Issue #15467: Merge 3.2

This commit is contained in:
Martin v. Löwis 2012-07-29 16:38:45 +02:00
commit 2b16844326
5 changed files with 138 additions and 171 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import fnmatch
import logging.handlers
import struct
import tempfile
import _testcapi
import _thread, threading
@ -1082,6 +1083,33 @@ def python_is_optimized():
return final_opt != '' and final_opt != '-O0'
_header = 'nP'
_align = '0n'
if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
_header = '2P' + _header
_align = '0P'
_vheader = _header + 'n'
def calcobjsize(fmt):
return struct.calcsize(_header + fmt + _align)
def calcvobjsize(fmt):
return struct.calcsize(_vheader + fmt + _align)
def check_sizeof(test, o, size):
result = sys.getsizeof(o)
# add GC header size
if ((type(o) == type) and (o.__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) or\
((type(o) != type) and (type(o).__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC))):
size += _testcapi.SIZEOF_PYGC_HEAD
msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
% (type(o), result, size)
test.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
# Decorator for running a function in a different locale, correctly resetting
# it afterwards.

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import unittest
import struct
import sys
from import run_unittest, cpython_only
from test import support
ISBIGENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
IS32BIT = sys.maxsize == 0x7fffffff
@ -40,33 +40,6 @@ def bigendian_to_native(value):
return string_reverse(value)
class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# due to missing size_t information from struct, it is assumed that
# sizeof(Py_ssize_t) = sizeof(void*)
self.header = 'PP'
if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
self.header += '2P'
def check_sizeof(self, format_str, number_of_codes):
def size(fmt):
"""Wrapper around struct.calcsize which enforces the alignment
of the end of a structure to the alignment requirement of pointer.
Note: This wrapper should only be used if a pointer member is
included and no member with a size larger than a pointer exists.
return struct.calcsize(fmt + '0P')
struct_obj = struct.Struct(format_str)
# The size of 'PyStructObject'
totalsize = size(self.header + '5P')
# The size taken up by the 'formatcode' dynamic array
totalsize += size('3P') * (number_of_codes + 1)
result = sys.getsizeof(struct_obj)
msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
% (type(struct_obj), result, totalsize)
self.assertEqual(result, totalsize, msg)
def test_isbigendian(self):
self.assertEqual((struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == 0), ISBIGENDIAN)
@ -599,7 +572,14 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
s = struct.Struct('i')
def check_sizeof(self, format_str, number_of_codes):
# The size of 'PyStructObject'
totalsize = support.calcobjsize('2n3P')
# The size taken up by the 'formatcode' dynamic array
totalsize += struct.calcsize('P2n0P') * (number_of_codes + 1)
support.check_sizeof(self, struct.Struct(format_str), totalsize)
def test__sizeof__(self):
for code in integer_codes:
self.check_sizeof(code, 1)
@ -614,7 +594,7 @@ class StructTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.check_sizeof('0c', 0)
def test_main():
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -612,22 +612,8 @@ class SysModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.c = len(struct.pack('c', b' '))
self.H = len(struct.pack('H', 0))
self.i = len(struct.pack('i', 0))
self.l = len(struct.pack('l', 0))
self.P = len(struct.pack('P', 0))
# due to missing size_t information from struct, it is assumed that
# sizeof(Py_ssize_t) = sizeof(void*)
self.header = 'PP'
self.vheader = self.header + 'P'
if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
self.header += '2P'
self.vheader += '2P'
self.P = struct.calcsize('P')
self.longdigit = sys.int_info.sizeof_digit
import _testcapi
self.gc_headsize = _testcapi.SIZEOF_PYGC_HEAD
@ -637,129 +623,108 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
def check_sizeof(self, o, size):
result = sys.getsizeof(o)
# add GC header size
if ((type(o) == type) and (o.__flags__ & self.TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) or\
((type(o) != type) and (type(o).__flags__ & self.TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC))):
size += self.gc_headsize
msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
% (type(o), result, size)
self.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
def calcsize(self, fmt):
"""Wrapper around struct.calcsize which enforces the alignment of the
end of a structure to the alignment requirement of pointer.
Note: This wrapper should only be used if a pointer member is included
and no member with a size larger than a pointer exists.
return struct.calcsize(fmt + '0P')
check_sizeof =
def test_gc_head_size(self):
# Check that the gc header size is added to objects tracked by the gc.
h = self.header
vh = self.vheader
size = self.calcsize
vsize =
gc_header_size = self.gc_headsize
# bool objects are not gc tracked
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(True), size(vh) + self.longdigit)
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(True), vsize('') + self.longdigit)
# but lists are
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof([]), size(vh + 'PP') + gc_header_size)
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof([]), vsize('Pn') + gc_header_size)
def test_default(self):
h = self.header
vh = self.vheader
size = self.calcsize
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(True), size(vh) + self.longdigit)
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(True, -1), size(vh) + self.longdigit)
size =
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(True), size('') + self.longdigit)
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(True, -1), size('') + self.longdigit)
def test_objecttypes(self):
# check all types defined in Objects/
h = self.header
vh = self.vheader
size = self.calcsize
size =
vsize =
check = self.check_sizeof
# bool
check(True, size(vh) + self.longdigit)
check(True, vsize('') + self.longdigit)
# buffer
# builtin_function_or_method
check(len, size(h + '3P'))
check(len, size('3P')) # XXX check layout
# bytearray
samples = [b'', b'u'*100000]
for sample in samples:
x = bytearray(sample)
check(x, size(vh + 'iPP') + x.__alloc__() * self.c)
check(x, vsize('inP') + x.__alloc__())
# bytearray_iterator
check(iter(bytearray()), size(h + 'PP'))
check(iter(bytearray()), size('nP'))
# cell
def get_cell():
x = 42
def inner():
return x
return inner
check(get_cell().__closure__[0], size(h + 'P'))
check(get_cell().__closure__[0], size('P'))
# code
check(get_cell().__code__, size(h + '5i9Pi3P'))
check(get_cell.__code__, size(h + '5i9Pi3P'))
check(get_cell().__code__, size('5i9Pi3P'))
check(get_cell.__code__, size('5i9Pi3P'))
def get_cell2(x):
def inner():
return x
return inner
check(get_cell2.__code__, size(h + '5i9Pi3P') + 1)
check(get_cell2.__code__, size('5i9Pi3P') + 1)
# complex
check(complex(0,1), size(h + '2d'))
check(complex(0,1), size('2d'))
# method_descriptor (descriptor object)
check(str.lower, size(h + '3PP'))
check(str.lower, size('3PP'))
# classmethod_descriptor (descriptor object)
# member_descriptor (descriptor object)
import datetime
check(datetime.timedelta.days, size(h + '3PP'))
check(datetime.timedelta.days, size('3PP'))
# getset_descriptor (descriptor object)
import collections
check(collections.defaultdict.default_factory, size(h + '3PP'))
check(collections.defaultdict.default_factory, size('3PP'))
# wrapper_descriptor (descriptor object)
check(int.__add__, size(h + '3P2P'))
check(int.__add__, size('3P2P'))
# method-wrapper (descriptor object)
check({}.__iter__, size(h + '2P'))
check({}.__iter__, size('2P'))
# dict
check({}, size(h + '3P' + '4P' + 8*'P2P'))
check({}, size('n2P' + '2nPn' + 8*'n2P'))
longdict = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8}
check(longdict, size(h + '3P' + '4P') + 16*size('P2P'))
check(longdict, size('n2P' + '2nPn') + 16*struct.calcsize('n2P'))
# dictionary-keyiterator
check({}.keys(), size(h + 'P'))
check({}.keys(), size('P'))
# dictionary-valueiterator
check({}.values(), size(h + 'P'))
check({}.values(), size('P'))
# dictionary-itemiterator
check({}.items(), size(h + 'P'))
check({}.items(), size('P'))
# dictionary iterator
check(iter({}), size('P2nPn'))
# dictproxy
class C(object): pass
check(C.__dict__, size(h + 'P'))
check(C.__dict__, size('P'))
# BaseException
check(BaseException(), size(h + '5Pi'))
check(BaseException(), size('5Pi'))
# UnicodeEncodeError
check(UnicodeEncodeError("", "", 0, 0, ""), size(h + '5Pi 2P2PP'))
check(UnicodeEncodeError("", "", 0, 0, ""), size('5Pi 2P2nP'))
# UnicodeDecodeError
# check(UnicodeDecodeError("", "", 0, 0, ""), size(h + '5P2PP'))
check(UnicodeDecodeError("", b"", 0, 0, ""), size('5Pi 2P2nP'))
# UnicodeTranslateError
check(UnicodeTranslateError("", 0, 1, ""), size(h + '5Pi 2P2PP'))
check(UnicodeTranslateError("", 0, 1, ""), size('5Pi 2P2nP'))
# ellipses
check(Ellipsis, size(h + ''))
check(Ellipsis, size(''))
# EncodingMap
import codecs, encodings.iso8859_3
x = codecs.charmap_build(encodings.iso8859_3.decoding_table)
check(x, size(h + '32B2iB'))
check(x, size('32B2iB'))
# enumerate
check(enumerate([]), size(h + 'l3P'))
check(enumerate([]), size('n3P'))
# reverse
check(reversed(''), size(h + 'PP'))
check(reversed(''), size('nP'))
# float
check(float(0), size(h + 'd'))
check(float(0), size('d'))
# sys.floatinfo
check(sys.float_info, size(vh) + self.P * len(sys.float_info))
check(sys.float_info, vsize('') + self.P * len(sys.float_info))
# frame
import inspect
@ -768,10 +733,10 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
nfrees = len(x.f_code.co_freevars)
extras = x.f_code.co_stacksize + x.f_code.co_nlocals +\
ncells + nfrees - 1
check(x, size(vh + '12P3i' + CO_MAXBLOCKS*'3i' + 'P' + extras*'P'))
check(x, vsize('12P3i' + CO_MAXBLOCKS*'3i' + 'P' + extras*'P'))
# function
def func(): pass
check(func, size(h + '12P'))
check(func, size('12P'))
class c():
def foo():
@ -780,68 +745,68 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
def bar(cls):
# staticmethod
check(foo, size(h + 'PP'))
check(foo, size('PP'))
# classmethod
check(bar, size(h + 'PP'))
check(bar, size('PP'))
# generator
def get_gen(): yield 1
check(get_gen(), size(h + 'Pi2P'))
check(get_gen(), size('Pb2P'))
# iterator
check(iter('abc'), size(h + 'lP'))
check(iter('abc'), size('lP'))
# callable-iterator
import re
check(re.finditer('',''), size(h + '2P'))
check(re.finditer('',''), size('2P'))
# list
samples = [[], [1,2,3], ['1', '2', '3']]
for sample in samples:
check(sample, size(vh + 'PP') + len(sample)*self.P)
check(sample, vsize('Pn') + len(sample)*self.P)
# sortwrapper (list)
# cmpwrapper (list)
# listiterator (list)
check(iter([]), size(h + 'lP'))
check(iter([]), size('lP'))
# listreverseiterator (list)
check(reversed([]), size(h + 'lP'))
check(reversed([]), size('nP'))
# long
check(0, size(vh))
check(1, size(vh) + self.longdigit)
check(-1, size(vh) + self.longdigit)
check(0, vsize(''))
check(1, vsize('') + self.longdigit)
check(-1, vsize('') + self.longdigit)
PyLong_BASE = 2**sys.int_info.bits_per_digit
check(int(PyLong_BASE), size(vh) + 2*self.longdigit)
check(int(PyLong_BASE**2-1), size(vh) + 2*self.longdigit)
check(int(PyLong_BASE**2), size(vh) + 3*self.longdigit)
check(int(PyLong_BASE), vsize('') + 2*self.longdigit)
check(int(PyLong_BASE**2-1), vsize('') + 2*self.longdigit)
check(int(PyLong_BASE**2), vsize('') + 3*self.longdigit)
# memoryview
check(memoryview(b''), size(h + 'PPiP4P2i5P3c2P'))
check(memoryview(b''), size('Pnin 2P2n2i5P 3cPn'))
# module
check(unittest, size(h + '3P'))
check(unittest, size('PnP'))
# None
check(None, size(h + ''))
check(None, size(''))
# NotImplementedType
check(NotImplemented, size(h))
check(NotImplemented, size(''))
# object
check(object(), size(h + ''))
check(object(), size(''))
# property (descriptor object)
class C(object):
def getx(self): return self.__x
def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
def delx(self): del self.__x
x = property(getx, setx, delx, "")
check(x, size(h + '4Pi'))
check(x, size('4Pi'))
# PyCapsule
# rangeiterator
check(iter(range(1)), size(h + '4l'))
check(iter(range(1)), size('4l'))
# reverse
check(reversed(''), size(h + 'PP'))
check(reversed(''), size('nP'))
# range
check(range(1), size(h + '4P'))
check(range(66000), size(h + '4P'))
check(range(1), size('4P'))
check(range(66000), size('4P'))
# set
# frozenset
samples = [[], range(10), range(50)]
s = size(h + '3P2P' + PySet_MINSIZE*'lP' + 'lP')
s = size('3n2P' + PySet_MINSIZE*'nP' + 'nP')
for sample in samples:
minused = len(sample)
if minused == 0: tmp = 1
@ -855,31 +820,31 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
check(set(sample), s)
check(frozenset(sample), s)
check(set(sample), s + newsize*struct.calcsize('lP'))
check(frozenset(sample), s + newsize*struct.calcsize('lP'))
check(set(sample), s + newsize*struct.calcsize('nP'))
check(frozenset(sample), s + newsize*struct.calcsize('nP'))
# setiterator
check(iter(set()), size(h + 'P3P'))
check(iter(set()), size('P3n'))
# slice
check(slice(0), size(h + '3P'))
check(slice(0), size('3P'))
# super
check(super(int), size(h + '3P'))
check(super(int), size('3P'))
# tuple
check((), size(vh))
check((1,2,3), size(vh) + 3*self.P)
check((), vsize(''))
check((1,2,3), vsize('') + 3*self.P)
# type
# static type: PyTypeObject
s = size(vh + 'P2P15Pl4PP9PP11PI')
s = vsize('P2n15Pl4Pn9Pn11PI')
check(int, s)
# (PyTypeObject + PyNumberMethods + PyMappingMethods +
# PySequenceMethods + PyBufferProcs + 4P)
s = size(vh + 'P2P15Pl4PP9PP11PI') + size('34P 3P 10P 2P 4P')
s = vsize('P2n15Pl4Pn9Pn11PI') + struct.calcsize('34P 3P 10P 2P 4P')
# Separate block for PyDictKeysObject with 4 entries
s += size("PPPP") + 4*size("PPP")
s += struct.calcsize("2nPn") + 4*struct.calcsize("n2P")
# class
class newstyleclass(object): pass
check(newstyleclass, s)
# dict with shared keys
check(newstyleclass().__dict__, size(h+"PPP4P"))
check(newstyleclass().__dict__, size('n2P' + '2nPn'))
# unicode
# each tuple contains a string and its expected character size
# don't put any static strings here, as they may contain
@ -887,8 +852,8 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
samples = ['1'*100, '\xff'*50,
'\u0100'*40, '\uffff'*100,
'\U00010000'*30, '\U0010ffff'*100]
asciifields = h + "PPiP"
compactfields = asciifields + "PPP"
asciifields = "nniP"
compactfields = asciifields + "nPn"
unicodefields = compactfields + "P"
for s in samples:
maxchar = ord(max(s))
@ -912,32 +877,31 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
# TODO: add check that forces layout of unicodefields
# weakref
import weakref
check(weakref.ref(int), size(h + '2Pl2P'))
check(weakref.ref(int), size('2Pn2P'))
# weakproxy
# weakcallableproxy
check(weakref.proxy(int), size(h + '2Pl2P'))
check(weakref.proxy(int), size('2Pn2P'))
def test_pythontypes(self):
# check all types defined in Python/
h = self.header
vh = self.vheader
size = self.calcsize
size =
vsize =
check = self.check_sizeof
# _ast.AST
import _ast
check(_ast.AST(), size(h + 'P'))
check(_ast.AST(), size('P'))
raise TypeError
except TypeError:
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
# traceback
if tb != None:
check(tb, size(h + '2P2i'))
check(tb, size('2P2i'))
# symtable entry
# sys.flags
check(sys.flags, size(vh) + self.P * len(sys.flags))
check(sys.flags, vsize('') + self.P * len(sys.flags))
def test_main():

View File

@ -41,38 +41,30 @@ class TestAcceleratorImported(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skipUnless(cET, 'requires _elementtree')
class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
import _testcapi
gc_headsize = _testcapi.SIZEOF_PYGC_HEAD
# object header
header = 'PP'
if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
# debug header
header = 'PP' + header
# fields
element = header + '5P'
self.elementsize = gc_headsize + struct.calcsize(element)
self.elementsize = support.calcobjsize('5P')
# extra
self.extra = struct.calcsize('PiiP4P')
check_sizeof = support.check_sizeof
def test_element(self):
e = cET.Element('a')
self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(e), self.elementsize)
self.check_sizeof(e, self.elementsize)
def test_element_with_attrib(self):
e = cET.Element('a', href='about:')
self.elementsize + self.extra)
self.check_sizeof(e, self.elementsize + self.extra)
def test_element_with_children(self):
e = cET.Element('a')
for i in range(5):
cET.SubElement(e, 'span')
# should have space for 8 children now
self.elementsize + self.extra +
self.check_sizeof(e, self.elementsize + self.extra +
def test_main():
from test import test_xml_etree, test_xml_etree_c

View File

@ -238,6 +238,9 @@ Documentation
- Issue #15467: Move helpers for __sizeof__ tests into test_support.
Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.
- Issue #15320: Make iterating the list of tests thread-safe when running
tests in multiprocess mode. Patch by Chris Jerdonek.