Deleted the stdwin-based test() function.

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Guido van Rossum 2000-05-08 17:29:50 +00:00
parent 813008e506
commit 0b095bc092
1 changed files with 0 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -341,69 +341,3 @@ class Para:
d.invert((h1, bottom1), (self.right, top2))
top1, bottom1 = top2, bottom2
d.invert((h1, top1), (h2, bottom2))
# Test class Para
# XXX This was last used on the Mac, hence the weird fonts...
def test():
import stdwin
from stdwinevents import *
words = 'The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', \
'the', 'lazy', 'dog.'
paralist = []
for just in 'l', 'r', 'lr', 'c':
p = Para()
p.just = just
p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'p', 12), words[0], 1, 1)
for word in words[1:-1]:
p.addword(stdwin, None, word, 1, 1)
p.addword(stdwin, None, words[-1], 2, 4)
p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'b', 18), 'Bye!', 0, 0)
p.addword(stdwin, ('New York', 'p', 10), 'Bye!', 0, 0)
window ='Para.test()')
start = stop = selpara = None
while 1:
etype, win, detail = stdwin.getevent()
if etype == WE_CLOSE:
if etype == WE_SIZE:
window.change((0, 0), (1000, 1000))
if etype == WE_DRAW:
width, height = window.getwinsize()
d = None
d = window.begindrawing()
v = 0
for p in paralist:
v = p.render(d, 0, v, width)
if p == selpara and \
start <> None and stop <> None:
p.invert(d, start, stop)
if d: d.close()
if etype == WE_MOUSE_DOWN:
if selpara and start <> None and stop <> None:
d = window.begindrawing()
selpara.invert(d, start, stop)
start = stop = selpara = None
mouseh, mousev = detail[0]
for p in paralist:
start = p.whereis(stdwin, mouseh, mousev)
if start <> None:
selpara = p
if etype == WE_MOUSE_UP and start <> None and selpara:
mouseh, mousev = detail[0]
stop = selpara.whereis(stdwin, mouseh, mousev)
if stop == None: start = selpara = None
if start > stop:
start, stop = stop, start
d = window.begindrawing()
selpara.invert(d, start, stop)