by calling the
:meth:`dict` method; the worker processes then insert values into the
dictionary. (No locking is done automatically, which doesn't matter
in this example. :class:`Manager`'s methods also include
:meth:`Lock`, :meth:`RLock`, and :meth:`Semaphore` to create shared locks.
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager
def factorial(N, dictionary):
"Compute a factorial."
# Calculate the result
fact = 1L
for i in range(1, N+1):
fact = fact * i
# Store result in dictionary
dictionary[N] = fact
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Pool(5)
mgr = Manager()
d = mgr.dict() # Create shared dictionary
# Run tasks using the pool
for N in range(1, 1000, 10):
p.apply_async(factorial, (N, d))
# Mark pool as closed -- no more tasks can be added.
# Wait for tasks to exit
# Output results
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
print k, v
This will produce the output::
1 1
11 39916800
21 51090942171709440000
31 8222838654177922817725562880000000
41 33452526613163807108170062053440751665152000000000
51 1551118753287382280224243016469303211063259720016986112000000000000
.. seealso::
The documentation for the :mod:`multiprocessing` module.
:pep:`371` - Addition of the multiprocessing package
PEP written by Jesse Noller and Richard Oudkerk;
implemented by Richard Oudkerk and Jesse Noller.
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.. _pep-3101: