Remove the list of Python users, replace it with a pointer to the

on-line list of same.
This commit is contained in:
Guido van Rossum 1997-02-26 16:11:55 +00:00
parent 7b6f3435e4
commit 17e973cb32
1 changed files with 2 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -545,44 +545,8 @@ included in the list above, send me email!
2.3. Q. Are there any commercial projects going on using Python?
A. Several companies have revealed to me that they are planning or
considering use of Python in a future product.
Sunrise Software has a product out using Python -- they use Python
for a GUI management application and an SNMP network management
application. Contact: <>.
Infoseek uses Python to implement their commercial WWW information
retrieval service <URL:>. Contact:
Paul Everitt of Connecting Minds is planning a Lotus Notes gateway.
Contact: <>. Or see their WWW server
KaPRE in Boulder, CO is using Python for on-site customization of C++
applications, rapid-prototyping/development,
language-based-components, and possibly more. This is pretty solid:
Python's being shipped with their tool-set now, to beta sites.
Contact: <lutz@KaPRE.COM> (Mark Lutz).
Individuals at many other companies are using Python for internal
development or for as yet unannounced products (witness their
contributions to the Python mailing list or newsgroup).
SGI has advertised in the Python list looking for Python programmers
for a project involving interactive television.
See also the workshop minutes at
<URL:> -- in general the WWW server is
more up to date than the FAQ for these issues.
Python has also been elected as an extension language by MADE, a
consortium supported by the European Committee's ESPRIT program and
consisting of Bull, CWI and some other European companies. Contact:
Ivan Herman <>.
If you'd like to be included in the list above, send me email!
A. Yes, there's lots of commercial activity using Python. See
<URL:> for a list.
2.4. Q. How stable is Python?