Lots of additional information. Not done, but much better.

This commit is contained in:
Fred Drake 2000-12-07 04:47:51 +00:00
parent 4c12ee866b
commit 16942f2224
2 changed files with 174 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ the strict mapping from IDL). See section \ref{dom-conformance},
\subsection{Objects in the DOM \label{dom-objects}}
The definitive documentation for the DOM is the DOM specification from
the W3C. This section lists the properties and methods supported by
the W3C.
Note that DOM attributes may also be manipulated as nodes instead of
as simple strings. It is fairly rare that you must do this, however,
@ -98,8 +97,14 @@ so this usage is not yet documented.
{Interface to the underlying implementation.}
{Base interface for most objects in a document.}
{Interface for a sequence of nodes.}
{Information about the declarations needed to process a document.}
{Object which represents an entire document.}
@ -115,6 +120,19 @@ so this usage is not yet documented.
\subsubsection{DOMImplementation Objects
The \class{DOMImplementation} interface provides a way for
applications to determine the availability of particular features in
the DOM they are using. DOM Level 2 added the ability to create new
\class{Document} and \class{DocumentType} objects using the
\class{DOMImplementation} as well.
\begin{methoddesc}[DOMImplementation]{hasFeature}{feature, version}
\subsubsection{Node Objects \label{dom-node-objects}}
All of the components of an XML document are subclasses of
@ -131,7 +149,11 @@ types are on the \class{Node} object: \constant{DOCUMENT_NODE},
The parent of the current node. \code{None} for the document node.
The parent of the current node, or \code{None} for the document node.
The value is always a \class{Node} object or \code{None}. For
\class{Element} nodes, this will be the parent element, except for the
root element, in which case it will be the \class{Document} object.
For \class{Attr} nodes, this is always \code{None}.
@ -144,12 +166,14 @@ The node that immediately precedes this one with the same parent. For
instance the element with an end-tag that comes just before the
\var{self} element's start-tag. Of course, XML documents are made
up of more than just elements so the previous sibling could be text, a
comment, or something else.
comment, or something else. If this node is the first child of the
parent, this attribute will be \code{None}.
The node that immediately follows this one with the same parent. See
also \member{previousSibling}.
also \member{previousSibling}. If this is the last child of the
parent, this attribute will be \code{None}.
@ -164,11 +188,18 @@ The first child of the node, if there are any, or \code{None}.
The last child of the node, if there are any, or \code{None}.
The namespace associated with the element name. This will be a
Has a different meaning for each node type. See the DOM specification
for details. You can always get the information you would get here
from another property such as the \member{tagName} property for
elements or the \member{name} property for attributes.
elements or the \member{name} property for attributes. For all node
types, the value of this attribute will be either a string or
@ -213,14 +244,92 @@ DOM tree for many applications.
Clone this node. Setting \var{deep} means to clone all child nodes as
\strong{Warning:} Although this method was present in the version of
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} packaged with Python 2.0, it was seriously
broken. This has been corrected for subsequent releases.
well. This returns the clone.
\subsubsection{NodeList Objects \label{dom-nodelist-objects}}
A \class{NodeList} represents a sequence of nodes. These objects are
used in two ways in the DOM Core recommendation: the
\class{Element} objects provides one as it's list of child nodes, and
the \method{getElementsByTagName()} and
\method{getElementsByTagNameNS()} methods of \class{Node} return
objects with this interface to represent query results.
The DOM Level 2 recommendation defines one method and one attribute
for these objects:
Return the \var{i}'th item from the sequence, if there is one, or
\code{None}. The index \var{i} is not allowed to be less then zero
or greater than or equal to the length of the sequence.
The number of nodes in the sequence.
In addition, the Python DOM interface requires that some additional
support is provided to allow \class{NodeList} objects to be used as
Python sequences. All \class{NodeList} implementations must include
support for \method{__len__()} and \method{__getitem__()}; this allows
iteration over the \class{NodeList} in \keyword{for} statements and
proper support for the \function{len()} built-in function.
If a DOM implementation supports modification of the document, the
\class{NodeList} implementation must also support the
\method{__setitem__()} and \method{__delitem__()} methods.
\subsubsection{DocumentType Objects \label{dom-documenttype-objects}}
Information about the notations and entities declared by a document
(including the external subset if the parser uses it and can provide
the information) is available from a \class{DocumentType} object. The
\class{DocumentType} for a document is available from the
\class{Document} object's \member{doctype} attribute.
\class{DocumentType} is a specialization of \class{Node}, and adds the
following attributes:
The public identifier for the external subset of the document type
definition. This will be a string or \code{None}.
The system identifier for the external subset of the document type
definition. This will be a URI as a string, or \code{None}.
A string giving the complete internal subset from the document.
The name of the root element as given in the \code{DOCTYPE}
declaration, if present. If the was no \code{DOCTYPE} declaration,
this will be \code{None}.
This is a \class{NamedNodeMap} giving the definitions of external
entities. For entity names defined more than once, only the first
definition is provided (others are ignored as required by the XML
recommendation). This may be \code{None} if the information is not
provided by the parser, or if no entities are defined.
This is a \class{NamedNodeMap} giving the definitions of notations.
For notation names defined more than once, only the first definition
is provided (others are ignored as required by the XML
recommendation). This may be \code{None} if the information is not
provided by the parser, or if no notations are defined.
\subsubsection{Document Objects \label{dom-document-objects}}
A \class{Document} represents an entire XML document, including its
@ -232,50 +341,51 @@ The one and only root element of the document.
Create a new element. The element is not inserted into the document
when it is created. You need to explicitly insert it with one of the
other methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or
Create and return a new element node. The element is not inserted
into the document when it is created. You need to explicitly insert
it with one of the other methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createElementNS}{namespaceURI, tagName}
Create a new element with a namespace. The \var{tagName} may have a
prefix. The element is not inserted into the document when it is
created. You need to explicitly insert it with one of the other
methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or \method{appendChild()}.
Create and return a new element with a namespace. The
\var{tagName} may have a prefix. The element is not inserted into the
document when it is created. You need to explicitly insert it with
one of the other methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or
Create a text node containing the data passed as a parameter. As with
the other creation methods, this one does not insert the node into the
Create and return a text node containing the data passed as a
parameter. As with the other creation methods, this one does not
insert the node into the tree.
Create a comment node containing the data passed as a parameter. As
with the other creation methods, this one does not insert the node
into the tree.
Create and return a comment node containing the data passed as a
parameter. As with the other creation methods, this one does not
insert the node into the tree.
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createProcessingInstruction}{target, data}
Create a processing instruction node containing the \var{target} and
\var{data} passed as parameters. As with the other creation methods,
this one does not insert the node into the tree.
Create and return a processing instruction node containing the
\var{target} and \var{data} passed as parameters. As with the other
creation methods, this one does not insert the node into the tree.
Create an attribute node. This method does not associate the
attribute node with any particular element. You must use
Create and return an attribute node. This method does not associate
the attribute node with any particular element. You must use
\method{setAttributeNode()} on the appropriate \class{Element} object
to use the newly created attribute instance.
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qualifiedName}
Create an attribute node with a namespace. The \var{tagName} may have
a prefix. This method does not associate the attribute node with any
particular element. You must use \method{setAttributeNode()} on the
appropriate \class{Element} object to use the newly created attribute
Create and return an attribute node with a namespace. The
\var{tagName} may have a prefix. This method does not associate the
attribute node with any particular element. You must use
\method{setAttributeNode()} on the appropriate \class{Element} object
to use the newly created attribute instance.
@ -297,27 +407,27 @@ attributes of that class.
The element type name. In a namespace-using document it may have
colons in it.
colons in it. The value is a string.
The part of the \member{tagName} following the colon if there is one,
else the entire \member{tagName}.
else the entire \member{tagName}. The value is a string.
The part of the \member{tagName} preceding the colon if there is one,
else the empty string.
The namespace associated with the tagName.
else the empty string. The value is a string, or \code{None}
Return an attribute value as a string.
Return the \class{Attr} node for the attribute named by \var{attrname}
\begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttribute}{attname, value}
Set an attribute value from a string.
@ -439,9 +549,27 @@ This section describes the conformance requirements and relationships
between the Python DOM API, the W3C DOM recommendations, and the OMG
IDL mapping for Python.
\subsubsection{Type Mapping \label{dom-type-mapping}}
XXX Explain what a \class{DOMString} maps to...
The primitive IDL types used in the DOM specification are mapped to
Python types according to the following table.
\begin{tableii}{l|l}{code}{IDL Type}{Python Type}
\lineii{boolean}{\code{IntegerType} (with a value of \code{0} or \code{1})}
\lineii{long int}{\code{IntegerType}}
\lineii{unsigned int}{\code{IntegerType}}
Additionally, the \class{DOMString} defined in the recommendation is
mapped to a Python string or Unicode string. Applications should
be able to handle Unicode whenever a string is returned from the DOM.
The IDL \keyword{null} value is mapped to \code{None}, which may be
accepted or provided by the implementation whenever \keyword{null} is
allowed by the API.
\subsubsection{Accessor Methods \label{dom-accessor-methods}}
@ -476,4 +604,5 @@ implementations.
Additionally, the accessor functions are not required. If provided,
they should take the form defined by the Python IDL mapping, but
these methods are considered unnecessary since the attributes are
accessible directly from Python.
accessible directly from Python. ``Set'' accessors should never be
provided for \keyword{readonly} attributes.

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@ -261,9 +261,6 @@ following mapping rules apply:
\item \class{NodeList} objects are implemented as Python's built-in
list type, so don't support the official API, but are much more
\item \class{NamedNodeMap} is implemented by the class
\class{AttributeList}. This should not impact user code.
@ -273,9 +270,9 @@ The following interfaces have no implementation in
\item DOMTimeStamp
\item DocumentType (added for Python 2.1)
\item DocumentType (added in Python 2.1)
\item DOMImplementation (added for Python 2.1)
\item DOMImplementation (added in Python 2.1)
\item CharacterData